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[Patch-gnuradio] Stream to vector overlap

From: Martin Braun
Subject: [Patch-gnuradio] Stream to vector overlap
Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2009 17:58:48 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.17 (2007-11-01)


the last thing that I am currently missing in the GR trunk is a
block that works like gr_stream_to_vector, but with a variable overlap.
Here's the code. Resemblance to gr_stream_to_vector was maximised,
perhaps these two blocks can be merged.
Together with the last two patches I sent in, the GR core has all the
stuff to easily implement non-parametric spectral estimation such as
Welch's method.


Dipl.-Ing. Martin Braun           Phone: +49-(0)721-608 3790
Institut fuer Nachrichtentechnik  Fax:   +49-(0)721-608 6071
Universitaet Karlsruhe (TH)

Attachment: patch_vecoverlap.diff
Description: Text Data

Attachment: pgpslgEq0to6W.pgp
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