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[pdf-devel] Hash Module implementation

From: gerel
Subject: [pdf-devel] Hash Module implementation
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2008 01:00:30 -0300

Well, I've finished the Hash Module implementation.

BTW, I prefered to use gl_list directly because otherwise I'd need to change the
List Module API or use both (gl_list and pdf_list) which was kind of
ugly. Anyway we may find a use for pdf_list_sorted_* in the future (I hope). :-)

It seems to work fine, Here is the integrated test I tried,

  pdf_hash_t table;
  int e1,e2,e3,e4, *pe;
  char *key;
  pdf_hash_iterator_t itr;
  e1 = 1;
  e2 = 2;
  e3 = 3;
  e4 = 4;

  pdf_hash_create (NULL, NULL, &table);
  pdf_hash_add (table, "00", &e1);
  pdf_hash_add (table, "ac", &e2);
  pdf_hash_add (table, "aa0", &e3);
  pdf_hash_add (table, "02", &e4);

  pdf_hash_iterator (table, &itr);
  while (pdf_hash_iterator_next (&itr, &key) == PDF_OK)
      pdf_hash_search (table, key, &pe);
      printf ("key:%s - val:%d\n", key, *pe);
  pdf_hash_iterator_free (&itr);

  pdf_hash_remove (table, "aa0");
  pdf_hash_search (table, "00", &pe);
  printf (":: %d\n", *pe);
  fail_if (pdf_hash_key_p (table, "00") != PDF_TRUE);
  fail_if (pdf_hash_rename (table, "00", "pepe") != PDF_OK);
  fail_if (pdf_hash_key_p (table, "00") != PDF_FALSE);
  fail_if (pdf_hash_key_p (table, "pepe") != PDF_TRUE);

  pdf_hash_iterator (table, &itr);
  while (pdf_hash_iterator_next (&itr, &key) == PDF_OK)
      pdf_hash_search (table, key, &pe);
      printf ("key:%s - val:%d\n", key, *pe);
  pdf_hash_iterator_free (&itr);

  pdf_hash_search (table, "pepe", &pe);
  printf (":: %d\n", *pe);

  pdf_hash_destroy (&table);


Here is the output,

key:00 - val:1
key:02 - val:4
key:aa0 - val:3
key:ac - val:2
:: 1
key:02 - val:4
key:ac - val:2
key:pepe - val:1
:: 1


I'm now working on some simple API tests, I'll send the patches over the week.



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