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[pdf-devel] Documentation inconsistencies

From: Zac Brown
Subject: [pdf-devel] Documentation inconsistencies
Date: Tue, 01 Jul 2008 19:25:30 -0700
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080505)

Was looking over the documentation on gnupdf.org for the filesystem 

The filesystem item on http://www.gnupdf.org/Lib:Architecture/Base_Layer/Filesystem_Module doesn't match the type declaration in src/base/pdf-fsys.h.

Whats listed in the documentation doesn't coincide completely with the structure below thats in the code.

On the following structure, I'll indicate what is unclear to me:

struct pdf_fsys_item_props_s
  pdf_bool_t is_hidden;
  pdf_bool_t is_read_only;
  pdf_bool_t is_checked_out; <--- this?
  pdf_bool_t is_published; <--- this?
  pdf_time_t creation_date;
  pdf_time_t modification_date;
  pdf_u32_t file_size_high;
  pdf_u32_t file_size_low;
  pdf_u32_t folder_size;
  pdf_u32_t creator_code; <--- this? (user id that made it?)
  pdf_u32_t type_code; <--- this? (type of file? exe, shortcut, etc)
  pdf_u32_t version_major; <--- this? (linux/windows version, ie: NT 5, 6 etc?)
  pdf_u32_t version_minor; <--- this? (minor release version, ie: .1, .2, etc?)



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