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Re: [pdf-devel] torture utils and test data files

From: jemarch
Subject: Re: [pdf-devel] torture utils and test data files
Date: Tue, 06 Jan 2009 17:52:00 +0100
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   Jemarch, if you agree I'm willing to automatize the unit testing
   documentation process.

I agree. It will prevent us to duplicate work documenting the tests.

   The idea would be to follow two rules:

   1. Define a format for the comments for each test procedure in the unit test
      files (the one used right now I guess is OK but I'm not sure if it's the
      one used for _every_ test file).

The current format should be currently used in every test file, but it
would need to be extended to support an easily-parseable list of used
data files. Can you send a proposal to the list?

   2. For each 'TDXXXXX' in 'torture/testdata' have a 'TDXXXXX.desc' text file 
      the test data description.


   Keeping to those rules I can try to write a perl script that generates the 
   Specification Document automatically. That means we need to write less 
   code. :-D

Ok, lets do it.

Some notes:

- The script could generate a texinfo file such as:


  and ./doc/gnupdf-tsd-data.texi would then @include it to get the
  dynamic data. In that way the script wont need to write down the
  entire document.

- The script should be called from doc/Makefile.am

- The script should maintain the current hierarchy of
  chapters/sections/etc if possible. Suggestion:

  + Four fixed chapters, one for each layer (we cannot iterate in the
    directories in torture/unit since nocheck/ is there, but it should
    not be a problem).

  + For each layer chapter, iterate in each torture/unit/LAYER/
    getting the short names for the modules (it is ok to use the short
    names in the TSD document).

  + Scan the files in torture/unit/LAYER/MODULE/*.c to extract the
  + Scan the TD*.desc files in torture/testdata to extract the
    documentation for the data files.

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