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[pdf-devel] [flyspray] Use the disk filesystem in pdf-filter

From: GNU PDF Library
Subject: [pdf-devel] [flyspray] Use the disk filesystem in pdf-filter
Date: Mon, 19 Jan 2009 21:45:51 +0100


A new Flyspray task has been opened. Details are below. User who did this - Jose E. Marchesi (jemarch)
Attached to Project - GNU PDF Library
Summary - Use the disk filesystem in pdf-filter
Task Type - Planned Task
Category - Build System
Status - NEXT
Assigned To - Operating System - All
Severity - Medium
Priority - Normal
Reported Version - START
Due in Version - BASE-LAYER-0
Due Date - Undecided
Details - The pdf-filter utility (implementation in utils/pdf-filter.[ch]) is 
currently using memory-based streams in both read and write mode (by default it 
uses write mode. The use of --readmode makes it to use read mode). Would be 
good to have the option to use the filesystem backend of the streams as well.

This task involves the following steps:

1) Implement two new command line options for pdf-filter:

  --input-file, -i
      Use a given file as the input.

  --output-file, -o
      Use a given file as the output. If the file already exists it is 

2) Make pdf-filter to use filesystem files (as implemented in the Filesystem 
Module) for both reading and writing data if -i and/or -o are specified in the 
command line.

More information can be found at the following URL:

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