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Re: [pdf-devel] FS#72 jpx filter implementation

From: Jose E . Marchesi
Subject: Re: [pdf-devel] FS#72 jpx filter implementation
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 21:17:25 +0200 (CEST)

Hi Gerel.
    Hi, I'm close to start this task. As noted on the task summary
    there are two possible libraries we can use to implement this
    filter. So, I wrote a review on each aspect I considered that was

Many thanks for working out this nice report.
    ## OpenJPEG
    BSD Licence.
    ## Jasper
    Jasper Licence (based on MIT licence).

Both licenses are GPLv3 compatible.
    ## OpenJPEG
    Not specified, though the source tree contains libs/libtiff and 

We need to check the licenses of any third party software distributed
with OpenJPEG.  They may be GPL-incompatible.
    ## Jasper
    For JPEG support needs the IJG library.  For jiv (image viewer)
    needs GLUT.

Same there.
    ## OpenJPEG
    Makefile (seems they use CMake)

I lightly tried to cross compile the library with mingw32 without
    "Unlike JasPer, another open-source JPEG 2000 implementation, OpenJPEG fully
    respects the JPEG 2000 specification and can compress/decompress lossless 

Even if jasper doesn't implement the full OpenJPEG standard, it would
be suitable for use in libgnupdf if it covers our needs.  Please check
in the PDF specification.

Jose E. Marchesi    address@hidden
GNU Project         http://www.gnu.org

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