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[pdf-tasks] [flyspray] Predictor Filter Implementation

From: GNU PDF Library
Subject: [pdf-tasks] [flyspray] Predictor Filter Implementation
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2011 21:35:34 +0100


The following task has a new comment added:

FS#48 - Predictor Filter Implementation
User who did this - Jose E. Marchesi (jemarch)

I wanted to put here some notes as a help to whoever ends up doing
this. The critical problem is buffering. The buffer size is not
settable by the filter itself. That means the buffer will not in
general contain a whole number of scanlines (or indeed an entire
scanline). I believe that the easiest way to handle this is to hold a
partial scanline carried from the previous buffer as part of the
filter. It would be better to split the implementation into DEC and
ENC parts as other filters do. This is already nearly present in the
code and not difficult to do. It simplifies things considerably. There
should be a note somewhere that PNG is not really PNG but PDF-PNG
which uses different constants (and allows TIFF!).

I hope this helps someone.


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