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[Phpgroupware-cvs] CVS: chora/templates/default annotate_footer.tpl,NONE

From: Miles Lott <address@hidden>
Subject: [Phpgroupware-cvs] CVS: chora/templates/default annotate_footer.tpl,NONE,1.1 annotate_header.tpl,NONE,1.1 annotate_line.tpl,NONE,1.1 common-footer.tpl,NONE,1.1 common-header.tpl,NONE,1.1 diff_header.tpl,NONE,1.1 diff_request.tpl,NONE,1.1 diff_rev.tpl,NONE,1.1 dir_back.tpl,NONE,1.1 dir_directory.tpl,NONE,1.1 dir_file.tpl,NONE,1.1 dir_footer.tpl,NONE,1.1 dir_header.tpl,NONE,1.1 error_page.tpl,NONE,1.1 history_blank.tpl,NONE,1.1 history_branch_cell.tpl,NONE,1.1 history_footer.tpl,NONE,1.1 history_header.tpl,NONE,1.1 history_rev.tpl,NONE,1.1 history_row_end.tpl,NONE,1.1 history_row_start.tpl,NONE,1.1 hr_diff_add.tpl,NONE,1.1 hr_diff_change.tpl,NONE,1.1 hr_diff_empty.tpl,NONE,1.1 hr_diff_footer.tpl,NONE,1.1 hr_diff_header.tpl,NONE,1.1 hr_diff_nochange.tpl,NONE,1.1 hr_diff_remove.tpl,NONE,1.1 hr_diff_row.tpl,NONE,1.1 notconfigured.tpl,NONE,1.1 page_footer.tpl,NONE,1.1 page_header.tpl,NONE,1.1
Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2002 16:01:19 -0400

Update of /cvsroot/phpgroupware/chora/templates/default
In directory subversions:/tmp/cvs-serv28410

Added Files:
        annotate_footer.tpl annotate_header.tpl annotate_line.tpl 
        common-footer.tpl common-header.tpl diff_header.tpl 
        diff_request.tpl diff_rev.tpl dir_back.tpl dir_directory.tpl 
        dir_file.tpl dir_footer.tpl dir_header.tpl error_page.tpl 
        history_blank.tpl history_branch_cell.tpl history_footer.tpl 
        history_header.tpl history_rev.tpl history_row_end.tpl 
        history_row_start.tpl hr_diff_add.tpl hr_diff_change.tpl 
        hr_diff_empty.tpl hr_diff_footer.tpl hr_diff_header.tpl 
        hr_diff_nochange.tpl hr_diff_remove.tpl hr_diff_row.tpl 
        notconfigured.tpl page_footer.tpl page_header.tpl 
Log Message:

--- NEW FILE ---

--- NEW FILE ---
<br />
<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" border="0" 
 <tr class="annotate-header">
  <th align="left">Author</th>
  <th align="left">Rev</th>
  <th align="left">Line</th>

--- NEW FILE ---
  <td class="annotate-author">
   <?php echo $author ?>
  <td class="annotate-rev">
   <a href="<?php echo $phpgw->link('/chora/checkout.php','where=' . $where . 
'&r=' . $rev . '&rt='.$rt) ?>"><?php echo $rev ?></a>
   <tt><?php echo $line ?></tt>

--- NEW FILE ---
<div align="center" class="small">
<a class="small" target="_blank" href="";><?php echo 


--- NEW FILE ---
        if(isset($language) && isset($nls['charsets'][$language]))
                header('Content-type: text/html; charset=' . 
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 

<!--          Chora: Copyright 2000-2001, The Horde Project.           -->
<!-- Horde Project: | Chora: -->
<!--     GNU Public License:      -->

        /* Print the page title. */
        $page_title = '';
                $page_title .= $conf['sitename'];
                $page_title .= ' :: ' . $title;
        if(!empty($refresh_time) && ($refresh_time > 0) && !empty($refresh_url))
                echo "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" 
<title><?php echo $page_title ?></title>
<link href="<?php echo $conf['horde']['paths']['root'] ?>/css.php?app=chora" 
rel="stylesheet" text="text/css" />
<body onload="<?php echo $js_onLoad ?>">

--- NEW FILE ---
<br />

--- NEW FILE ---
<a name="diff"></a>
<br />
<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4">
<tr class="diff-request"><td>
This form allows you to request diff's between any two
revisions of a file.  You may select a symbolic revision
name using the selection box or you may type in a numeric
name using the type-in text box.
<tr class="diff-request"><td>
<form method="POST" action="<?php echo 
$phpgw->link('/chora/diff.php','rt='.$rt.'&where=' . $where); ?>">
<?php echo generateHiddens() ?>
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" border="0">
Retrieve diffs between:
<select name="r1">
  <option value="0" selected="selected">Use Text Field</option>
  <?php echo $sel ?>
<input type="text" size="12" name="tr1" value="<?php echo $diffValueLeft ?>" />
<select name="f">
 <option value="h" selected="selected">Human Readable</option>
 <option value="u">Unified</option>
 <option value="c">Context</option>
 <option value="s">Side-by-Side</option>
 <option value="e">Ed Script</option>
</select> &nbsp;
<select name="r2">
  <option value="0" selected="selected">Use Text Field</option>
  <?php echo $sel ?>
<input type="text" size="12" name="tr2" value="<?php echo $diffValueRight ?>" />
<td><input class="button" type="submit" value="Get Diffs" /></td>
<tr class="diff-request"><td>
<form method="POST" action="<?php echo 
$phpgw->link('/chora/cvs.php','rt='.$rt.'&where=' . $where) ?>">
<?php echo generateHiddens() ?>
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" border="0">
<tr><td>View revisions on:</td>
<select name="onb">
  <option value="0" <?php if (!isset($onb) || !$onb) echo ' 
selected="selected"' ?>>All Branches</option>
  <?php echo $selAllBranches ?>
</select> &nbsp;
<input class="button" type="submit" value="View Branch" />

--- NEW FILE ---
<a name="rev<?php echo $rev ?>" />
<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" class="diff-back">
<tr class="diff-back"><td width="100%"> 
<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" class="diff-back">
<tr class="diff-header"><td align="left">
<a href="<?php echo $textURL ?>"><span class="title"><?php echo $rev 
?></span></a> by <?php echo $author ?>
</td><td align="right">
<?php echo $commitDate ?> <i>(<?php echo $readableDate ?> ago)</i>
<tr valign="top" class="diff-back">
<td width="35%">
<?php if (!empty($commitTags)): ?>
CVS Tags: <b><?php echo $commitTags ?></b>
<br />
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if (!empty($branchPoints)): ?>
Branch Point for: <b><?php echo $branchPoints ?></b>
<br />
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if (!empty($prevRevision)): ?>
Changed since <b><?php echo $prevRevision ?></b>: <?php echo $changedLines ?>
<br />
<a href="<?php echo $diffURL ?>">Diffs to version <?php echo $prevRevision 
(<a href="<?php echo $uniDiffURL ?>">unified</a>)
<br />
<?php endif; ?>
<a href="<?php echo $phpgw->link('/chora/history.php','rt='.$rt.'&where=' . 
$where . '&rev' . $rev) ?>">Visual Branch View</a>
<br />
<a href="<?php echo $phpgw->link('/chora/annotate.php','rt='.$rt.'&where=' . 
$where . '&rev=' . $rev) ?>">Annotate</a>
</td><td class="diff-log" width="65%">
<?php echo $logMessage ?>

--- NEW FILE ---
<tr class="item0">
   <a href="<?php echo $url ?>">
   <img src="<?php echo graphic('back.gif') ?>" border="0" width="16" 
height="16" alt="Back" />
   Previous Directory</a>
 <td> &nbsp; </td>
 <td> &nbsp; </td>
 <td> &nbsp; </td>
 <td> &nbsp; </td>

--- NEW FILE ---
<tr class="item<?php echo $dirrow ?>">
   <a href="<?php echo $url ?>">
   <img src="<?php echo graphic('folder.gif') ?>" width="16" height="16" 
border="0" alt="Directory" />
   <?php echo $currDir ?>/</a>
 <td> &nbsp; </td>
 <td> &nbsp; </td>
 <td> &nbsp; </td>
 <td> &nbsp; </td>

--- NEW FILE ---
<tr class="<?php echo $attic?'attic':"item$dirrow" ?>">
 <td nowrap="nowrap">
   <a href="<?php echo $url ?>">
<?php if ($attic) : ?>
   <img src="<?php echo graphic('deleted.gif') ?>" border="0" width="16" 
height="16" alt="Deleted File" />
<?php else: ?>
   <img src="<?php echo graphic('text.gif') ?>" border="0" width="16" 
height="16" alt="File" />
<?php endif; ?>
   <?php echo $name ?></a>
   &nbsp;<b><a href="<?php echo $phpgw->link('/chora/checkout.php', 'where=' . 
$fileName . '&r=' . $head . '&rt='.$rt) ?>"><?php echo $head ?></a></b>
   &nbsp;<?php echo $author ?>
 <td nowrap="nowrap">
   <i><?php echo $readableDate ?></i>
 <td nowrap="nowrap">
   <?php if (!empty($log)) : ?>
   <?php echo htmlspecialchars($shortLog) ?>
   <?php endif; ?>

--- NEW FILE ---

--- NEW FILE ---
<br />

<table class="outline-lite" width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="1" 
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2">
 <tr class="header">
  <th class="<?php echo $acts['sbt']==CVSLIB_SORT_NAME?'header-sel':'' ?>" 
    <a href="<?php echo $url['name'] ?>"><img src="<?php echo 
graphic($acts['ord']?'up.gif':'down.gif') ?>" border="0" alt="Sort Order" 
    <a href="<?php echo $url['name'] ?>">File</a>
  <th class="<?php echo $acts['sbt']==CVSLIB_SORT_REV?'header-sel':'' ?>" 
align="left" nowrap="nowrap">
    <a href="<?php echo $url['rev'] ?>"><img src="<?php echo 
graphic($acts['ord']?'up.gif':'down.gif') ?>" border="0" alt="Sort Order" 
    <a href="<?php echo $url['rev'] ?>">Rev</a>
  <th class="<?php echo $acts['sbt']==CVSLIB_SORT_AUTHOR?'header-sel':'' ?>" 
align="left" nowrap="nowrap">
    <a href="<?php echo $url['author'] ?>"><img src="<?php echo 
graphic($acts['ord']?'up.gif':'down.gif') ?>" border="0" alt="Sort Order" 
    <a href="<?php echo $url['author'] ?>">Author</a>
  <th class="<?php echo $acts['sbt']==CVSLIB_SORT_AGE?'header-sel':'' ?>" 
align="left" nowrap="nowrap">
    <a href="<?php echo $url['age'] ?>"><img src="<?php echo 
graphic($acts['ord']?'up.gif':'down.gif') ?>" border="0" alt="Sort Order" 
    <a href="<?php echo $url['age'] ?>">Date</a>
  <th align="left">Last Log</th>

--- NEW FILE ---
<h2>Error Encountered - <?php echo $errcode ?></h2>
<p />
<b><?php echo $errmsg ?></b>
<p />
<hr />
Please contact <a href="mailto:<?php echo $conf['options']['adminEmail'] ?>">
<?php echo $conf['options']['adminName'] ?></a> for further information.

--- NEW FILE ---
<td <?php echo $bg?"style=\"background-color: $bg\"":'' ?>> &nbsp; </td>

--- NEW FILE ---
<td style="background-color: <?php echo $bg ?>" nowrap="nowrap" align="center">
Branching to:<br />
<span class="title"><?php echo $symname ?></span>
<br />
<i>(revision <?php echo $rev ?></i>)

--- NEW FILE ---

--- NEW FILE ---
<br />
<table cellspacing="4" cellpadding="3" border="0">

--- NEW FILE ---
<td style="background-color: <?php echo $bg ?>" nowrap="nowrap">
 <a name="rev<?php echo $rev ?>" />
 <a href="<?php echo $phpgw->link('/chora/cvs.php','where=' . $where . '&r=' . 
$rev . 'rev' . $rev) ?>">
 <span class="title"><?php echo $rev ?></span></a> by <?php echo $author ?> <br 
 <i><?php echo $date ?></i>
<?php if (!empty($lines)): ?>
 <br />Changed: <?php echo $lines ?>
<?php endif ?>

--- NEW FILE ---

--- NEW FILE ---

--- NEW FILE ---
 <td class="hr-diff-grey">&nbsp;</td>
 <td class="hr-diff-add"><tt><?php echo $line ?></tt></td>

--- NEW FILE ---
<?php if (!empty($left)): ?>
  <td class="hr-diff-change">
   <tt><?php echo $left ?></tt>
<?php else: ?>
  <td class="hr-diff-nochange">&nbsp;</td>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if (!empty($right)): ?>
  <td class="hr-diff-change">
   <tt><?php echo $right ?></tt>
<?php else: ?>
  <td class="hr-diff-nochange">&nbsp;</td>
<?php endif; ?>

--- NEW FILE ---
<tr class="hr-diff-context">
 <td><tt><?php echo $line ?></tt></td>
 <td><tt><?php echo $line ?></tt></td>

--- NEW FILE ---
<br />
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> 
   <th class="hr-diff-back" colspan="3">Legend:</th>
   <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
      <td align="center" class="hr-diff-remove">Removed in v.<?php echo $r1 
      <td class="hr-diff-grey">&nbsp;</td>
     <tr class="hr-diff-change">
      <td align="center" colspan="2">changed lines</td>
      <td class="hr-diff-grey">&nbsp;</td>
      <td align="center" class="hr-diff-add">Added in v.<?php echo $r2 ?></td>

--- NEW FILE ---
<br />
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
<tr class="hr-diff-back">
 <th width="50%">version <?php echo $r1 ?></th>
 <th width="50%">version <?php echo $r2 ?></th>

--- NEW FILE ---
  <td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td>
<tr class="hr-diff-grey">
  <td colspan="2" align="center">
    <b>- No Viewable Change -</b>

--- NEW FILE ---
  <td class="hr-diff-remove">
    <tt><?php echo $line ?></tt>
  <td class="hr-diff-grey">&nbsp;</td>

--- NEW FILE ---
<tr class="hr-diff-linenum">
 <td width="50%">
   &nbsp; <b>Line <?php echo $lefthead ?> </b>
   &nbsp;<?php echo $headfunc ?>
 <td width="50%">
   &nbsp; <b>Line <?php echo $righthead ?> </b>
   &nbsp;<?php echo $headfunc ?>

--- NEW FILE ---
<table border="0" align="center" width="500" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="4">
<tr><td colspan="2" class="header"><b><?php echo "Some of Chora's configuration 
files are missing:" ?></td></tr>

<?php if (address@hidden('./config/conf.php')): ?>
  <td align="right" class="smallheader"><b>conf.php</b></td>
  <td class="light"><?php echo 'This is the main Chora configuration file. It 
contains paths and options for all Chora scripts.' ?></td>
<?php endif; ?>

<?php if (address@hidden('./config/cvsroots.php')): ?>
  <td align="right" class="smallheader"><b>cvsroots.php</b></td>
  <td class="light"><?php echo 'This file defines all of the cvsroots that you 
wish Chora to display.'; ?></td>
<?php endif; ?>

<?php if (address@hidden('./config/html.php')): ?>
  <td align="right" class="smallheader"><b>html.php</b></td>
  <td class="light"><?php echo 'This file controls the stylesheet that is used 
to set colors and fonts in addition to or overriding Horde defaults.' ?></td>
<?php endif; ?>

<?php if (address@hidden('./config/mime.php')): ?>
  <td align="right" class="smallheader"><b>mime.php</b></td>
  <td class="light"><?php echo 'This file defines how Chora recognizes MIME 
file types.' ?></td>
<?php endif; ?>


--- NEW FILE ---
<br />
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="100%">
<td align="left">
<a class="footer" href="mailto:<?php echo $conf['options']['adminEmail'] 
?>"><?php echo $conf['options']['adminName'] ?></a>
<td align="right">
<a href="";><img 
src=""; alt="Valid XHTML 1.0!" height="31" 
width="88" border="0" /></a>

--- NEW FILE ---
<link href="<?php echo $phpgw->link('/chora/css.php') ?>" rel="stylesheet" 
type="text/css" /> 
<table width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" border="0">
<tr class="menuhead"><td>
<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<tr class="menuhead" valign="middle">
<td align="left" class="menuhead">
<span class="title"><?php echo $title ?></span>
<td align="right">
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td align="right">
<img src="<?php echo graphic('chora.gif'); ?>" width="16" height="16" 
border="0" alt="Chora Homepage" />
<td align="left">
<a href=""; class="menuhead">CHORA</a>
<tr class="menu"><td>
<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" border="0">
Location: <b>
[ <a href="<?php echo $phpgw->link('/chora/cvs.php','&rt='.$rt) ?>"><?php echo 
$conf['options']['cvsRootName'] ?></a> ]

        while (list($null,$dir) = each($wherePath_arr))
                $wherePath = $wherePath . '/' . $dir;
                if ($dir == 'Attic' || $dir=='')
/ <a href="<?php echo $phpgw->link('/chora/cvs.php','where=' . $wherePath) 
?>"><?php echo $dir ?></a>
        if (isset($onb) && $onb)
&nbsp; &nbsp; <i>(Tracking Branch <b><?php echo $onb ?></b>)</i>
        if ($where == '' && sizeof($cvsroots) > 1)
&nbsp; &nbsp;
                echo repositories();
        if (!empty($extraLink))
<td align="right">
                echo $extraLink;
        if ($where == '' && @is_file($conf['paths']['introText']))
<tr class="info">

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