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[Phpgroupware-cvs] CVS: infolog/inc,1.2,1.3

From: Ralf Becker <address@hidden>
Subject: [Phpgroupware-cvs] CVS: infolog/inc,1.2,1.3
Date: Mon, 02 Sep 2002 17:43:12 -0400

Update of /cvsroot/phpgroupware/infolog/inc
In directory subversions:/tmp/cvs-serv31557

Modified Files: 
Log Message:
added app_list and debuged the other functions

RCS file: /cvsroot/phpgroupware/infolog/inc/,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -C2 -r1.2 -r1.3
***        2 Sep 2002 11:14:30 -0000       1.2
---        2 Sep 2002 21:43:10 -0000       1.3
*** 22,25 ****
--- 22,26 ----
        @class bolink
        @author ralfbecker
+       @author ralfbecker
        @abstract generalized linking between entries of phpGroupware apps - BO 
        @discussion This class is the BO-layer of the links
*** 31,43 ****
                var $app_register = array(              // this should be 
setup/extended by setup
-                       'infolog' => array(
-                               'query' => 'infolog.boinfolog.link_query',
-                               'title' => 'infolog.boinfolog.link_title',
-                               'view' => array(
-                                       'menuaction' => 
-                                       'action' => 'sp'
-                               ),
-                               'view_id' => 'info_id',
-                       ),
                        'addressbook' => array(
                                'query' => 'addressbook_query',
--- 32,35 ----
*** 60,67 ****
                                'title' => 'calendar_title',
                                'view' => array (
!                                       'menuaction' => 
                                'view_id' => 'cal_id'
!                       ) /*,
                        'email' => array(
                                'view' => array(
--- 52,59 ----
                                'title' => 'calendar_title',
                                'view' => array (
!                                       'menuaction' => 
                                'view_id' => 'cal_id'
!                       ), /*
                        'email' => array(
                                'view' => array(
*** 69,84 ****
                                'view_id' => 'msgball[acctnum:folder:msgnum]'   
// id is a tupple/array, fields separated by ':'
!                       ) */
                function bolink( )
!                       solink( );                                              
                        // call constructor of derived class
                        $this->public_functions += array(       // extend the 
public_functions of solink
!                               'query'      => True,
                                'title' => True,
                function check_method($method,&$class,&$func)
--- 61,103 ----
                                'view_id' => 'msgball[acctnum:folder:msgnum]'   
// id is a tupple/array, fields separated by ':'
!                       ), */
!                       'infolog' => array(
!                               'query' => 'infolog.boinfolog.link_query',
!                               'title' => 'infolog.boinfolog.link_title',
!                               'view' => array(
!                                       'menuaction' => 
!                                       'action' => 'sp'
!                               ),
!                               'view_id' => 'info_id',
!                       )
                function bolink( )
!                       $this->solink( );                                       
                // call constructor of derived class
                        $this->public_functions += array(       // extend the 
public_functions of solink
!                               'query' => True,
                                'title' => True,
+               /*!
+               @function app_list
+               @syntax app_list(   )
+               @author ralfbecker
+               @abstrac get list/array of link-aware apps
+               @result array( $app => lang($app), ... )
+               */
+               function app_list( )
+               {
+                       reset ($this->app_register);
+                       $apps = array();
+                       while (list($app,$reg) = each($this->app_register))
+                       {
+                               $apps[$app] = lang($app);
+                       }
+                       return $apps;
+               }
                function check_method($method,&$class,&$func)
*** 87,92 ****
!               @function query
!               @syntax query( $app,$pattern )
                @author ralfbecker
                @abstract Searches for a $pattern in the entries of $app
--- 106,111 ----
!               @function query
!               @syntax query( $app,$pattern )
                @author ralfbecker
                @abstract Searches for a $pattern in the entries of $app
*** 95,110 ****
                function query($app,$pattern)
!                       if ($app == '' || !is_array($reg = 
$this->app_register[$app]) || !is_set[$reg['query']])
                                return array();
                        $method = $reg['query'];
!                       return strchr('.',$method) ? 
ExecuteMethod($method,$pattern) : $this->$method($pattern);
!               @function title
!               @syntax title( $app,$id )
                @author ralfbecker
                @abstract returns the title (short description) of entry $id 
and $app
--- 114,130 ----
                function query($app,$pattern)
!                       if ($app == '' || !is_array($reg = 
$this->app_register[$app]) || !isset($reg['query']))
                                return array();
                        $method = $reg['query'];
+                       echo "<p>bolink.query('$app','$pattern') => 
!                       return strchr($method,'.') ? 
ExecMethod($method,$pattern) : $this->$method($pattern);
!               @function title
!               @syntax title( $app,$id )
                @author ralfbecker
                @abstract returns the title (short description) of entry $id 
and $app
*** 113,117 ****
                function title($app,$id)
!                       if ($app == '' || !is_array($reg = 
$this->app_register[$app]) || !is_set[$reg['title']])
                                return array();
--- 133,137 ----
                function title($app,$id)
!                       if ($app == '' || !is_array($reg = 
$this->app_register[$app]) || !is_set($reg['title']))
                                return array();
*** 119,128 ****
                        $method = $reg['title'];
!                       return strchr('.',$method) ? ExecuteMethod($method,$id) 
: $this->$method($id);
!               @function calendar_title
!               @syntax calendar_title(  $id  )
                @author ralfbecker
                @abstract get title for an event, should be moved to 
--- 139,148 ----
                        $method = $reg['title'];
!                       return strchr($method,'.') ? ExecuteMethod($method,$id) 
: $this->$method($id);
!               @function calendar_title
!               @syntax calendar_title(  $id  )
                @author ralfbecker
                @abstract get title for an event, should be moved to 
*** 150,155 ****
!               @function calendar_query
!               @syntax calendar_query(  $pattern  )
                @author ralfbecker
                @abstract query calendar for an event $matching pattern, should 
be moved to bocalendar.link_query
--- 170,175 ----
!               @function calendar_query
!               @syntax calendar_query(  $pattern  )
                @author ralfbecker
                @abstract query calendar for an event $matching pattern, should 
be moved to bocalendar.link_query
*** 161,165 ****
                                $this->bocal = 
!                       $event_ids = $this->bocal->search_keywords($query_name);
                        $content = array( );
--- 181,185 ----
                                $this->bocal = 
!                       $event_ids = $this->bocal->search_keywords($pattern);
                        $content = array( );
*** 172,177 ****
!               @function addressbook_title
!               @syntax addressbook_title(  $id  )
                @author ralfbecker
                @abstract get title for an address, should be moved to 
--- 192,197 ----
!               @function addressbook_title
!               @syntax addressbook_title(  $id  )
                @author ralfbecker
                @abstract get title for an address, should be moved to 
*** 207,212 ****
!               @function addressbook_query
!               @syntax addressbook_query(  $pattern  )
                @author ralfbecker
                @abstract query addressbook for $pattern, should be moved to 
--- 227,232 ----
!               @function addressbook_query
!               @syntax addressbook_query(  $pattern  )
                @author ralfbecker
                @abstract query addressbook for $pattern, should be moved to 
*** 218,222 ****
                                $this->contacts = 
!                       $addrs = $contacts->read( 
0,0,'',$query_name,'','DESC','org_name,n_family,n_given' );
                        $content = array( );
                        while ($addrs && list( $key,$addr ) = each( $addrs ))
--- 238,242 ----
                                $this->contacts = 
!                       $addrs = $this->contacts->read( 
0,0,'',$pattern,'','DESC','org_name,n_family,n_given' );
                        $content = array( );
                        while ($addrs && list( $key,$addr ) = each( $addrs ))
*** 224,232 ****
                                $content[$addr['id']] = 
$this->addressbook_title( $addr );
!               @function projects_title
!               @syntax projects_title(  $id  )
                @author ralfbecker
                @abstract get title for a project, should be moved to 
--- 244,253 ----
                                $content[$addr['id']] = 
$this->addressbook_title( $addr );
+                       return $content;
!               @function projects_title
!               @syntax projects_title(  $id  )
                @author ralfbecker
                @abstract get title for a project, should be moved to 
*** 242,246 ****
                        if (!is_array($proj))
!                               $proj = $this->boprojects->read_single_project( 
$proj ))
                        return $proj['title'];
--- 263,267 ----
                        if (!is_array($proj))
!                               $proj = $this->boprojects->read_single_project( 
$proj );
                        return $proj['title'];
*** 248,257 ****
!               @function projects_query
!               @syntax projects_query(  $pattern  )
                @author ralfbecker
                @abstract query for projects matching $pattern, should be moved 
to boprojects.link_query
!               function projects_title( $pattern )
                        if (!is_object($this->boprojects))
--- 269,278 ----
!               @function projects_query
!               @syntax projects_query(  $pattern  )
                @author ralfbecker
                @abstract query for projects matching $pattern, should be moved 
to boprojects.link_query
!               function projects_query( $pattern )
                        if (!is_object($this->boprojects))

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