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[Phpgroupware-cvs] phpgroupware/ipc_test_suite/sources/api/class.ipc_.i

From: nomail
Subject: [Phpgroupware-cvs] phpgroupware/ipc_test_suite/sources/api/,
Date: Thu, 20 May 2004 13:24:43 -0000

Update of /phpgroupware/ipc_test_suite/sources/api
Added Files:
        Branch: Version-0_9_16-branch

date: 2004/04/05 19:42:01;  author: mkaemmerer;  state: Exp;  lines: +111 -0

Log Message:
- updated to new version from dirk
No syntax errors detected in -
        * Abstract IPC Application class for the IPC Layer
        * @author Dirk Schaller <address@hidden>
        * @copyright Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
        * @license GNU Lesser General 
Public License
        * @package phpgwapi
        * @subpackage communication
        * @version $Id:,v 2004/04/05 19:42:01 
mkaemmerer Exp $

        * Abstract IPC Application class for the IPC Layer
        * @package phpgwapi
        * @subpackage communication
        * @abstract
        class ipc_
                * Constructor
                * @abstract
                function ipc_()
                        die('call abstract method: 

                * Add data in a certain mime type format to the application.
                * @abstract
                * @param mixed $data data for adding to the application, the 
datatype depends on the mime type
                * @param string $type specifies the mime type of the passed data
                * @param string $version specifies the mime type version of the 
passed data
                * @return integer id of the added data
                function addData($data, $type, $version='')
                        die('call abstract method: 

                * Checks if data for the passed id exists.
                * @abstract
                * @param integer $id id to check
                * @return boolean true if the data with id exist, otherwise 
                function existData($id)
                        die('call abstract method: 

                * Get data from the application in a certain mime type format.
                * @abstract
                * @param integer $id id of data to get from the application
                * @param string $type specifies the mime type of the returned 
                * @param string $version specifies the mime type version of the 
returned data
                * @return mixed data from application, the datatype depends on 
the passed mime type, false if no data exists for the passed id
                function getData($id, $type, $version='')
                        die('call abstract method: 

                * Return a list with the available id's in the application.
                * The optional lastmod parameter allows a limitations of the 
data id list.
                * The list contains all the id's of the modified data since the 
passed lastmod timestamp.
                * @abstract
                * @param integer $lastmod last modification time, default is -1 
and means return all data id's
                * @return array list of data id's
                function getIdList($lastmod=-1)
                        die('call abstract method: 

                * Remove data of the passed id.
                * @abstract
                * @param integer $id id of data to remove from the application
                * @return boolean true if the data is removed, otherwise false
                function removeData($id)
                        die('call abstract method: 

                * Replace the existing data of the passed id with the passed 
data in a certain mime type format.
                * @abstract
                * @param integer $id id of data to replace
                * @param mixed $data the new data, the datatype depends on the 
passed mime type
                * @param string $type specifies the mime type of the passed data
                * @param string $version specifies the mime type version of the 
passed data (still not supported)
                * @return boolean true if the data is replaced, otherwise false
                function replaceData($id, $data, $type, $version='')
                        die('call abstract method: 

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