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[Phpgroupware-cvs] calendar/class.icalendar.php,

From: nomail
Subject: [Phpgroupware-cvs] calendar/class.icalendar.php,
Date: Thu, 20 May 2004 20:48:31 -0000

Update of /calendar
Added Files:
        Branch: proposal-branch

date: 2004/04/16 21:21:51;  author: seek3r;  state: Exp;  lines: +840 -0

Log Message:
bringing savannah cvs back up to date with what we were doing on our private 
cvs server. We will not be doing dev from this cvs tree
No syntax errors detected in -
        * phpGroupWare                                                          
        * This file written by Mike Cochrane <address@hidden>              *
        * Ported from Horde by Dan Kuykendall <address@hidden>                 *
        * Copyright (C) 2003 Mike Cochrane, Dan Kuykendall                      
        * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 
it  *
        * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the 
        * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at 
your   *
        * option) any later version.                                            

        /* $Id: class.icalendar.php,v 2004/04/16 21:21:51 seek3r Exp $ 
        /* $Source: /cvsroot/phpgroupware/calendar/Attic/class.icalendar.php,v 
$ */

class calendar_icalendar {

    var $_container = null;

    var $_attributes = array();

    var $_components = array();

     * According to RFC 2425, we should always use CRLF-terminated
     * lines.
     * @var string $_newline
    var $_newline = "\r\n";

     * Set the value of an attribute.
     * @param string  $name   The name of the attribute.
     * @param string  $value  The value of the attribute.
     * @param array   $params (optional) Array containing any addition
     *                        parameters for this attribute.
     * @param boolean $append (optional) true to append the attribute, false
     *                        to replace the first matching attribute found.
    function setAttribute($name, $value, $params = array(), $append = true)
        $found = $append;
        $keys = array_keys($this->_attributes);
        foreach ($keys as $key) {
            if ($found) break;
            if ($this->_attributes[$key]['name'] == $name) {
                $this->_attributes[$key]['params'] = $params;
                $this->_attributes[$key]['value'] = $value;
                $found = true;

        if ($append || !$found) {
            $this->_attributes[] = array(
                'name'      => $name,
                'params'    => $params,
                'value'     => $value

     * Get the value of an attribute.
     * @param string  $name   The name of the attribute.
     * @param boolean $params Return the parameters for this attribute
     *                        instead of its value.
     * @return mixed    (boolean) false if the attribute does not exist.
     *                  (string)  The value of the attribute.
     *                  (array)   The parameters for the attribute or
     *                            multiple values for an attribute.
    function getAttribute($name, $params = false)
        $result = array();
        foreach ($this->_attributes as $attribute) {
            if ($attribute['name'] == $name) {
                if ($params) {
                    $result[] = $attribute['params'];
                } else {
                    $result[] = $attribute['value'];
        if (count($result) == 0) {
//            return PEAR::raiseError('Attribute "' . $name . '" Not Found');
        } if (count($result) == 1 && !$params) {
            return $result[0];
        } else {
            return $result;

     * Remove all occurences of an attribute.
     * @param string  $name   The name of the attribute.
    function removeAttribute($name)
        $keys = array_keys($this->_attributes);
        foreach ($keys as $key) {
            if ($this->_attributes[$key]['name'] == $name) {

     * Get all attributes.
     * @return array  Array containing all the attributes and their types.
    function getAllAttributes()
        return $this->_attributes;

     * Add a vCalendar component (eg vEvent, vTimezone, etc.).
     * @param object calendar_icalendar $component  Component (subclass) to add.
    function addComponent($component)
        if (is_a($component, 'calendar_icalendar')) {
            $this->_components[] = &$component;

     * Retrieve all the components.
     * @return array  Array of calendar_icalendar objects.
    function getComponents()
        return $this->_components;

     * Retrieve a specific component.
     * @param integer $idx  The index of the object to retrieve.
     * @return mixed    (boolean) false if the index does not exist.
     *                  (icalendar_*) The requested component.
    function getComponent($idx)
        if (isset($this->_components[$idx])) {
            return $this->_components[$idx];
        } else {
            return false;

     * Locates the first child component of the specified class, and
     * returns a reference to this component.
     * @param string $type  The type of component to find.
     * @return mixed    (boolean) false if no subcomponent of the specified
     *                            class exists.
     *                  (icalendar_*) A reference to the requested component.
    function &findComponent($childclass)
        $childclass = 'icalendar_' . String::lower($childclass);
        $keys = array_keys($this->_components);
        foreach ($keys as $key) {
            if (is_a($this->_components[$key], $childclass)) {
                return $this->_components[$key];

        return false;

     * Clears the iCalendar object (resets the components and
     * attributes arrays).
    function clear()
        $this->_components = array();
        $this->_attributes = array();

     * Export as vCalendar format.
    function exportvCalendar()
        // Default values.
        $requiredAttributes['VERSION'] = '2.0';
        $requiredAttributes['PRODID'] = '-//The phpGroupWare 
Project//calendar_icalendar Library, phpGroupWare 1.9-cvs //EN';
        $requiredAttributes['METHOD'] = 'PUBLISH';

        foreach ($requiredAttributes as $name => $default_value) {
            if (is_a($this->getattribute($name), 'PEAR_Error')) {
                $this->setAttribute($name, $default_value);

        return $this->_exportvData('VCALENDAR') . $this->_newline;

     * Parse a string containing vCalendar data.
     * @param string  $text  The data to parse.
     * @param string  $base  The type of the base object.
     * @param boolean $clear (optional) true to clear() the iCal object before 
    function parsevCalendar($text, $base = 'VCALENDAR', $clear = true)
        if ($clear) {

        if (preg_match('/(BEGIN:' . $base . '\r?\n)([\W\w]*)(END:' . $base . 
'\r?\n?)/', $text, $matches)) {
            $vCal = $matches[2];
        } else {
            return false;

        // All subcomponents.
        $matches = null;
$vCal, $matches)) {
            foreach ($matches[0] as $key => $data) {
                $type = $matches[1][$key];

                                                                $component = 
createObject('calendar_icalendar_'.strtolower(trim($type)), $this);

                //$component = &Horde_iCalendar::newComponent(trim($type), 


                // Remove from the vCalendar data.
                $vCal = str_replace($data, '', $vCal);

        // Unfold any folded lines.
        $vCal = preg_replace ('/(\r|\n)+ /', ' ', $vCal);

        // Parse the remaining attributes.
        if (preg_match_all('/(.*):(.*)(\r|\n)+/', $vCal, $matches)) {
            foreach ($matches[0] as $attribute) {
                preg_match('/([^;^:]*)((;[^:]*)?):(.*)/', $attribute, $parts);
                $tag = $parts[1];
                $value = $parts[4];
                $params = array();

                if (!empty($parts[2])) {
                    preg_match_all('/;(([^;=]*)(=([^;]*))?)/', $parts[2], 
                    foreach ($param_parts[2] as $key => $paramName) {
                        $paramValue = $param_parts[4][$key];
                        $params[$paramName] = $paramValue;

                switch ($tag) {
                case 'DESCRIPTION':
                    $value = preg_replace('/\\\\,/', ',', $value);
                    $value = preg_replace('/\\\\n/', $this->_newline, $value);
                    $this->setAttribute($tag, $value, $params);

                // Date fields.
                case 'DTSTAMP':
                case 'COMPLETED':
                case 'CREATED':
                case 'LAST-MODIFIED':
                    $this->setAttribute($tag, $this->_parseDateTime($value), 

                case 'DTEND':
                case 'DTSTART':
                case 'DUE':
                case 'RECURRENCE-ID':
                    if (isset($params['VALUE']) && $params['VALUE'] == 'DATE') {
                        $this->setAttribute($tag, $this->_parseDate($value), 
                    } else {
$this->_parseDateTime($value), $params);

                case 'RDATE':
                    if (isset($params['VALUE'])) {
                        if ($params['VALUE'] == 'DATE') {
$this->_parseDate($value), $params);
                        } elseif ($params['VALUE'] == 'PERIOD') {
$this->_parsePeriod($value), $params);
                        } else {
$this->_parseDateTime($value), $params);
                    } else {
$this->_parseDateTime($value), $params);

                case 'TRIGGER':
                    if (isset($params['VALUE'])) {
                        if ($params['VALUE'] == 'DATE-TIME') {
$this->_parseDateTime($value), $params);
                        } else {
$this->_parseDuration($value), $params);
                    } else {
$this->_parseDuration($value), $params);

                // Comma seperated dates.
                case 'EXDATE':
                    $values = array();
                    $dates = array();
                    preg_match_all('/,([^,]*)/', ',' . $value, $values);

                    foreach ($values as $value) {
                        if (isset($params['VALUE'])) {
                            if ($params['VALUE'] == 'DATE-TIME') {
                                $dates[] = $this->_parseDateTime($value);
                            } elseif ($params['VALUE'] == 'DATE') {
                                $dates[] = $this->_parseDate($value);
                        } else {
                            $dates[] = $this->_parseDateTime($value);
                    $this->setAttribute($tag, $dates, $params);

                // Duration fields.
                case 'DURATION':
                    $this->setAttribute($tag, $this->_parseDuration($value), 

                // Period of time fields.
                case 'FREEBUSY':
                    $values = array();
                    $periods = array();
                    preg_match_all('/,([^,]*)/', ',' . $value, $values);
                    foreach ($values[1] as $value) {
                        $periods[] = $this->_parsePeriod($value);

                    $this->setAttribute($tag, $periods, $params);

                // UTC offset fields.
                case 'TZOFFSETFROM':
                case 'TZOFFSETTO':
                    $this->setAttribute($tag, $this->_parseUtcOffset($value), 

                // Integer fields.
                case 'PERCENT-COMPLETE':
                case 'PRIORITY':
                case 'REPEAT':
                case 'SEQUENCE':
                    $this->setAttribute($tag, intval($value), $params);

                // Geo fields.
                case 'GEO':
                    $floats = split(';', $value);
                    $value['latitude'] = floatval($floats[0]);
                    $value['longitude'] = floatval($floats[1]);
                    $this->setAttribute($tag, $value, $params);

                // Recursion fields.
                case 'EXRULE':
                case 'RRULE':

                // String fields.
                    $this->setAttribute($tag, trim($value), $params);

        return true;

     * Export this component in vCal format.
     * @param string $base  (optional) The type of the base object.
     * @return string  vCal format data.
    function _exportvData($base = 'VCALENDAR')
        $result  = 'BEGIN:' . $base . $this->_newline;

        foreach ($this->_attributes as $attribute) {
            $name = $attribute['name'];
            $params = $attribute['params'];
            $params_str = '';

            if (count($params) > 0) {
                foreach ($params as $param_name => $param_value) {
                    $params_str .= ";$param_name=$param_value";

            $value = $attribute['value'];
            switch ($name) {
            // Date fields.
            case 'DTSTAMP':
            case 'COMPLETED':
            case 'CREATED':
            case 'LAST-MODIFIED':
                $value = $this->_exportDateTime($value);

            case 'DTEND':
            case 'DTSTART':
            case 'DUE':
            case 'RECURRENCE-ID':
                if (isset($params['VALUE'])) {
                    if ($params['VALUE'] == 'DATE') {
                        $value = $this->_exportDate($value);
                    } else {
                        $value = $this->_exportDateTime($value);
                } else {
                    $value = $this->_exportDateTime($value);

            case 'RDATE':
                if (isset($params['VALUE'])) {
                    if ($params['VALUE'] == 'DATE') {
                        $value = $this->_exportDate($value);
                    } elseif ($params['VALUE'] == 'PERIOD') {
                        $value = $this->_exportPeriod($value);
                    } else {
                        $value = $this->_exportDateTime($value);
                } else {
                    $value = $this->_exportDateTime($value);

            case 'TRIGGER':
                if (isset($params['VALUE'])) {
                    if ($params['VALUE'] == 'DATE-TIME') {
                        $value = $this->_exportDateTime($value);
                    } elseif ($params['VALUE'] == 'DURATION') {
                        $value = $this->_exportDuration($value);
                } else {
                    $value = $this->_exportDuration($value);

            // Duration fields.
            case 'DURATION':
                $value = $this->_exportDuration($value);

            // Period of time fields.
            case 'FREEBUSY':
                $value_str = '';
                foreach ($value as $period) {
                    $value_str .= empty($value_str) ? '' : ',';
                    $value_str .= $this->_exportPeriod($period);
                $value = $value_str;

            // UTC offset fields.
            case 'TZOFFSETFROM':
            case 'TZOFFSETTO':
                $value = $this->_exportUtcOffset($value);

            // Integer fields.
            case 'PERCENT-COMPLETE':
            case 'PRIORITY':
            case 'REPEAT':
            case 'SEQUENCE':
                $value = "$value";

            // Geo fields.
            case 'GEO':
                $value = $value['latitude'] . ',' . $value['longitude'];

            // Recurrence fields.
            case 'EXRULE':
            case 'RRULE':

            $attr_string = "$name$params_str:$value";
            $result .= $this->_foldLine($attr_string) . $this->_newline;

        foreach ($this->getComponents() as $component) {
            $result .= $component->exportvCalendar($this) . $this->_newline;

        $result .= 'END:' . $base;

        return $result;

     * Parse a UTC Offset field.
    function _parseUtcOffset($text)
        $offset = array();
        if (preg_match('/(\+|-)([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})?/', $text, 
$timeParts)) {
            $offset['ahead']  = (boolean)($timeParts[1] == '+');
            $offset['hour']   = intval($timeParts[2]);
            $offset['minute'] = intval($timeParts[3]);
            if (isset($timeParts[4])) {
                $offset['second'] = intval($timeParts[4]);
            return $offset;
        } else {
            return false;

     * Export a UTC Offset field.
    function _exportUtcOffset($value)
        $offset = $value['ahead'] ? '+' : '-';
        $offset .= sprintf('%02d%02d',
                           $value['hour'], $value['minute']);
        if (isset($value['second'])) {
            $offset .= sprintf('%02d', $value['second']);

        return $offset;

     * Parse a Time Period field.
    function _parsePeriod($text)
        $periodParts = split('/', $text);

        $start = $this->_parseDateTime($periodParts[0]);

        if ($duration = $this->_parseDuration($periodParts[1])) {
            return array('start' => $start, 'duration' => $duration);
        } elseif ($end = $this->_parseDateTime($periodParts[1])) {
            return array('start' => $start, 'end' => $end);

     * Export a Time Period field.
    function _exportPeriod($value)
        $period = $this->_exportDateTime($value['start']);
        $period .= '/';
        if (isset($value['duration'])) {
            $period .= $this->_exportDuration($value['duration']);
        } else {
            $period .= $this->_exportDateTime($value['end']);
        return $period;

     * Parse a DateTime field into a unix timestamp.
    function _parseDateTime($text)
        $dateParts = split('T', $text);
        if (count($dateParts) != 2 && !empty($text)) {
            // Not a datetime field but may be just a date field.
            if (!$date = $this->_parseDate($text)) {
                return $date;
            return @gmmktime(0, 0, 0, $date['month'], $date['mday'], 

        if (!$date = $this->_parseDate($dateParts[0])) {
            return $date;
        if (!$time = $this->_parseTime($dateParts[1])) {
            return $time;

        if ($time['zone'] == 'UTC') {
            return @gmmktime($time['hour'], $time['minute'], $time['second'],
                             $date['month'], $date['mday'], $date['year']);
        } else {
            return @mktime($time['hour'], $time['minute'], $time['second'],
                           $date['month'], $date['mday'], $date['year']);

     * Export a DateTime field.
    function _exportDateTime($value)
        $temp = array();
        if (!is_object($value) || is_array($value)) {
            $TZOffset  = 3600 * substr(date('O'), 0, 3);
            $TZOffset += 60 * substr(date('O'), 3, 2);
            $value -= $TZOffset;

            $temp['zone']   = 'UTC';
            $temp['year']   = date('Y', $value);
            $temp['month']  = date('n', $value);
            $temp['mday']   = date('j', $value);
            $temp['hour']   = date('G', $value);
            $temp['minute'] = date('i', $value);
            $temp['second'] = date('s', $value);
        } else {
            $dateOb = (object)$value;

            // Minutes.
            $TZOffset = substr(date('O'), 3, 2);
            $thisMin = $dateOb->min - $TZOffset;

            // Hours.
            $TZOffset = substr(date('O'), 0, 3);
            $thisHour = $dateOb->hour - $TZOffset;

            if ($thisMin < 0) {
                $thisHour -= 1;
                $thisMin += 60;

            if ($thisHour < 0) {
                require_once 'Date/Calc.php';
                $prevday = Date_Calc::prevDay($dateOb->mday, $dateOb->month, 
                $dateOb->mday  = substr($prevday, 6, 2);
                $dateOb->month = substr($prevday, 4, 2);
                $dateOb->year  = substr($prevday, 0, 4);
                $thisHour += 24;

            $temp['zone']   = 'UTC';
            $temp['year']   = $dateOb->year;
            $temp['month']  = $dateOb->month;
            $temp['mday']   = $dateOb->mday;
            $temp['hour']   = $thisHour;
            $temp['minute'] = $dateOb->min;
            $temp['second'] = $dateOb->sec;

        return calendar_icalendar::_exportDate($temp) . 'T' . 

     * Parse a Time field.
    function _parseTime($text)
        if (preg_match('/([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})(Z)?/', $text, 
$timeParts)) {
            $time['hour'] = intval($timeParts[1]);
            $time['minute'] = intval($timeParts[2]);
            $time['second'] = intval($timeParts[3]);
            if (isset($timeParts[4])) {
                $time['zone'] = 'UTC';
            } else {
                $time['zone'] = 'Local';
            return $time;
        } else {
            return false;

     * Export a Time field.
    function _exportTime($value)
        $time = sprintf('%02d%02d%02d',
                        $value['hour'], $value['minute'], $value['second']);
        if ($value['zone'] == 'UTC') {
            $time .= 'Z';
        return $time;

     * Parse a Date field.
    function _parseDate($text)
        if (strlen($text) != 8) {
            return false;

        $date['year']  = intval(substr($text, 0, 4));
        $date['month'] = intval(substr($text, 4, 2));
        $date['mday']  = intval(substr($text, 6, 2));

        return $date;

     * Export a Date field.
    function _exportDate($value)
        return sprintf('%04d%02d%02d',
                       $value['year'], $value['month'], $value['mday']);

     * Parse a Duration Value field.
    function _parseDuration($text)
 trim($text), $durvalue)) {
            // Weeks.
            $duration = 7 * 86400 * intval($durvalue[3]);

            if (count($durvalue) > 4) {
                // Days.
                $duration += 86400 * intval($durvalue[4]);
            if (count($durvalue) > 5) {
                // Hours.
                $duration += 3600 * intval($durvalue[7]);

                // Mins.
                if (isset($durvalue[8])) {
                    $duration += 60 * intval($durvalue[8]);

                // Secs.
                if (isset($durvalue[9])) {
                    $duration += intval($durvalue[9]);

            // Sign.
            if ($durvalue[1] == "-") {
                $duration *= -1;

            return $duration;
        } else {
            return false;

     * Export a duration value.
    function _exportDuration($value)
        $duration = '';
        if ($value < 0) {
            $value *= -1;
            $duration .= '-';
        $duration .= 'P';

        $weeks = floor($value / (7 * 86400));
        $value = $value % (7 * 86400);
        if ($weeks) {
            $duration .= $weeks . 'W';

        $days = floor($value / (86400));
        $value = $value % (86400);
        if ($days) {
            $duration .= $days . 'D';

        if ($value) {
            $duration .= 'T';

            $hours = floor($value / 3600);
            $value = $value % 3600;
            if ($hours) {
                $duration .= $hours . 'H';

            $mins = floor($value / 60);
            $value = $value % 60;
            if ($mins) {
                $duration .= $mins . 'M';

            if ($value) {
                $duration .= $value . 'S';

        return $duration;

     * Return the folded version of a line.
    function _foldLine($line)
        $line = preg_replace("/\r\n|\n|\r/", '\n', $line);
        if (strlen($line) > 75) {
            $foldedline = '';
            while (!empty($line)) {
                $maxLine = substr($line, 0, 75);
                $cutPoint = max(60, max(strrpos($maxLine, ';'), 
strrpos($maxLine, ':')) + 1);

                $foldedline .= (empty($foldedline)) ?
                    substr($line, 0, $cutPoint) :
                    $this->_newline . ' ' . substr($line, 0, $cutPoint);

                $line = (strlen($line) <= $cutPoint) ? '' : substr($line, 
            return $foldedline;
        return $line;


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