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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Usefull addons ?

From: Tony (Angles) Puglisi
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Usefull addons ?
Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2001 23:01:09 +0000

Just to mention I would really like to open up /email/ for
external usage. It supports extremely complex MIME messaes, such as forwarding 
email that already has attachments, then adding some more attachments of your 

Of course, it is envisioned that SOAP requests (and I suppose XML-RPC also?) can
live in a MIME part of an email message, but this is not used much.

Michael Dean (address@hidden) wrote*:
>I have to disagree here.  XML-RPC is not a replacement for e-mail
>submission of tickets from clients.  This would require the client
>either use a web interface or an XML-RPC enabled client for TTS.  It
>defeats the purpose of the gateway and makes the system less accessible.
>I completed an e-mail gateway for DCL last month (since robk was
>evaluating DCL/phpGW vs. RT/some other CRM).  It actually has opened DCL
>up to more installations than previously possible since a lot of
>companies have it as a requirment.
>On Sun, 2001-12-30 at 12:40, Dan Kuykendall (Seek3r) wrote:
>> address@hidden wrote:
>> >
>> >  Dear All
>> >
>> >  I came across phpgroupware a few months ago, and I'm impressed by its
>> >  capabilities. After testing it for a few months, I came up with some
>> >  usefull additions (mainly to TTS).
>> >
>> >  1) Submitting TTS-tickets through email
>> I dont really think this is that useful, since tickets can be submitted
>> via xml-rpc. The way things work in phpGW this would be hard to do in
>> email because we dont auto process things like that. In most cases that
>> I can think of, the xml-rpc interface would work best. For example, if
>> you want to have some form on your website for users to create
>> tickets... the script and turn around and use the xml-rpc interface
>> instead of generating the email.
>Phpgroupware-developers mailing list
that's "angle" as in geometry

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