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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] useful features request

From: SI Reasoning
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] useful features request
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 00:30:38 -0500
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I created a feature request for the first section. As far as acl's, the request is that it be made more intiutive. Right now, it is confusing the way it is setup and spread all over. I was thinking that it may be better to create a security section, maybe even with a simple help section with diagrams to show how the acl's work. The important thing is that one can create a global category and assign group(s) to that category. The default would be that anyone in the selected group(s) would then be able to rwd items. Any restrictions (if necessary) would then be created by the user or administrator.

Dave Hall wrote:

Can you please post the top section as feature requests on savannah ( ).  Please group 
the bulk update functions as one request, and the others as seperate 

For the second section all of this functionality is available, except 
for the changing a user cat to a global one, this is pretty simple sql, 
make this a seperate feature request also.  This is likely to be 
allocated as a category feature request not an addressbook one.

In all cases please be specific as possible.



Here are a few things that I think would make phpgroupware more efficient to use: - checkboxes by addressbook with the ability to... -- delete or move more than one message at a time -- add to or remove multiple contacts to group(s) -- set special permissions on multiple contacts - reorganize the acl's so that: -- There is one section to go to for dealing with acl's (security) -- gives an administrator the ability to set an indiviual's and groups acl's with a choice on whether the user can override the administrator's choice or not. - the abilty for an administrator to turn a users category into a global category

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