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[Phpgroupware-developers] Timetrack Problem, Help for this ?

From: Reiner Jung
Subject: [Phpgroupware-developers] Timetrack Problem, Help for this ?
Date: 21 Nov 2002 11:10:21 +0100


I run two servers, one with Debian and one with RH 8.
All updated via CVS today.

On the RH Machine, when I select the Timesheet start page I receive the
follow error. 

 db->query("select inorout from phpgw_ttrack_emplyprof" . " where id= "
. $uid); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->next_record(); $status =
$GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->f("inorout"); $prefix = lang("you are currently
checked"); switch ($status) { case "I": $stat_word = lang("In"); $action
= lang("Check Out"); $suffix = lang("when you leave work"); $togval =
"O"; break; default: $stat_word = lang("Out"); $action = lang("Check
In"); $suffix = lang("while you are at work"); $togval = "I"; break; }
// This part will display basically a form with only a submit // button
with the appropriate text to set in or out status. ?>

Thank you

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