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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] todo list - ORDER BY clause

From: Ralf Becker
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] todo list - ORDER BY clause
Date: Wed, 04 Jun 2003 23:14:13 +0200
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Michal Weis wrote:
Hello All,

I'm using Version-0_9_16-branch tag CVS version of phpgroupware.
May be it is my fault in settings, may be it is a bug, but time-to-
time (estimating more than 50% of logging-in), todo application displays strange SQL error:

  "SELECT * FROM phpgw_todo WHERE todo_owner='3' AND
   todo_access='private' ORDER BY   LIMIT 15"

Do you have mcrypt enabled? If yes, try switching it off (you will loose the custom email-pw's and the sessiondata is of cause not longer encrypted.


where in order-by clause contains two random characters. it cames from file todo/inc/, line 127, where the command is beeing assembled, but it is based on $order comming as parameter. it arrives from todo/inc/, line 217, which is a _list() function, i assumed called indirectly through the hook-
Is there anything I should setup in apps or how to avoid this?

thanks for hint


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Ralf Becker
digital ROCK, Becker & Macht GbR            Telefon +49 (631) 31657-51
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D-67663 Kaiserslautern                 EMail address@hidden

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