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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Re: phpGroupware database and u ml d ocume

From: Ralf Becker
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Re: phpGroupware database and u ml d ocumentation in wiki?
Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2003 09:23:18 +0200
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The only docu I have made so far about the links are inline docs in the source-files infolog/inc/{so|bo}

The so-class implementes the links as n to n links in the db-table phpgw_links. The bo-class adds an application registry, where each application can register functions for searching and viewing entries (via a hook) and the facility to attach files.

You can view it with our (buggy) inlinedocparser:

or view the relevant sourcefiles on savannah:

I will put a proposal about the link-class into the wiki in the next days.


Dave Hall wrote:
Brian Johnson <address@hidden> wrote:

Here's my real issue:

If I want to make an app that has records that link to addressbook records, I want to make sure that addressbook checks for the possible existence of my links prior to allowing a record to be deleted since that would totaly screw up the integrity of my

But, I don't think it's practical to have addressbook have a special check for my links to it's records, and I know that other apps could bnefit by sharing the contact records in addressbook (through links) and I don't think it's pracitcal to have addressbook check for every possible link from a list of other apps

Hooks :)

Extraploate that to apply to apps other than addressbook (calendar is another one that immediately springs to mind) and you can see the benefits of a standard linking
system for each app to take advantage of.

I'm not sure what you mean by hard-wired system, I don't think the linking system behind infolog is one. At it's core it is one table that includes five fields (id,
app_id1, record_id_app1, app_id2, record_id_app2)

That is my original idea, and I am glad to ralf has implemented it :)

Michael Dean (address@hidden) wrote:

On Sat, 2003-06-14 at 00:12, Brian Johnson wrote:

I don't think I'm going out on a limb to say that most of us

consider addressbook

and calendar to be part of the core system that other apps

would/should tie into

They certainly are core apps, but are not part of the API.

Although, I

do consider the functions they provide (along with communication)

to be

core components of a groupware system.

As for duplicated tables with the same info, I know for certain

that timetrack

duplicates parts of addressbook, accounts, and hr because those

apps don't provide

what timetrack needs in their current form.

My point to Kai was to demonstrate not every module creates

copies of

tables from other apps if it needed that information. It seemed

to be

what he implied as he wants a huge static schema instead of a modular

A standard inter-app linking system is needed. The linking

system included with

infolog (please relaize that I'm talking about the code behind

infolog and not just

the ui .. although that is good too for viewing and creating

links) is the most

flexible and easiest to standardize system. It basically boils

down to one table.

It should be used.

I don't think you really want a hard-wired standard system here.  At
least not at the physical database structure.  You can easily create
classes to abstract this functionality, but depending on the

situation,>it is not always a good idea to link everything in one table among the

various apps. This is where you would get app specific -

especially for

performance reasons.


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Brian Johnson
* This is where my witty signature line would be if I bothered to edit this line :) *

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Ralf Becker
digital ROCK, Becker & Macht GbR            Telefon +49 (631) 31657-51
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D-67663 Kaiserslautern                 EMail address@hidden

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