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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] xml-rpc and sessions

From: Joseph Engo
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] xml-rpc and sessions
Date: Mon, 05 Jan 2004 17:59:23 -0500
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There is also another problem with PHP sessions and XML-RPC.
Presently, for PHP sessions it doesn't create a kp3 number. xmlrpc.php
requires it to be set before it will allow the session.

I am not sure if this has been fixed or not, I remeber finding this a
while back but never got around to fixing it.

Dirk Schaller wrote:

| Hi,
| I had some trouble with xml-rpc and session handling. After a
| successful xml-rpc login I got a 'session expired' message. The
| problem appears only when I set the session setting to 'php4'.
| I did some debugging and found the reason and solution for the
| problem: When the xml-rpc client is logged in, he gets a sessionid
| for http authentication. The next request sends the sessionid
| correctly from my xml-rpc client to the xml-rpc phpGW server, but
| the 'old' session data couldnt be loaded. Therefore a 'new' session
| starts, the $_SESSION['phpgw_session'] is empty and I get the
| session expired nessage. After the xml-rpc system.login and one
| other request I found two session files on harddisk, one with
| session data from the login (old session) amd one empty (new
| session started) from the requst.
| So the main problem is to load the old session data. The solution
| is in my view simple. Before a session starts we have to set the
| old sessionid by running sessionid().
| The file contains a method for loading
| the session data, but without noticing the 'old' sessionid:
| function read_session($sessionid) { session_start(); return
| $GLOBALS['phpgw_session'] = $_SESSION['phpgw_session']; }
| Before the session starts I run session_id() to set the correct
| 'old' sessionid:
| function read_session($sessionid) { session_id($sessionid);
| session_start(); return $GLOBALS['phpgw_session'] =
| $_SESSION['phpgw_session']; }
| Another method in this class also contains a start_session():
| function register_session($login,$user_ip,$now,$session_flags) {
| session_start(); ... }
| Here we can use the class variable 'sessionid':
| function register_session($login,$user_ip,$now,$session_flags) {
| session_id($this->sessionid); session_start(); ... }
| I hope someone can test it amd commit it to the .16 branch.
| Now I have another aspect for discussion: The xmlrpc.php is GPL and
| none GPL software couldnt use this interface. In my view a LGPL
| licence is more flexible as the GPL licence for such a interface
| file. With LGPL we have the opportunaty the use more existing
| xml-rpc applications with the groupware.
| Thanks, Happy new year! Dirk
| -- *****    Open Source und Linux im professionellen Einsatz
| ***** **  komplexe Mailserver, Groupware, Office: sprechen Sie uns
| an ** Dipl.-Inform. (FH) Dirk Schaller pro|business AG, EXPO Plaza
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