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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Ideas and plans

From: Chris Weiss
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Ideas and plans
Date: Sun, 1 May 2005 16:37:58 -0500

Good stuff Alan, if you can, please take the smaller "tweak" items and
put in the bug system as feature requests.  There's some good stuff
that wouldn't take someone long to add if they happen to working in
that area.

And for those getting thier hands dirty in HEAD, take a minute to
check if there are any feature requests that you can handle in the
areas you are working in.   You might even find a feature you realy
want :)

> * Disconnect the database from the application with a similar services
> model. This makes it easier to have a distributed database. It also makes
> it easier to make the back end an array of supercomputers running DB2
> clusters. ;)

This could be done in our current model by either the sysadmin
confuring his database libs to do it or by adding features to adodb,
or in front of adodb, fr those databases that don't support in the
libs.  However, the "right" way to distribute database is in the libs,
not in the php.

> Major re-engineering stuff:
> * Revise templates to use XSLT. Make all intermediate layers hand XML to
> each other. Detect browser types and pass the XML/XSL to them to get them
> to do the heavy lifting when possible.

Actually, there's a patch in the patch manager to enable this ability
in 0.9.16 and it will be prefered way in .18 and on

> Philosophical stuff:
> * Target audience. This "support older browsers" stuff is fine if it
> doesn't limit the presentation, we should scale to handle the browser's
> capabilities. 

hell yeah!  and it's also being worked on.  

> * I find that there's a real blur between "groupware" and "content
> management", .... , but rolling the two into  one seems fundamentally flawed.


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