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[Phpgroupware-developers] sitemgr mods

From: Dave Hall
Subject: [Phpgroupware-developers] sitemgr mods
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 20:55:47 +1100

Hi all,

this is just a quick heads up for those you using the
"skwashd-16-compat" branch of sitemgr.

I am making some changes here which will mean that you will need to grab
some code from head to continue to use it.  There is also a db change or
2 coming.

Basically the changes are as follows:
* remove requirement for having news_admin installed
* offer choice of tinymce or fckeditor for pages
* allow choice of template by category

Coming soon features:
* RSS feeds support built into the core
* Google sitemap support
* Ad Sense support
* phpAdsNew or other advertising engine

I will post an upgrade howto here in the next few days, just be careful
that a cvs update of sitemgr may break your site.


Dave Hall
Dave Hall Consulting
| p +61 3 9754 5276                   | m +61 410 47 42 55            |
| f +61 3 8610 0029                   | e address@hidden       |
| j address@hidden                 | aim skwashd                   |
| icq 278064022                       | msn address@hidden       |
| sip address@hidden       | y! skwashd                    |

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