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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] new separator in links

From: Dave Hall
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] new separator in links
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 18:36:03 +1000

Hi Sigurd,

I haven't tested this.  Here is my theory, and what I would suggest you
do to fix it :)

On Tue, 2006-04-11 at 09:39 +0200, Sigurd Nes wrote:
> I have a problem (HEAD only) that links called from within JavaScript
> as in example1 - comes up with '&' as separator between variables
> Example2 - will produce the correct separator.
> The links looks the same to me (both using '&') when looking at
> the source-code in the browser.
> Any reason for this ?
> Regards
> Sigurd
> example 1:
> <script language="JavaScript">

use <script type="text/javascript"> as language="... is deprecated in

>       function lookup_loc1()
>       {
>       }                               
> </script>
> <a href="javascript:lookup_loc1()">link1</a>

As this link is in the javascript function block not the <a href="...">
it isn't parsed by firefox to convert the &amp; to &amp;

> example2:
> <a href="javascript:var

As this time it is in the href is it converted and so there is no

This solution involves a couple of steps.  

Firstly the javascript: psuedo url is a pretty ugly imho.  Although it
is a still ugly and not perfect, this is my quick and dirty, but
acceptable method for doing it these days.  <a href="#"

Use the api core/base.js file via the api js class
( $GLOBALS['phpgw']->js->validate_file('core', 'base'); ) as it has some
useful functions, most importantly - phpGWLink() 

Use phpGWLink which works the same as the php api link function.  Use it
like so:

var myLink = phpGWLink('/index.php', { menuaction : app.obj.method, id :
123 } );
// Note the use of an object to create an associative array/hash

This should solve your problems.


Dave Hall (aka skwashd)
API Coordinator
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