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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] patch for review

From: Sigurd Nes
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] patch for review
Date: Wed, 06 Sep 2006 23:10:55 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20060804)

Benoit Hamet wrote:
Hi all, .

There is also applications::d2name , categories::d2name and
I think it risky to rename the calls to only accounts::id2name - I
think it would be better to keep the "old" accounts::id2name - and
rather implement the new accounts::id2name as accounts::id2full_name
or something.
It hasn't been renamed.  The old method accounts::id2name now returns
the user's fullname, and doesn't reveal the user's login id, which is
good security imho.  If you already have the login id then you have 1
half of the puzzle for cracking an account.  Some organizations have
policies on login ids others don't, which will also impact on benefit of
this change.

applications::d2name , categories::d2name and interserver::id2name are
uneffected by this change, as they return the relevant string for the
data type and it has no security implications.

The change in the string returned by accounts::id2name has been in HEAD
for months.  The new accounts::id2lid is only for those cases where
internally we need the login id, which is very rare.  As
accounts::id2name is used a lot for presenting username information in
the GUI, it is safest to change the functionality.  Where there is a
need to for the login id, use accounts::id2lid, which can be changed
manually on a case by case basis.

It looks ok to me. AFAIU, there's no relationship between accounts and
categories or applications or interserver ? right ? so returning the
real full name in id2name for account, doesn't disturb anything ? Or did
I miss your point Sigurd ?

That is also how I understand it. (Unless you really want the username (lid) for something).

For the record - it's ok by me.



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