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Re: [phpGroupWare-developers] release model idea

From: Christian Rost
Subject: Re: [phpGroupWare-developers] release model idea
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2007 16:38:21 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20070326)

Chris Weiss schrieb:
> My reason is that I have done some installs where only email is used,
> and others where no apps were used except custom ones, property also
> fits here as a basic install does not require PIM apps, even though it
> may use some of their API's.
> This, however, means a minor change in direction of the project.
> Right now we are a groupware suite that also provides a framework.
> This more modular structure with Core including only the minimum
> required to login and a rich API would be a framework that includes a
> groupware suite.  We could also offer bundle packs as releases, like
> Core, GroupWare (Core + PIM apps), and World (Core + PIM + everything
> that "works").
I agree with Chris that the core-modules should be limited to the
framework only [API, admin, setup, preferences, ..]. But instead of
bundles I would prefer several categories of add-on modules.

The first category would include the modules needed for a working
colaboration suite like addressbook, calendar, email, (filemanager),
notes, todo and the sync when it is available. So one could concentrate
on these core apps to make sure they are easy to install, look/ behave
in the same way, are 100%working toghether.and that there's enough
documentation available.

The category would be those apps that are not needed for a collaboration
suite but are nice to have and fullfill all the technical needs for a
smooth integration.

The third category are those modules that are still under heavy
devellopement, not longer maintained or do not integrate smoothly into


Christian Rost
roCon - Informationstechnologie
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