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Re: [phpGroupWare-developers] linking items across applications

From: Sigurd Nes
Subject: Re: [phpGroupWare-developers] linking items across applications
Date: Sat, 27 Oct 2007 20:18:19 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070914)

Maat wrote:
> Sigurd Nes a écrit :
>> Thanks for your great response.
>> Seems like you are bit more advanced than me - but your angle seems very
>> interesting in the perspective of workflow - which definitely also would
>> benefit our project.
>> But you still need the basic link - right?
> yeah the only thing we have to make sure is the the link system is
> enough versatile to link things very different (and not predictable) in
> nature
> and that we can charge links with meta informations :
> -- type of link
> -- periods of validity of links ( start/end or permanent)
> -- status of link
> -- ?

That should be no problem.

> and let te the ability for applications  to add the informations they
> need  (custom fields tables + values table ? serialization ?)

This is the responsible of the destination application - this is exactly
as it is implemented in the app property. One can link items from
different sublocation within property - each holding their own
customizable fields.

I think of the link only as a many-to-many relation between items - but
of course - in addition to the relation information itself - it can hold
information of validity, user who made it and so on...

>> I'm thinking that to meet your needs - the information of the baselink
>> could me extended with information of methods covering the aspects of
>> actions, types -and whatever...
>> Due to the potentially extent and complexity this meta-information - it
>> could be wise to store this as a hook.
> interesting... please detail your thoughts :)
Well - I think this can be modeled as a static set of rules and methods
or triggers to be performed to a item at a specific location when an
item is linked.
Example: a linked document could be displayed in the link with name and
status - and possible a tooltip reporting stuff like name of responsible.
Of course - the rules could change depending of the role of the item
(origin or destination)

>> It is also an appealing idea to link in documents from ged to projects
>> of construction/maintenance
>> What do you think - is it possible to combine our needs?
> i hope so... that would be great !
> <dream>
> calendar integration (to show tasks, deadlines for documents) on this
> link system basis would be a great feature
> </dream>

This should be no problem - and is what we are aiming for.


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