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[phpGroupWare-developers] phpGW now using SVN instead of CVS

From: Dave Hall
Subject: [phpGroupWare-developers] phpGW now using SVN instead of CVS
Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2007 22:45:31 +1100

Hi all,

Over the last few days phpGroupWare has transitioned from using CVS to
subversion for our source code management.  There is still some things
to be done to finish this off.

Access to the SVN repository is currently restricted to active
contributors who need access to work on the project.  This should change

In the coming days nightly build tarballs built from svn should be
available from the website.

A new release will be prepared once the new public svn
repository is available.  This will allow people to easily transition
their installs to svn.

Commit messages will continue to be sent to address@hidden
(the list will not be renamed), so you can still watch development.

Please bare with us while we continue to move things over.  These
changes will make it easier for us to continue to bring you the best web
based collaboration platform available :)


Dave Hall (aka skwashd)
API Coordinator
e address@hidden
j address@hidden
sip address@hidden
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|_|         |_|                         |_|Web based collaboration platform

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