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[Phpgroupware-docteam] Yes I said something Crazy about the manual

From: Josh Miller
Subject: [Phpgroupware-docteam] Yes I said something Crazy about the manual
Date: Thu, 08 Nov 2001 14:28:28 -0600

Id apreciate the server access. I used to have a firewall I ran tests on, but it went in May.

I think Seek3r has decided to come up with a list of REQS for the inline docs. Hopefully he will ge that done this evening, and we can mold what is in the CVs and what you have around them.

Yeah, well about the SGML->(online) Documentation.. its a long one but here goes. Seek3r wants the documentation to be portable, so it can be viewed outside phpGW by external servers and client.(specificly I don't have examples) the API has functions to enable the XML functionality without all the extra compiled dependencies, I don't know how this is in performance. Requireing that external developers build docs in SGML and then compile to HTML for help is just going to cause peopel to just create the html and skip the docbook part, they care about the way it looks, not with it fitting into the grand scheme. Help Searches would be easier to implement if the data was tagged. I was arguing that any processor time, on what would be static data, is too much processor time, but I think the overhead on this would be low enough not to matter. But I guess we aould need to see it to know for sure.

What I was envisioning was sort of a php wrapper that created the >manual directory tree on the left side and on the right side displayed >the html, that way it's not linking to the html, but pulling it in to >the php.

That was my origonal idea basicly. and my understanding of yours, but I can see some longterm advantages of doing the docs XML style. The logic for pulling apart the docbook style SGML should be easy to hack out. So I can throw it together and try and get some idea of how reasonable it is to do.

I have some personal feelings from a theory standpoint about all this XML standards crap. Kind of like I did with certian graph theory in an Automata class. It seems that you have some basic XML concept. and then you add a few rulles to how it should be laid out, and people treat it like it is some whole other creature.( I know not what we were talkign about).

But I am going somewhere with it.
We could build a simpler XML style document based on the more specific SGML format, and have something a bit more easy to parse or display, as HTML itself can even be formatted in an XML style. Actually I had thought about this. Assuming browsers wouldn't try anything funky, we could have custom XML tags that would be overlooked by browsers, and be useable for searches and feeding the data to off server locations.

- Josh

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