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[Pingus-CVS] [pingus] 6 new revisions pushed by address@hidden on 2014-0

From: pingus
Subject: [Pingus-CVS] [pingus] 6 new revisions pushed by address@hidden on 2014-09-11 21:58 GMT
Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 21:59:05 +0000

master moved from e418b8ce075d to 6a1153ad272e

6 new revisions:

Revision: 028ac0da9ba8
Author:   Ingo Ruhnke <address@hidden>
Date:     Sun Jul 27 02:31:29 2014 UTC
Log:      Added logmich library

Revision: f33eb521d5c2
Author:   Ingo Ruhnke <address@hidden>
Date:     Sun Jul 27 02:31:45 2014 UTC
Log:      Added logmich to external/README

Revision: 90b645cee25f
Author:   Ingo Ruhnke <address@hidden>
Date:     Sun Jul 27 03:01:44 2014 UTC
Log:      Added logmich includes

Revision: 017cbdc0fd80
Author:   Ingo Ruhnke <address@hidden>
Date:     Sun Jul 27 03:58:17 2014 UTC
Log:      Updated logmich

Revision: 7a5ee63b5e44
Author:   Ingo Ruhnke <address@hidden>
Date:     Sun Jul 27 03:58:39 2014 UTC
Log:      Switched source over to logmich's format string based logging

Revision: 6a1153ad272e
Author:   Ingo Ruhnke <address@hidden>
Date:     Thu Sep 11 21:56:59 2014 UTC
Log: A new levelset by Shaun David Crowdus <address@hidden>

Revision: 028ac0da9ba8
Author:   Ingo Ruhnke <address@hidden>
Date:     Sun Jul 27 02:31:29 2014 UTC
Log:      Added logmich library


--- /dev/null
+++ /external/logmich/.gitignore        Sun Jul 27 02:31:29 2014 UTC
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
--- /dev/null
+++ /external/logmich/COPYING   Sun Jul 27 02:31:29 2014 UTC
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+LogMich - A Trivial Logging Library
+Copyright (C) 2014 Ingo Ruhnke <address@hidden>
+This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
+warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
+arising from the use of this software.
+Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
+freely, subject to the following restrictions:
+1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
+   claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
+   in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
+   appreciated but is not required.
+2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
+   misrepresented as being the original software.
+3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
--- /dev/null
+++ /external/logmich/SConstruct        Sun Jul 27 02:31:29 2014 UTC
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+env = Environment(CXXFLAGS = [ "-O0", "-g3",
+                               "-std=c++1y",
+                               # "-ansi",
+                               "-pedantic",
+                               "-Wall",
+                               "-Wextra",
+                               "-Wno-c++0x-compat",
+                               "-Wnon-virtual-dtor",
+                               "-Weffc++",
+                               "-Wconversion",
+                               "-Werror",
+                               "-Wshadow",
+                               "-Wcast-qual",
+                               "-Winit-self", # only works with >= -O1
+                               "-Wno-unused-parameter"])
+env.Append(CPPPATH = "include/")
+liblogmich = env.StaticLibrary("logmich", Glob("src/*.cpp"))
+env.Append(LIBS = [liblogmich])
+env.Program("main", Glob("tests/main.cpp"))
+# EOF #
--- /dev/null
+++ /external/logmich/include/logmich/log.hpp   Sun Jul 27 02:31:29 2014 UTC
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+// LogMich - A Trivial Logging Library
+// Copyright (C) 2014 Ingo Ruhnke <address@hidden>
+// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
+// warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
+// arising from the use of this software.
+// Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+// including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
+// freely, subject to the following restrictions:
+// 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
+//    claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
+//    in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
+//    appreciated but is not required.
+// 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
+//    misrepresented as being the original software.
+// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+#include <string>
+#include "logger.hpp"
+namespace logmich {
+extern Logger g_logger;
+inline void incr_log_level(LogLevel level)
+  g_logger.incr_log_level(level);
+inline void set_log_level(LogLevel level)
+  g_logger.set_log_level(level);
+inline LogLevel get_log_level()
+  return g_logger.get_log_level();
+} // namespace logmich
+#define log_info(...) do {                                              \
+ if (logmich::g_logger.get_log_level() >= logmich::kInfo) \
+    {                                                                   \
+ logmich::g_logger.append_format(logmich::kInfo, __FILE__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__); \
+    }                                                                   \
+  } while(false)
+#define log_debug(...) do {                                             \
+ if (logmich::g_logger.get_log_level() >= logmich::kDebug) \
+    {                                                                   \
+ logmich::g_logger.append_format(logmich::kDebug, __FILE__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__); \
+    }                                                                   \
+  } while(false)
+#define log_warn(...) do {                                              \
+ if (logmich::g_logger.get_log_level() >= logmich::kWarning) \
+    {                                                                   \
+ logmich::g_logger.append_format(logmich::kWarning, __FILE__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__); \
+    }                                                                   \
+  } while(false)
+#define log_error(...) do {                                             \
+ if (logmich::g_logger.get_log_level() >= logmich::kError) \
+    {                                                                   \
+ logmich::g_logger.append_format(logmich::kError, __FILE__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__); \
+    }                                                                   \
+  } while(false)
+/** Write an debug message, while ignoring the log level. Use for
+    temporary messages in development that should not be part of final
+    release. */
+#define log_tmp(...) do {                                               \
+ if (logmich::g_logger.get_log_level() >= logmich::kTemp) \
+    {                                                                   \
+ logmich::g_logger.append_format(logmich::kTemp, __FILE__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__); \
+    }                                                                   \
+  } while(false)
+/* EOF */
--- /dev/null
+++ /external/logmich/include/logmich/logger.hpp Sun Jul 27 02:31:29 2014 UTC
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2014 Ingo Ruhnke <address@hidden>
+// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
+// warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
+// arising from the use of this software.
+// Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+// including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
+// freely, subject to the following restrictions:
+// 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
+//    claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
+//    in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
+//    appreciated but is not required.
+// 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
+//    misrepresented as being the original software.
+// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+#include <boost/format.hpp>
+namespace logmich {
+namespace detail {
+inline void unpack_fmt(boost::format& fmt)
+template<typename Head, typename ...Rest>
+inline void unpack_fmt(boost::format& fmt, const Head& head, Rest&&... rest)
+  unpack_fmt(fmt % head, std::forward<Rest>(rest)...);
+/** Takes __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ and tries to shorten it to the form:
+    Classname::function() */
+std::string log_pretty_print(const std::string& str);
+} // namespace detail
+enum LogLevel
+  /** things that shouldn't happen (i.e. a catched exceptions) */
+  kError,
+  /** messages that indicate an recoverable error (i.e. a catched
+      exceptions) */
+  kWarning,
+  /** informal status messages that don't indicate a fault in the
+      program */
+  kInfo,
+  /** extra verbose debugging messages */
+  kDebug,
+  /** temporary extra verbose debugging messages */
+  kTemp
+class Logger
+  LogLevel m_log_level;
+  Logger();
+  void incr_log_level(LogLevel level);
+  void set_log_level(LogLevel level);
+  LogLevel get_log_level() const;
+ void append(std::ostream& out, LogLevel level, const std::string& file, int line, const std::string& str); + void append(LogLevel level, const std::string& file, int line, const std::string& str);
+ void append_format(LogLevel level, const std::string& file, int line, const std::string& msg)
+  {
+    append(level, file, line, msg);
+  }
+  template<typename ...Args>
+ void append_format(LogLevel level, const std::string& file, int line, const std::string& fmt, Args&&... args)
+  {
+    boost::format format(fmt);
+    detail::unpack_fmt(format, args...);
+    append(level, file, line, format.str());
+  }
+} // namespace logmich
+/* EOF */
--- /dev/null
+++ /external/logmich/src/log.cpp       Sun Jul 27 02:31:29 2014 UTC
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+// LogMich - A Trivial Logging Library
+// Copyright (C) 2014 Ingo Ruhnke <address@hidden>
+// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
+// warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
+// arising from the use of this software.
+// Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+// including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
+// freely, subject to the following restrictions:
+// 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
+//    claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
+//    in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
+//    appreciated but is not required.
+// 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
+//    misrepresented as being the original software.
+// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+#include "logmich/log.hpp"
+namespace logmich {
+Logger g_logger;
+} // namespace logmich
+/* EOF */
--- /dev/null
+++ /external/logmich/src/logger.cpp    Sun Jul 27 02:31:29 2014 UTC
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+// LogMich - A Trivial Logging Library
+// Copyright (C) 2014 Ingo Ruhnke <address@hidden>
+// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
+// warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
+// arising from the use of this software.
+// Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+// including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
+// freely, subject to the following restrictions:
+// 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
+//    claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
+//    in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
+//    appreciated but is not required.
+// 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
+//    misrepresented as being the original software.
+// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+#include "logmich/log.hpp"
+#include <iostream>
+namespace logmich {
+namespace detail {
+std::string log_pretty_print(const std::string& str)
+  // FIXME: very basic, might not work with complex return types
+  std::string::size_type function_start = 0;
+  for(std::string::size_type i = 0; i < str.size(); ++i)
+  {
+    if (str[i] == ' ')
+    {
+      function_start = i+1;
+    }
+    else if (str[i] == '(')
+    {
+      return str.substr(function_start, i - function_start) + "()";
+    }
+  }
+  return str.substr(function_start);
+} // namespace detail
+Logger::Logger() :
+  m_log_level(kWarning)
+Logger::incr_log_level(LogLevel level)
+  if (get_log_level() < level)
+  {
+    set_log_level(level);
+  }
+Logger::set_log_level(LogLevel level)
+  m_log_level = level;
+Logger::get_log_level() const
+  return m_log_level;
+Logger::append(LogLevel level,
+               const std::string& file, int line,
+               const std::string& msg)
+  append(std::cerr, level, file, line, msg);
+Logger::append(std::ostream& out,
+               LogLevel level,
+               const std::string& file, int line,
+               const std::string& msg)
+  switch(level)
+  {
+    case kError:   out << "[ERROR "; break;
+    case kWarning: out << "[WARN "; break;
+    case kInfo:    out << "[INFO "; break;
+    case kDebug:   out << "[DEBUG "; break;
+    case kTemp:    out << "[TEMP "; break;
+  }
+  out << file << ":" << line << "] " << msg << std::endl;
+} // namespace logmich
+/* EOF */
--- /dev/null
+++ /external/logmich/tests/main.cpp    Sun Jul 27 02:31:29 2014 UTC
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+// LogMich - A Trivial Logging Library
+// Copyright (C) 2014 Ingo Ruhnke <address@hidden>
+// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
+// warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
+// arising from the use of this software.
+// Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+// including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
+// freely, subject to the following restrictions:
+// 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
+//    claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
+//    in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
+//    appreciated but is not required.
+// 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
+//    misrepresented as being the original software.
+// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+#include <logmich/log.hpp>
+int main()
+  logmich::set_log_level(logmich::kInfo);
+  log_error("error level log message");
+  log_warn("warring level log message");
+  log_info("info level log message");
+  log_debug("debug level log message [invisible]");
+  log_tmp("tmp level log message [invisible]");
+  logmich::set_log_level(logmich::kTemp);
+  log_error("error level log message with format: %d", 5);
+  log_warn("warring level log message with format: %d", 10);
+  log_info("info level log message with format: %s", "Hello World");
+ log_debug("debug level log message with format: %d %d %d %d", 1, 2, 3, 4);
+  log_tmp("tmp level log message %d", 42);
+  logmich::set_log_level(logmich::kInfo);
+  log_debug("this should not be visible [invisible]");
+  logmich::set_log_level(logmich::kTemp);
+  log_debug("this should be visible");
+  log_tmp("this should be visible");
+  return 0;
+/* EOF */

Revision: f33eb521d5c2
Author:   Ingo Ruhnke <address@hidden>
Date:     Sun Jul 27 02:31:45 2014 UTC
Log:      Added logmich to external/README


--- /external/README    Tue Aug 30 22:11:13 2011 UTC
+++ /external/README    Sun Jul 27 02:31:45 2014 UTC
@@ -3,4 +3,11 @@

svn export tinygettext

 # EOF #

Revision: 90b645cee25f
Author:   Ingo Ruhnke <address@hidden>
Date:     Sun Jul 27 03:01:44 2014 UTC
Log:      Added logmich includes


--- /src/util/log.cpp   Wed Sep 28 16:24:47 2011 UTC
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-**  Xbox360 USB Gamepad Userspace Driver
-**  Copyright (C) 2011 Ingo Ruhnke <address@hidden>
-**  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-**  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-**  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-**  (at your option) any later version.
-**  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-**  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-**  GNU General Public License for more details.
-**  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-**  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-#include <iostream>
-#include "log.hpp"
-Logger g_logger;
-std::string log_pretty_print(const std::string& str)
-  // FIXME: very basic, might not work with complex return types
-  std::string::size_type function_start = 0;
-  for(std::string::size_type i = 0; i < str.size(); ++i)
-  {
-    if (str[i] == ' ')
-    {
-      function_start = i+1;
-    }
-    else if (str[i] == '(')
-    {
-      return str.substr(function_start, i - function_start) + "()";
-    }
-  }
-  return str.substr(function_start);
-Logger::Logger() :
-  m_log_level(kWarning)
-Logger::incr_log_level(LogLevel level)
-  if (get_log_level() < level)
-  {
-    set_log_level(level);
-  }
-Logger::set_log_level(LogLevel level)
-  m_log_level = level;
-Logger::get_log_level() const
-  return m_log_level;
-Logger::append_unchecked(LogLevel level, const std::string& str)
-  switch(level)
-  {
-    case kNone:    std::cout << "[NONE]  "; break;
-    case kError:   std::cout << "[ERROR] "; break;
-    case kWarning: std::cout << "[WARN]  "; break;
-    case kInfo:    std::cout << "[INFO]  "; break;
-    case kDebug:   std::cout << "[DEBUG] "; break;
-    case kTemp:    std::cout << "[TEMP]  "; break;
-  }
-  std::cout << str << std::endl;
-Logger::append(LogLevel level, const std::string& str)
-  if (m_log_level >= level)
-  {
-    append_unchecked(level, str);
-  }
-/* EOF */
--- /SConscript Sat Jul 26 18:49:11 2014 UTC
+++ /SConscript Sun Jul 27 03:01:44 2014 UTC
@@ -232,10 +232,13 @@

     def build(self):
-        self.env.Append(CPPPATH = ['.', 'src/', 'external/tinygettext/'])
+        self.env.Append(CPPPATH = ['.', 'src/',
+                                   'external/tinygettext/',
+                                   'external/logmich/include/'])

         libpingus = self.env.StaticLibrary('pingus',
Glob('external/tinygettext/tinygettext/*.cpp') + \ + Glob('external/logmich/src/*.cpp') + \
                                            Glob('src/editor/*.cpp') + \
Glob('src/engine/display/*.cpp') + \ Glob('src/engine/display/delta/*.cpp') + \
--- /src/editor/editor_level.cpp        Mon Oct 17 22:13:14 2011 UTC
+++ /src/editor/editor_level.cpp        Sun Jul 27 03:01:44 2014 UTC
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 #include "editor/editor_level.hpp"

 #include <algorithm>
+#include <sstream>

 #include "editor/level_obj.hpp"
 #include "editor/level_obj_factory.hpp"
--- /src/util/log.hpp   Wed Sep 28 16:24:47 2011 UTC
+++ /src/util/log.hpp   Sun Jul 27 03:01:44 2014 UTC
@@ -1,125 +1,23 @@
-**  Xbox360 USB Gamepad Userspace Driver
-**  Copyright (C) 2011 Ingo Ruhnke <address@hidden>
-**  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-**  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-**  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-**  (at your option) any later version.
-**  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-**  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-**  GNU General Public License for more details.
-**  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-**  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-#include <string>
-#include <sstream>
-/** Takes __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ and tries to shorten it to the form:
-    Classname::function() */
-std::string log_pretty_print(const std::string& str);
-class Logger
-  enum LogLevel {
-    /** Used in set_log_level() to disable all output */
-    kNone,
-    /** things that shouldn't happen (i.e. a catched exceptions) */
-    kError,
-    /** messages that indicate an recoverable error (i.e. a catched
-        exceptions) */
-    kWarning,
-    /** informal status messages that don't indicate a fault in the
-        program */
-    kInfo,
-    /** extra verbose debugging messages */
-    kDebug,
-    /** temporary extra verbose debugging messages */
-    kTemp
-  };
-  LogLevel m_log_level;
-  Logger();
-  void incr_log_level(LogLevel level);
-  void set_log_level(LogLevel level);
-  LogLevel get_log_level() const;
-  void append(LogLevel level, const std::string& str);
-  void append_unchecked(LogLevel level, const std::string& str);
-#define log_debug(text) do { \
-  if (g_logger.get_log_level() >= Logger::kDebug) \
-  { \
-    std::ostringstream x6ac1c382;             \
-    x6ac1c382 << log_pretty_print(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__) << ": " << text; \
-    g_logger.append_unchecked(Logger::kDebug, x6ac1c382.str()); \
-  } \
-} while(false)
-#define log_info(text) do { \
-  if (g_logger.get_log_level() >= Logger::kInfo) \
-  { \
-    std::ostringstream x6ac1c382;             \
-    x6ac1c382 << log_pretty_print(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__) << ": " << text; \
-    g_logger.append_unchecked(Logger::kInfo, x6ac1c382.str()); \
-  } \
-} while(false)
-#define log_warn(text) do { \
-  if (g_logger.get_log_level() >= Logger::kWarning) \
-  { \
-    std::ostringstream x6ac1c382;             \
-    x6ac1c382 << log_pretty_print(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__) << ": " << text; \
-    g_logger.append_unchecked(Logger::kWarning, x6ac1c382.str()); \
-  } \
-} while(false)
-#define log_error(text) do { \
-  if (g_logger.get_log_level() >= Logger::kError) \
-  { \
-    std::ostringstream x6ac1c382;             \
-    x6ac1c382 << log_pretty_print(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__) << ": " << text; \
-    g_logger.append_unchecked(Logger::kError, x6ac1c382.str()); \
-  } \
-} while(false)
-/** Write an empty debug message, thus only class and function
-    name are visible, log level is ignored, messages are always
-    printed. Use for temporary messages in development that should not
-    be part of final release. */
-#define log_tmp_trace() do { \
-    std::ostringstream x6ac1c382; \
-    x6ac1c382 << log_pretty_print(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__); \
-    g_logger.append_unchecked(Logger::kTemp, x6ac1c382.str()); \
-} while(false)
+//  Pingus - A free Lemmings clone
+//  Copyright (C) 2014 Ingo Ruhnke <address@hidden>
+//  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+//  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+//  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+//  (at your option) any later version.
+//  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+//  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+//  GNU General Public License for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+//  along with this program.  If not, see <>.

-/** Write an debug message, while ignoring the log level. Use for
-    temporary messages in development that should not be part of final
-    release. */
-#define log_tmp(text) do { \
-    std::ostringstream x6ac1c382; \
-    x6ac1c382 << log_pretty_print(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__) << ": " << text; \
-    g_logger.append_unchecked(Logger::kTemp, x6ac1c382.str()); \
-} while(false)

-extern Logger g_logger;
+#include <logmich/log.hpp>


Revision: 017cbdc0fd80
Author:   Ingo Ruhnke <address@hidden>
Date:     Sun Jul 27 03:58:17 2014 UTC
Log:      Updated logmich


--- /external/logmich/include/logmich/logger.hpp Sun Jul 27 02:31:29 2014 UTC +++ /external/logmich/include/logmich/logger.hpp Sun Jul 27 03:58:17 2014 UTC
@@ -42,6 +42,9 @@

 enum LogLevel
+  /** Used in set_log_level() to disable all output */
+  kNone,
   /** things that shouldn't happen (i.e. a catched exceptions) */

--- /external/logmich/src/logger.cpp    Sun Jul 27 02:31:29 2014 UTC
+++ /external/logmich/src/logger.cpp    Sun Jul 27 03:58:17 2014 UTC
@@ -86,6 +86,7 @@
+    case kNone:    out << "[NONE "; break;
     case kError:   out << "[ERROR "; break;
     case kWarning: out << "[WARN "; break;
     case kInfo:    out << "[INFO "; break;

Revision: 7a5ee63b5e44
Author:   Ingo Ruhnke <address@hidden>
Date:     Sun Jul 27 03:58:39 2014 UTC
Log:      Switched source over to logmich's format string based logging


--- /extra/image-info.cpp       Thu Dec 29 22:39:26 2011 UTC
+++ /extra/image-info.cpp       Sun Jul 27 03:58:39 2014 UTC
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
     SDL_Surface* surface = IMG_Load(argv[i]);
     if (!surface)
-      log_error("failed to load: " << argv[i]);
+      log_error("failed to load: %1%", argv[i]);
--- /extra/pingus-level-resave.cpp      Wed Oct 19 22:59:49 2011 UTC
+++ /extra/pingus-level-resave.cpp      Sun Jul 27 03:58:39 2014 UTC
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
     catch(const std::exception& err)
-      log_error(argv[i] << ": exception catched: " << err.what());
+      log_error("%1%: exception catched: %2%", argv[i], err.what());

--- /extra/pingus-level-resource-check.cpp      Tue Oct  4 12:09:50 2011 UTC
+++ /extra/pingus-level-resource-check.cpp      Sun Jul 27 03:58:39 2014 UTC
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
     catch(const std::exception& err)
-      log_error(argv[i] << ": exception catched: " << err.what());
+      log_error("%1%: exception catched: %2%", argv[i], err.what());

--- /extra/pingus-level2png.cpp Sun Sep 18 22:54:18 2011 UTC
+++ /extra/pingus-level2png.cpp Sun Jul 27 03:58:39 2014 UTC
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
       writer.write_vector2i("offset", offset);
       out << std::endl;
-      log_info("writing: " << outfile);
+      log_info("writing: %1%", outfile);
       System::write_file(outfile, out.str());
--- /src/editor/editor_level.cpp        Sun Jul 27 03:01:44 2014 UTC
+++ /src/editor/editor_level.cpp        Sun Jul 27 03:58:39 2014 UTC
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
 EditorLevel::from_level_file(const Pathname& pathname)
-  log_info(pathname.str());
+  log_info("%1%", pathname.str());

   // Load the level from the file - we don't care what it's res_name is.
   PingusLevel plf(pathname);
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
 EditorLevel::from_prefab_file(const Pathname& pathname)
-  log_info(pathname.str());
+  log_info("%1%", pathname.str());

   // Load the level from the file - we don't care what it's res_name is.
   PrefabFile prefab = PrefabFile::from_path(pathname);
@@ -443,7 +443,7 @@
Objects::iterator i = std::find(impl->objects.begin(), impl->objects.end(), obj);
   if (i == impl->objects.end())
-    log_error("couldn't find object: " << obj);
+    log_error("couldn't find object: %1%", obj);
@@ -469,7 +469,7 @@
Objects::reverse_iterator i = std::find(impl->objects.rbegin(), impl->objects.rend(), obj);
   if (i == impl->objects.rend())
-    log_error("couldn't find object: " << obj);
+    log_error("couldn't find object: %1%", obj);
--- /src/editor/editor_screen.cpp       Sat Oct 22 15:39:26 2011 UTC
+++ /src/editor/editor_screen.cpp       Sun Jul 27 03:58:39 2014 UTC
@@ -153,13 +153,13 @@
   if (System::get_file_extension(filename) == "prefab")
     level_pathname = file;
-    log_info("Save to: " << file.str());
+    log_info("Save to: %1%", file.str());
     level_pathname = file;
-    log_info("Save to: " << file.str());
+    log_info("Save to: %1%", file.str());
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@
   catch(const std::exception& err)
     // FIXME: show a MessageBox
-    log_error(err.what());
+    log_error("%1%", err.what());

@@ -431,7 +431,7 @@
- log_info("Function at '" << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << "' is unimplemented");
+  log_info("not implemented");

--- /src/editor/file_dialog.cpp Fri Oct 14 16:52:35 2011 UTC
+++ /src/editor/file_dialog.cpp Sun Jul 27 03:58:39 2014 UTC
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@
Pathname file(Pathname::join(pathname_inputbox->get_text(), filename_inputbox->get_text()),
-      log_info("Open: " << file);
+      log_info("Open: %1%", file);
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
Pathname file(Pathname::join(pathname_inputbox->get_text(), filename_inputbox->get_text()),
-      log_info("Save: " << file);
+      log_info("Save: %1%", file);
--- /src/editor/file_list.cpp   Sat Jul 26 18:49:29 2014 UTC
+++ /src/editor/file_list.cpp   Sun Jul 27 03:58:39 2014 UTC
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
   catch(const std::exception& err)
-    log_error(err.what());
+    log_error("%1%", err.what());

--- /src/editor/group_level_obj.cpp     Tue Oct 11 15:42:27 2011 UTC
+++ /src/editor/group_level_obj.cpp     Sun Jul 27 03:58:39 2014 UTC
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
   catch(const std::exception& err)
-    log_error(err.what());
+    log_error("%1%", err.what());
     return std::shared_ptr<GroupLevelObj>();
--- /src/editor/level_properties.cpp    Thu May  2 14:59:27 2013 UTC
+++ /src/editor/level_properties.cpp    Sun Jul 27 03:58:39 2014 UTC
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@
- log_error("LevelProperties::on_number_to_save_change: '" << str << "' not an integer"); + log_error("LevelProperties::on_number_to_save_change: '%1%' not an integer", str);

@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@
- log_error("LevelProperties::on_number_of_pingus_change: '" << str << "' not an integer"); + log_error("LevelProperties::on_number_of_pingus_change: '%1%' not an integer", str);

--- /src/editor/object_properties.cpp   Tue Oct 11 15:42:27 2011 UTC
+++ /src/editor/object_properties.cpp   Sun Jul 27 03:58:39 2014 UTC
@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@
       else if (obj->get_direction() == "right")
-        log_error("unknown direction: " << obj->get_direction());
+        log_error("unknown direction: %1%", obj->get_direction());

       place(entrance_direction_label, entrance_direction);
--- /src/editor/viewport.cpp    Wed Sep 28 00:39:07 2011 UTC
+++ /src/editor/viewport.cpp    Sun Jul 27 03:58:39 2014 UTC
@@ -478,9 +478,7 @@

-      log_debug("Viewport::on_key_pressed: " << ev.keysym.sym
-                << " U+" << (boost::format("%04x") % ev.keysym.unicode)
-                << " " << UTF8::encode_utf8(ev.keysym.unicode));
+      log_debug("Viewport::on_key_pressed: %1%", ev.keysym.sym);
--- /src/engine/display/blitter_impl.hpp        Thu Sep  8 21:29:00 2011 UTC
+++ /src/engine/display/blitter_impl.hpp        Sun Jul 27 03:58:39 2014 UTC
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@
-    log_error("unhandled BytesPerPixel: " << bpp);
+    log_error("unhandled BytesPerPixel: %1%", bpp);

--- /src/engine/display/delta/rect_merger.cpp   Sun Sep 18 12:24:16 2011 UTC
+++ /src/engine/display/delta/rect_merger.cpp   Sun Jul 27 03:58:39 2014 UTC
@@ -190,13 +190,13 @@
       assert(marks.front().type == Mark::START_MARK);
       if (0)
-        log_error("Size: " << i->marks.size());
+        log_error("Size: %1%", i->marks.size());
         if (marks.front().type != Mark::START_MARK)
for(std::vector<Mark>::const_iterator mark_it = marks.begin(); mark_it != marks.end(); )
-            log_error(((mark_it->type == Mark::START_MARK) ? "'(" : "')")
-                      << mark_it->pos
-                      << "' ");
+            log_error("%1% %2%",
+                      (mark_it->type == Mark::START_MARK) ? "'(" : "')",
+                      mark_it->pos);
--- /src/engine/display/display.cpp     Mon Nov 28 13:44:37 2011 UTC
+++ /src/engine/display/display.cpp     Sun Jul 27 03:58:39 2014 UTC
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@

- log_info(framebuffer_type_to_string(framebuffer_type) << " " << size << " " << (fullscreen?"fullscreen":"window")); + log_info("%1% %2% %3%", framebuffer_type_to_string(framebuffer_type), size, (fullscreen?"fullscreen":"window"));

   switch (framebuffer_type)
@@ -173,8 +173,6 @@
int this_distance = abs(size.width - modes[i]->w) + abs(size.height - modes[i]->h);

- // log_info("Mode: " << size << " -> " << modes[i]->w << "x" << modes[i]->h << " " << this_distance);
       if (distance == -1 || distance > this_distance)
         distance = this_distance;
--- /src/engine/display/drawing_context.cpp     Mon Sep  5 21:46:01 2011 UTC
+++ /src/engine/display/drawing_context.cpp     Sun Jul 27 03:58:39 2014 UTC
@@ -210,12 +210,12 @@
for(DrawingRequests::iterator i = drawingrequests.begin(); i != drawingrequests.end(); ++i)
-      log_info((*i)->get_z_pos());
+      log_info("%1%", (*i)->get_z_pos());
for(DrawingRequests::iterator i = drawingrequests.begin(); i != drawingrequests.end(); ++i)
-    //log_info(this << ": " << (*i)->get_z_pos());
+    //log_info("%1%", this << ": " << (*i)->get_z_pos());
(*i)->render(fb, this_rect); // FIXME: Should we clip size against parent rect?

--- /src/engine/display/font.cpp        Sat Jul 26 18:49:29 2014 UTC
+++ /src/engine/display/font.cpp        Sun Jul 27 03:58:39 2014 UTC
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
       Surface surface(desc.images[j].pathname);
       if (!surface)
-        log_info("IMG: " << desc.images[j].pathname.str());
+        log_info("IMG: %1%", desc.images[j].pathname.str());

@@ -71,12 +71,12 @@
-            log_warn("unicode collision on " << i->unicode);
+            log_warn("unicode collision on %1%", i->unicode);
-          log_warn("unicode out of range: " << i->unicode);
+          log_warn("unicode out of range: %1%", i->unicode);
--- /src/engine/display/null_framebuffer.cpp    Fri Oct 14 02:03:23 2011 UTC
+++ /src/engine/display/null_framebuffer.cpp    Sun Jul 27 03:58:39 2014 UTC
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
 NullFramebuffer::create_surface(const Surface& surface)
-  log_info("creating surface: " << surface.get_size());
+  log_info("creating surface: %1%", surface.get_size());
return FramebufferSurface(new NullFramebufferSurfaceImpl(surface.get_size()));

@@ -57,8 +57,9 @@
   m_fullscreen = fullscreen;
   m_resizable  = resizable;

-  log_info("size: " << m_size.width << "x" << m_size.height <<
- " fullscreen: " << m_fullscreen << " resizable: " << m_resizable);
+  log_info("size: %1%x%2% fullscreen: %3% resizable: %4%",
+           m_size.width, m_size.height,
+           m_fullscreen, m_resizable);

--- /src/engine/display/screenshot.cpp  Mon Sep 19 15:09:02 2011 UTC
+++ /src/engine/display/screenshot.cpp  Sun Jul 27 03:58:39 2014 UTC
@@ -34,9 +34,9 @@
   std::string filename = get_filename();
-  log_info(_("Screenshot: Saving screenshot to: ") << filename);
+  log_info("Screenshot: Saving screenshot to: %1%", filename);
   save(SDL_GetVideoSurface(), filename);
-  log_info(_("Screenshot: Screenshot is done."));
+  log_info("Screenshot: Screenshot is done.");

   return filename;
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
-        log_info("BitsPerPixel: " << int(surface->format->BitsPerPixel));
+        log_info("BitsPerPixel: %1%", int(surface->format->BitsPerPixel));
         assert(!"Unknown color format");
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
   if (!out)
-    log_info(_("Screenshot: Couldn't write file: ") << filename);
+    log_info("Screenshot: Couldn't write file: %1%", filename);

@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@
   if (fp == NULL)
-    log_info(_("Screenshot: Couldn't write file: ") << filename);
+    log_info("Screenshot: Couldn't write file: %1%", filename);

--- /src/engine/display/sdl_framebuffer.cpp     Sat Jul 26 18:49:29 2014 UTC
+++ /src/engine/display/sdl_framebuffer.cpp     Sun Jul 27 03:58:39 2014 UTC
@@ -434,7 +434,7 @@

   if (screen == NULL)
-    log_error("Unable to set video mode: " << SDL_GetError());
+    log_error("Unable to set video mode: %1%", SDL_GetError());
--- /src/engine/display/sprite_description.cpp  Mon Sep  5 20:21:49 2011 UTC
+++ /src/engine/display/sprite_description.cpp  Sun Jul 27 03:58:39 2014 UTC
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@

   if (!reader.read_path("image",  desc->filename))
-    log_error(reader.get_name() << " 'image' missing");
+    log_error("'image' missing for %1%", reader.get_name());

desc->filename = Pathname(desc->filename.get_raw_path(), Pathname::DATA_PATH); // FIXME: Hack
--- /src/engine/display/sprite_impl.cpp Tue Aug  7 21:45:03 2012 UTC
+++ /src/engine/display/sprite_impl.cpp Sun Jul 27 03:58:39 2014 UTC
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
   catch(const std::exception& err)
     // return a dummy surface for cases where the image file can't be found
-    log_error(err.what());
+    log_error("%1%", err.what());
Surface surface(Pathname("images/core/misc/404.png", Pathname::DATA_PATH));
     return Display::get_framebuffer()->create_surface(surface);
--- /src/engine/display/surface.cpp     Fri May 10 02:38:07 2013 UTC
+++ /src/engine/display/surface.cpp     Sun Jul 27 03:58:39 2014 UTC
@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@
       return Blitter::rotate_270_flip(*this);

-      log_error("Surface: unhandled modifier: " << modifier);
+      log_error("Surface: unhandled modifier: %1%", modifier);
       return *this;
@@ -478,7 +478,7 @@
- log_error("unsupported BytesPerPixel format: " << impl->surface->format->BytesPerPixel); + log_error("unsupported BytesPerPixel format: %1%", impl->surface->format->BytesPerPixel);
--- /src/engine/gui/gui_manager.cpp     Wed Sep  7 11:00:46 2011 UTC
+++ /src/engine/gui/gui_manager.cpp     Sun Jul 27 03:58:39 2014 UTC
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@

     case Input::AXIS_EVENT_TYPE:
       // AxisEvents can be ignored in the GUI, they are handled elsewhere
-      log_debug("GUIManager: AxisEvent: " << event.axis.dir);
+      log_debug("GUIManager: AxisEvent: %1%", event.axis.dir);

     case Input::KEYBOARD_EVENT_TYPE:
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@

-      log_warn("unhandled event type " << event.type);
+      log_warn("unhandled event type %1%", event.type);
--- /src/engine/input/controller.cpp    Sat Jul 26 18:49:29 2014 UTC
+++ /src/engine/input/controller.cpp    Sun Jul 27 03:58:39 2014 UTC
@@ -230,28 +230,24 @@
 Controller::add_axis_event(int id, float pos)
-  // log_info("Controller::axis_event: id=" << id << " " << pos);
   events.push_back(makeAxisEvent(static_cast<EventName>(id), pos));

 Controller::add_button_event(int id, ButtonState state)
-  // log_info("Controller::button_event: id=" << id << " " << state);
   events.push_back(makeButtonEvent(static_cast<EventName>(id), state));

 Controller::add_pointer_event(int id, float x, float y)
- // log_info("Controller::pointer_event: id=" << id << " " << x << ", " << y);
   events.push_back(makePointerEvent(static_cast<EventName>(id), x, y));

 Controller::add_scroller_event(int id, float xrel, float yrel)
- // log_info("Controller::scroller_event: id=" << id << " " << xrel << ", " << yrel); events.push_back(makeScrollerEvent(static_cast<EventName>(id), xrel, yrel));

--- /src/engine/input/evdev/evdev_device.cpp    Sat Jul 26 18:49:29 2014 UTC
+++ /src/engine/input/evdev/evdev_device.cpp    Sun Jul 27 03:58:39 2014 UTC
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
     char c_name[256] = "unknown";
     ioctl(fd, EVIOCGNAME(sizeof(c_name)), c_name);
     name = c_name;
-    log_info("Name: " << name);
+    log_info("Name: %1%", name);

   { // Read in how many buttons the device has
@@ -220,12 +220,12 @@
   struct input_event ev[128];
   // FIXME: turn this into a while loop so all events get processed
   ssize_t rd = read(fd, ev, sizeof(struct input_event) * 128);
-  //log_debug(rd / sizeof(struct input_event));
+  //log_debug("%1%", rd / sizeof(struct input_event));
   if (rd >= static_cast<ssize_t>(sizeof(struct input_event)))
for (int i = 0; i < rd / static_cast<int>(sizeof(struct input_event)); ++i)
-      //log_debug(ev[i].type << " " << ev[i].code << " " << ev[i].value);
+ //log_debug("%1%", ev[i].type << " " << ev[i].code << " " << ev[i].value);

       switch (ev[i].type)
@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@
     delete scroller;
- log_error("EvdevDevice: " << device << " doesn't have x or y: x=" << x << " y=" << y); + log_error("EvdevDevice: %1% doesn't have x or y: x=%2% y=%3%", device, x, y);
     return 0;
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@
       return button;
-  log_error("EvdevDevice: " << device << " doesn't have button " << id);
+  log_error("EvdevDevice: %1% doesn't have button %2%", device, id);
   return 0;

--- /src/engine/input/evdev/evdev_driver.cpp    Mon Sep  5 21:46:01 2011 UTC
+++ /src/engine/input/evdev/evdev_driver.cpp    Sun Jul 27 03:58:39 2014 UTC
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
     return device;
   } catch (std::exception& err) {
-    log_error("EvdevDriver: " << err.what());
+    log_error("EvdevDriver: %1%", err.what());
     return 0;
--- /src/engine/input/manager.cpp       Mon Nov 28 13:44:37 2011 UTC
+++ /src/engine/input/manager.cpp       Sun Jul 27 03:58:39 2014 UTC
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
           if (pointer)
- log_error("Manager: pointer: Couldn't create pointer " << j->get_name()); + log_error("Manager: pointer: Couldn't create pointer %1%", j->get_name());

@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@
           if (scroller)
- log_error("Manager: scroller: Couldn't create scroller " << j->get_name()); + log_error("Manager: scroller: Couldn't create scroller %1%", j->get_name());

@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
           if (button)
- log_error("Manager: button: Couldn't create button " << j->get_name()); + log_error("Manager: button: Couldn't create button %1%", j->get_name());
       else if (StringUtil::has_suffix(i->get_name(), "axis"))
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
           if (axis)
- log_error("Manager: axis: Couldn't create axis " << j->get_name()); + log_error("Manager: axis: Couldn't create axis %1%", j->get_name());
       else if (StringUtil::has_suffix(i->get_name(), "keyboard"))
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@
           if (keyboard)
- log_error("Manager: keyboard: Couldn't create keyboard " << j->get_name()); + log_error("Manager: keyboard: Couldn't create keyboard %1%", j->get_name());
@@ -225,12 +225,12 @@
-    log_info("loading driver '" << name << "'");
+    log_info("loading driver '%1%'", name);

     driver = DriverFactory::create(name, this);
     if (!driver)
-      log_error("unknown driver: " << name);
+      log_error("unknown driver: %1%", name);
       return 0;
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@
-    log_error("couldn't find driver: '" << driver << "'");
+    log_error("couldn't find driver: '%1%'", driver);
     return 0;
@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@
-    log_error("couldn't find driver: '" << driver << "'");
+    log_error("couldn't find driver: '%1%'", driver);
     return 0;
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@
-    log_error("couldn't find driver: '" << driver << "'");
+    log_error("couldn't find driver: '%1%'", driver);
     return 0;
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@
-    log_error("couldn't find driver: '" << driver << "'");
+    log_error("couldn't find driver: '%1%'", driver);
     return 0;
@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@
-    log_error("couldn't find driver: '" << driver << "'");
+    log_error("couldn't find driver: '%1%'", driver);
     return 0;
--- /src/engine/input/sdl_driver.cpp    Fri Oct 21 17:14:13 2011 UTC
+++ /src/engine/input/sdl_driver.cpp    Sun Jul 27 03:58:39 2014 UTC
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
     string2key[key_name] = static_cast<SDLKey>(i);

// FIXME: Make the keynames somewhere user visible so that users can use them
-    log_debug("Key: '" << key_name << "'");
+    log_debug("Key: '%1%'", key_name);

@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
-        log_error("couldn't find keysym for key '" << key << "'");
+        log_error("couldn't find keysym for key '%1%'", key);
         return 0;
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@
-      log_error("couldn't open joystick number " << device);
+      log_error("couldn't open joystick number %1%", device);
       return false;
--- /src/engine/screen/gui_screen.cpp   Mon Oct 10 23:10:02 2011 UTC
+++ /src/engine/screen/gui_screen.cpp   Sun Jul 27 03:58:39 2014 UTC
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@

-      log_error("unhandled event type: " << event.type);
+      log_error("unhandled event type: %1%", event.type);
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
-        log_debug("unhandled event: " <<;
+        log_debug("unhandled event: %1%",;
@@ -164,13 +164,13 @@
-        log_debug("unhandled event: " <<;
+        log_debug("unhandled event: %1%",;
-    log_error("got unknown event.state: " << event.state);
+    log_error("got unknown event.state: %1%", event.state);

--- /src/engine/screen/screen_manager.cpp       Fri Oct 14 02:03:23 2011 UTC
+++ /src/engine/screen/screen_manager.cpp       Sun Jul 27 03:58:39 2014 UTC
@@ -210,8 +210,7 @@
     if (previous_frame_time > 1.0)
       if (globals::developer_mode)
- log_warn("ScreenManager: previous frame took longer than 1 second (" << previous_frame_time
-                 << " sec.), ignoring and doing frameskip");
+ log_warn("ScreenManager: previous frame took longer than 1 second (%1% sec.), ignoring and doing frameskip", previous_frame_time);
@@ -224,7 +223,6 @@
       // achieve <desired_fps> frames per second
       if (current_frame_time < 1.0f / globals::desired_fps) {
Uint32 sleep_time = static_cast<Uint32>(1000 *((1.0f / globals::desired_fps) - current_frame_time));
-        // log_debug("Sleep: " << sleep_time);
--- /src/engine/sound/sound.cpp Thu Sep 29 13:51:08 2011 UTC
+++ /src/engine/sound/sound.cpp Sun Jul 27 03:58:39 2014 UTC
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
       try {
         PingusSound::init (new PingusSoundReal ());
       } catch (const std::exception& err) {
-        log_error("Sound Error: " << err.what());
+        log_error("Sound Error: %1%", err.what());
         log_error("Sound will be disabled");
         PingusSound::init (new PingusSoundDummy ());
--- /src/engine/sound/sound_dummy.cpp   Mon Sep  5 21:46:01 2011 UTC
+++ /src/engine/sound/sound_dummy.cpp   Sun Jul 27 03:58:39 2014 UTC
@@ -24,13 +24,13 @@
PingusSoundDummy::real_play_sound(const std::string & filename, float /*volume*/, float /*panning*/)
-  log_info("PingusSoundDummy::real_play_sound: " << filename);
+  log_info("PingusSoundDummy::real_play_sound: %1%", filename);

PingusSoundDummy::real_play_music(const std::string & filename, float /*volume*/, bool /*loop*/)
-  log_info("PingusSoundDummy::real_play_music: " << filename);
+  log_info("PingusSoundDummy::real_play_music: %1%", filename);

--- /src/engine/sound/sound_real.cpp    Mon Nov 28 13:44:37 2011 UTC
+++ /src/engine/sound/sound_real.cpp    Sun Jul 27 03:58:39 2014 UTC
@@ -67,8 +67,7 @@
     chunk = SoundResMgr::load(name);
     if (!chunk)
-      log_error("Can't open sound '" << name << "' -- skipping\n"
-                << "  Mix_Error: " << Mix_GetError());
+ log_error("Can't open sound '%1%' -- skipping\n Mix_Error: %2%", name, Mix_GetError());

@@ -104,15 +103,14 @@
       m_master_volume > 0 &&
       m_music_volume > 0)
-    log_info("PingusSoundReal: Playing music: " << filename);
+    log_info("PingusSoundReal: Playing music: %1%", filename);


     music_sample = Mix_LoadMUS(filename.c_str());
     if (!music_sample)
-      log_error("Can't load music: " << filename << "' -- skipping\n"
-                << "  Mix_Error: " << Mix_GetError());
+ log_error("Can't load music: %1%' -- skipping\n Mix_Error: %2%", filename, Mix_GetError());

--- /src/engine/sound/sound_res_mgr.cpp Mon Sep  5 21:46:01 2011 UTC
+++ /src/engine/sound/sound_res_mgr.cpp Sun Jul 27 03:58:39 2014 UTC
@@ -31,16 +31,16 @@
std::string filename = g_path_manager.complete("sounds/" + name + ".wav");
     Mix_Chunk* chunk = Mix_LoadWAV(filename.c_str());
- log_info("SoundResMgr: Loading sound from disk: " << name << " -> " << filename); + log_info("SoundResMgr: Loading sound from disk: %1% -> %2%", name, filename);
     if (!chunk)
-      log_info("Error: " << Mix_GetError());
+      log_info("Error: %1%", Mix_GetError());

     sound_map[name] = chunk;
     return chunk;
-    log_info("SoundResMgr: Loading sound from cache: " << name);
+    log_info("SoundResMgr: Loading sound from cache: %1%", name);
     return i->second;

--- /src/engine/system/sdl_system.cpp   Fri Oct 21 16:49:36 2011 UTC
+++ /src/engine/system/sdl_system.cpp   Sun Jul 27 03:58:39 2014 UTC
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
-    log_error("Unable to initialize SDL: " << SDL_GetError());
+    log_error("Unable to initialize SDL: %1%", SDL_GetError());
--- /src/pingus/collision_mask.cpp      Thu Sep  8 10:21:46 2011 UTC
+++ /src/pingus/collision_mask.cpp      Sun Jul 27 03:58:39 2014 UTC
@@ -110,20 +110,20 @@
     memset(buffer.get(), 0, width*height);

-    log_error("unsupported image format:\n" <<
-              boost::format("  File: %s\n"
-                            "  BitsPerPixel: %d\n"
-                            "  BytesPerPixel: %d\n"
-                            "  rmask: 0x%08x\n"
-                            "  gmask: 0x%08x\n"
-                            "  bmask: 0x%08x\n"
-                            "  amask: 0x%08x\n") %
-              surface_res.c_str() %
-              static_cast<int>(sdl_surface->format->BitsPerPixel) %
-              static_cast<int>(sdl_surface->format->BytesPerPixel) %
-              static_cast<unsigned int>(sdl_surface->format->Rmask) %
-              static_cast<unsigned int>(sdl_surface->format->Gmask) %
-              static_cast<unsigned int>(sdl_surface->format->Bmask) %
+    log_error("unsupported image format:\n"
+              "  File: %s\n"
+              "  BitsPerPixel: %d\n"
+              "  BytesPerPixel: %d\n"
+              "  rmask: 0x%08x\n"
+              "  gmask: 0x%08x\n"
+              "  bmask: 0x%08x\n"
+              "  amask: 0x%08x\n",
+              surface_res.c_str(),
+              static_cast<int>(sdl_surface->format->BitsPerPixel),
+              static_cast<int>(sdl_surface->format->BytesPerPixel),
+              static_cast<unsigned int>(sdl_surface->format->Rmask),
+              static_cast<unsigned int>(sdl_surface->format->Gmask),
+              static_cast<unsigned int>(sdl_surface->format->Bmask),
               static_cast<unsigned int>(sdl_surface->format->Amask));

--- /src/pingus/config_manager.cpp      Fri Oct 21 13:58:08 2011 UTC
+++ /src/pingus/config_manager.cpp      Sun Jul 27 03:58:39 2014 UTC
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
 ConfigManager::set_master_volume(int v)
-  log_info("ConfigManager::set_master_volume: " << v);
+  log_info("ConfigManager::set_master_volume: %1%", v);
   Sound::PingusSound::set_master_volume(static_cast<float>(v) / 100.0f);

@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
 ConfigManager::set_sound_volume(int v)
-  log_info("ConfigManager::set_sound_volume: " << v);
+  log_info("ConfigManager::set_sound_volume: %1%", v);
   Sound::PingusSound::set_sound_volume(static_cast<float>(v) / 100.0f);

@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
 ConfigManager::set_music_volume(int v)
-  log_info("ConfigManager::set_music_volume: " << v);
+  log_info("ConfigManager::set_music_volume: %1%", v);
   Sound::PingusSound::set_music_volume(static_cast<float>(v) / 100.0f);

@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
 ConfigManager::set_fullscreen_resolution(const Size& size)
-  log_info(size.width << "x" << size.height);
+  log_info("%1%x%2%", size.width, size.height);

   if (size != get_fullscreen_resolution())
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
 ConfigManager::set_fullscreen(bool v)
-  log_info("ConfigManager::set_fullscreen: " << v);
+  log_info("ConfigManager::set_fullscreen: %1%", v);

   if (v != get_fullscreen())
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@
 ConfigManager::set_resizable(bool v)
-  log_info("ConfigManager::set_resizable: " << v);
+  log_info("ConfigManager::set_resizable: %1%", v);

   if (v != get_resizable())
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@
 ConfigManager::set_mouse_grab(bool v)
-  log_info("ConfigManager::set_mouse_grab: " << v);
+  log_info("ConfigManager::set_mouse_grab: %1%", v);

   if (v != get_mouse_grab())
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@
 ConfigManager::set_print_fps(bool v)
-  log_info("ConfigManager::set_print_fps: " << v);
+  log_info("ConfigManager::set_print_fps: %1%", v);

   if (v != get_print_fps())
@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@
 ConfigManager::set_language(const tinygettext::Language& v)
-  log_info(v.str());
+  log_info("%1%", v.str());

   if (v != get_language())
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@
 ConfigManager::set_software_cursor(bool v)
-  log_info("ConfigManager::set_software_cursor: " << v);
+  log_info("ConfigManager::set_software_cursor: %1%", v);

   if (v != get_software_cursor())
@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@
 ConfigManager::set_auto_scrolling(bool v)
-  log_info("ConfigManager::set_auto_scrolling: " << v);
+  log_info("ConfigManager::set_auto_scrolling: %1%", v);

   if (v != get_auto_scrolling())
--- /src/pingus/global_event.cpp        Sat Oct 22 23:59:53 2011 UTC
+++ /src/pingus/global_event.cpp        Sun Jul 27 03:58:39 2014 UTC
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
     case SDLK_m:
       if (keystate[SDLK_LCTRL] || keystate[SDLK_RCTRL])
-        log_info("Developer Mode: " << globals::developer_mode);
+        log_info("Developer Mode: %1%", globals::developer_mode);
         globals::developer_mode = !globals::developer_mode;
--- /src/pingus/ground_map.cpp  Thu Dec 29 14:59:36 2011 UTC
+++ /src/pingus/ground_map.cpp  Sun Jul 27 03:58:39 2014 UTC
@@ -205,8 +205,8 @@
       sprovider.get_surface()->format->BitsPerPixel != 24 &&
       sprovider.get_surface()->format->BitsPerPixel != 32)
-    log_error("Image has wrong color depth: "
- << static_cast<int>(sprovider.get_surface()->format->BitsPerPixel));
+    log_error("Image has wrong color depth: %1%",
+ static_cast<int>(sprovider.get_surface()->format->BitsPerPixel));

--- /src/pingus/groundtype.cpp  Mon Sep  5 21:46:01 2011 UTC
+++ /src/pingus/groundtype.cpp  Sun Jul 27 03:58:39 2014 UTC
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
     return Groundtype::GP_REMOVE;
-    log_error("Groundtype: Unhandled type: '" << arg_type << "'");
+    log_error("Groundtype: Unhandled type: '%1%'", arg_type);
     return Groundtype::GP_GROUND;
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
     case Groundtype::GP_REMOVE:
       return "remove";
-      log_error("Groundtype: Unhandled type: " << arg_type);
+      log_error("Groundtype: Unhandled type: %1%", arg_type);
       return "ground";
--- /src/pingus/levelset.cpp    Sat Jul 26 18:49:29 2014 UTC
+++ /src/pingus/levelset.cpp    Sun Jul 27 03:58:39 2014 UTC
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
           if (!i->read_string("filename", tmp))
- log_error("Levelset: " << pathname.str() << " is missing filename tag"); + log_error("Levelset: %1% is missing filename tag", pathname.str());
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@
   catch(const std::exception& err)
-    log_error("failed to load: " << resname << ": " << err.what());
+    log_error("failed to load: %1%: %2%", resname, err.what());

--- /src/pingus/options.cpp     Sat Oct 22 23:07:02 2011 UTC
+++ /src/pingus/options.cpp     Sun Jul 27 03:58:39 2014 UTC
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
       return "opengl";

-      log_error("unknown FramebufferType: " << static_cast<int>(type));
+      log_error("unknown FramebufferType: %1%", static_cast<int>(type));
       return "sdl";
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
-    log_error("unknown FramebufferType '" << str << "', default to 'sdl'");
+    log_error("unknown FramebufferType '%1%', default to 'sdl'", str);
     return SDL_FRAMEBUFFER;
--- /src/pingus/path_manager.cpp        Tue Sep 27 12:52:55 2011 UTC
+++ /src/pingus/path_manager.cpp        Sun Jul 27 03:58:39 2014 UTC
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
     std::string absolute_path = Pathname::join(*it, relative_path);
     bool exist = System::exist(absolute_path);

-    log_debug(absolute_path << ": " << (exist ? "exist" : "missing"));
+    log_debug("%1%: ", absolute_path, (exist ? "exist" : "missing"));

     if (exist)
--- /src/pingus/pingu.cpp       Tue Oct 18 02:45:58 2011 UTC
+++ /src/pingus/pingu.cpp       Sun Jul 27 03:58:39 2014 UTC
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@
- log_debug("change from action " << action->get_name () << " not allowed"); + log_debug("change from action %1% not allowed", action->get_name());
           ret_val = false;
--- /src/pingus/pingu_action.cpp        Tue Sep 20 16:57:26 2011 UTC
+++ /src/pingus/pingu_action.cpp        Sun Jul 27 03:58:39 2014 UTC
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@
       // FIXME: quick&dirty way to kill falling pingus
       if (velocity.y > Actions::Faller::deadly_velocity+1)
-        // log_debug("Velocity: " << velocity);
+        // log_debug("Velocity: %1%", velocity);
--- /src/pingus/pingus_level.cpp        Mon Nov 28 13:44:37 2011 UTC
+++ /src/pingus/pingus_level.cpp        Sun Jul 27 03:58:39 2014 UTC
@@ -65,9 +65,9 @@
     int version;
     if (reader.read_int("version", version))
-      log_info("Levelfile Version: " << version);
+      log_info("Levelfile Version: %1%", version);
-      log_info("Unknown Levelfile Version: " << version);
+      log_info("Unknown Levelfile Version: %1%", version);

     FileReader head;
     if (!reader.read_section("head", head))
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
       head.read_colorf("ambient-light",    impl->ambient_light);
       head.read_string("author",           impl->author);

-      log_info("Size: " << impl->size.width << " " << impl->size.height);
+      log_info("Size: %1%x%2%", impl->size.width, impl->size.height);

       FileReader actions;
       if (head.read_section("actions", actions))
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator i = lst.begin(); i != lst.end(); ++i)
           int count = 0;
-          log_info("Actions: " << i->c_str());
+          log_info("Actions: %1%", i->c_str());
           if (actions.read_int(i->c_str(), count))
             impl->actions[*i] = count;
--- /src/pingus/pingus_main.cpp Wed Apr 18 13:57:54 2012 UTC
+++ /src/pingus/pingus_main.cpp Sun Jul 27 03:58:39 2014 UTC
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@

     if (!System::exist(filename))
-      log_info(filename << ": config file not found");
+      log_info("%1%: config file not found", filename);
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
       catch(const std::exception& err)
-        log_error(err.what());
+        log_error("%1%", err.what());
@@ -382,15 +382,15 @@

       case 'D':
-        g_logger.set_log_level(Logger::kDebug);
+        logmich::set_log_level(logmich::kDebug);

       case 'v':
-        g_logger.set_log_level(Logger::kInfo);
+        logmich::set_log_level(logmich::kInfo);

       case 'Q':
-        g_logger.set_log_level(Logger::kNone);
+        logmich::set_log_level(logmich::kNone);

       case 360:
@@ -608,7 +608,7 @@
 PingusMain::run(int argc, char** argv)
-  g_logger.set_log_level(Logger::kWarning);
+  logmich::set_log_level(logmich::kWarning);


@@ -663,7 +663,7 @@
- log_error("couldn't create window, falling back to SDL: " << err.what()); + log_error("couldn't create window, falling back to SDL: %1%", err.what()); system.create_window(SDL_FRAMEBUFFER, screen_size, fullscreen, resizable);
--- /src/pingus/plf_res_mgr.cpp Tue Sep 27 12:52:55 2011 UTC
+++ /src/pingus/plf_res_mgr.cpp Sun Jul 27 03:58:39 2014 UTC
@@ -27,13 +27,13 @@
 PLFResMgr::load_plf_raw(const std::string& res_name,
                         const Pathname& pathname)
- log_info("PLFResMgr: '" << res_name << "' -> '" << pathname.str() << "'");
+  log_info("PLFResMgr: '%1%' -> '%2%'", res_name, pathname.str());

   PLFMap::iterator i = plf_map.find(res_name);

   if (i == plf_map.end())
   { // Entry not cached, so load it and add it to cache
- log_info("loading level from DISK: '" << res_name << "' -> '" << pathname.str() << "'"); + log_info("loading level from DISK: '%1%' -> '%2%'", res_name, pathname.str());

     PingusLevel plf(res_name, pathname);

@@ -53,8 +53,7 @@
     uint64_t current_mtime = pathname.mtime();
     if (current_mtime != i->second.mtime)
-      log_info("PLFResMgr: level changed on DISK, reloading: '" << res_name
-               << "' -> '" << pathname.str() << "'");
+ log_info("PLFResMgr: level changed on DISK, reloading: '%1%' -> '%2%'", res_name, pathname.str());

       // Reload the file since it has changed on disk
       PingusLevel plf(res_name, pathname);
@@ -71,8 +70,7 @@
     { // File in cache is up to date, everything is all ready, return it
- log_info("PLFResMgr: Loading level from CACHE: '" << res_name << "' -> '"
-               << pathname.str() << "'");
+ log_info("PLFResMgr: Loading level from CACHE: '%1%' -> '%2%'", res_name, pathname.str());

       return i->second.plf;
--- /src/pingus/resource.cpp    Tue Oct 11 13:49:37 2011 UTC
+++ /src/pingus/resource.cpp    Sun Jul 27 03:58:39 2014 UTC
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
-    log_error("failed to load surface: " << desc_.res_name);
+    log_error("failed to load surface: %1%", desc_.res_name);
return Surface(Pathname("images/core/misc/404.png", Pathname::DATA_PATH));
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
   Pathname thumb_path("thumbnails/" + name + ".png", Pathname::DATA_PATH);
   if (thumb_path.exist())
-    log_info("Loading thumb from: " << thumb_path.str());
+    log_info("Loading thumb from: %1%", thumb_path.str());
     return Sprite(thumb_path);
***Additional files exist in this changeset.***

Revision: 6a1153ad272e
Author:   Ingo Ruhnke <address@hidden>
Date:     Thu Sep 11 21:56:59 2014 UTC
Log: A new levelset by Shaun David Crowdus <address@hidden>


--- /dev/null
+++ /data/levels/crowdus/crowdus001sdc.pingus   Thu Sep 11 21:56:59 2014 UTC
@@ -0,0 +1,463 @@
+  (version 3)
+  (head
+    (license "GPLv3+")
+    (levelname "Which Exit?")
+ (description "The Eight Pingus , forced to leave the island through a different path, find themselves transported onto a hanging-island surrounded by exits. Perhaps one of them leads to their group, but which exit?")
+    (author "Crowdus -- sdc")
+    (number-of-pingus 8)
+    (number-to-save 8)
+    (time -1)
+    (music "")
+    (actions
+      (bomber 5)
+      (bridger 5)
+      (digger 2)
+      (floater 1)
+      (jumper 2))
+    (levelsize 1920 1200))
+  (objects
+    (surface-background
+      (surface
+        (image "textures/greentex")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 971 -257 -1000)
+      (colori 0 0 0 0)
+      (stretch-x #f)
+      (stretch-y #f)
+      (keep-aspect #f)
+      (scroll-x 0)
+      (scroll-y 0)
+      (para-x 0.5)
+      (para-y 0.5))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/space/grid2")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 790 351 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/space/grid2")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 756 317 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "water")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1015 828 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/space/grid2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1082 315 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/stone")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 781 404 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (prefab
+      (name "prefabs/entrances/woodbox")
+      (position 780 440 0)
+      (overrides ))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/space/grid2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 784 480 0))
+    (laser_exit
+      (position 359 418 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/bigsand")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 433 477 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/space/grid2")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 732 480 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 729 530 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/pipeend")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1017 527 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/pipeend")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1040 527 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/crystal/smallsolid")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 817 405 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/crystal/smallsolid")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 720 404 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/crystal/rectsolid")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 746 402 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/easter/flower2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 595 435 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/easter/grass")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 703 403 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/easter/grass")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 572 472 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/easter/grass")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 431 472 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/greybri1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 618 1030 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 765 989 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/foliage/turfsmallnook")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1036 840 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/easter/flower3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 748 977 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/easter/flower3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 757 988 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/easter/flower3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 729 972 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/easter/flower2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 776 1001 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
+        (modifier "ROT0FLIP"))
+      (position 494 440 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 569 440 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/bigsand")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 230 478 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/easter/grass")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 370 471 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/easter/grass")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 209 472 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1050 684 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1114 684 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/space/grid1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1208 829 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/space/grid1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1258 829 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/space/grid1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1307 829 0))
+    (laser_exit
+      (position 1284 770 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/halloween/gravestone5")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 436 449 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/halloween/hat1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 763 331 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/halloween/candle1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1083 332 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/halloween/spiderweb1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1295 793 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/easter/flower3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 846 384 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/easter/flower1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 644 591 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/halloween/gravestone1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 616 992 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/halloween/gravestone3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 806 1005 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/halloween/pot1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 746 940 0))
+    (hotspot
+      (surface
+        (image "hotspots/signposts/nogo")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 202 432 0)
+      (speed 0)
+      (parallax 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/easter/grass")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 566 610 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/easter/grass")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 407 610 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/easter/grass")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 248 610 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 384 590 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/easter/grass")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 226 612 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/halloween/fence1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 457 574 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/sortie")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1052 829 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/crystal")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 209 852 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/smallbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 173 852 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/platform_left")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 175 981 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/easter/ground1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 246 849 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/easter/ground1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 71 847 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "water")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/easter/ground1")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 126 884 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/forest")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 757 1031 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/desert")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 315 385 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/flat")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 238 384 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/flat")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 475 256 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "remove")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/remove/misc/rect1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 238 384 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "remove")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/remove/misc/rect1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 302 384 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "remove")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/remove/misc/rect1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 327 384 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/halloween/kirby1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 361 405 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/flat")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 228 384 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/desert_tut")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 579 255 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/space/grid2")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 692 253 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/space/grid2")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 724 285 0))))
+;; EOF ;;
--- /dev/null
+++ /data/levels/crowdus/crowdus003Asdc.pingus  Thu Sep 11 21:56:59 2014 UTC
@@ -0,0 +1,5095 @@
+  (version 3)
+  (head
+    (license "GPLv3+")
+    (levelname "So Happy Together")
+ (description "The Pingus are transported to a new island. They find they are separated once again, and once again they must work together to escape. However, this is something they are quite accustomed to by now. Each Pingu must do their part ... well, except the little one, naturally.")
+    (author "Crowdus -- sdc")
+    (number-of-pingus 8)
+    (number-to-save 8)
+    (time -1)
+    (music "")
+    (actions
+      (basher 15)
+      (blocker 1)
+      (bomber 1)
+      (bridger 20)
+      (climber 1)
+      (digger 7)
+      (floater 2)
+      (jumper 5)
+      (miner 7)
+      (slider 10))
+    (levelsize 1920 1200))
+  (objects
+    (surface-background
+      (surface
+        (image "textures/bwsortiebg")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 388 261 -1000)
+      (colori 0 0 0 0)
+      (stretch-x #f)
+      (stretch-y #f)
+      (keep-aspect #f)
+      (scroll-x 0)
+      (scroll-y 0)
+      (para-x 0.5)
+      (para-y 0.5))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1196 1040 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1389 997 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1411 848 0))
+    (liquid
+      (surface
+        (image "liquids/lava")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1710 303 0)
+      (speed 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/hexcrystal")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1567 567 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/hexcrystal")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1651 517 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 360 1067 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/steel3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1123 150 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/steel3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1024 149 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/steel3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1125 81 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/steel3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1029 81 0))
+    (prefab
+      (name "prefabs/entrances/eastern")
+      (position 940 920 0)
+      (overrides
+        (release-rate 50)
+        (direction "right")
+        (owner-id 0)))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/crystal")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1792 1068 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (rain-generator
+      (position 1376 1213 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/crystal/rectsolid")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1728 1067 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/crystal/rectsolid")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1792 1067 0))
+    (liquid
+      (surface
+        (image "liquids/water4")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1856 1035 0)
+      (speed 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (prefab
+      (name "prefabs/entrances/eastern")
+      (position 969 74 0)
+      (overrides
+        (release-rate 50)
+        (direction "misc")
+        (owner-id 0)))
+    (prefab
+      (name "prefabs/liquids/water")
+      (position 1047 1153 0)
+      (overrides
+        (repeat 15)))
+    (prefab
+      (name "prefabs/liquids/water")
+      (position 91 1153 0)
+      (overrides
+        (repeat 15)))
+    (prefab
+      (name "prefabs/liquids/water")
+      (position -29 1151 0)
+      (overrides
+        (repeat 15)))
+    (prefab
+      (name "prefabs/liquids/water")
+      (position 95 1209 0)
+      (overrides
+        (repeat 15)))
+    (prefab
+      (name "prefabs/liquids/water")
+      (position -25 1207 0)
+      (overrides
+        (repeat 15)))
+    (prefab
+      (name "prefabs/liquids/water")
+      (position 1051 1209 0)
+      (overrides
+        (repeat 15)))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/crystal/smallsolid")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1637 1068 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1593 1005 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1541 1002 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1479 995 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/crystal/rectsolid")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 1020 36 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/crystal/rectsolid")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 1012 -27 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/crystal/rectsolid")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 1011 115 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/crystal/rectsolid")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 1011 178 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1043 116 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1051 35 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1104 116 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1115 35 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1043 -28 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1106 -29 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1170 -29 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1415 1004 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1352 1004 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1289 1003 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1227 1002 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1038 1001 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1164 1002 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1101 1001 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 912 1000 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 975 1001 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 839 990 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 785 1000 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position -17 986 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 945 1001 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1448 996 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1259 999 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1322 1004 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1074 996 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 819 985 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1133 999 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1196 990 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1008 997 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1009 937 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1134 938 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 883 936 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1197 939 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1 930 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 316 932 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1260 939 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1323 939 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1072 937 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 820 936 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 946 936 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1449 940 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1542 940 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1479 939 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1386 940 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 441 871 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 253 869 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 316 869 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1009 874 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1386 877 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 378 870 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1260 876 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1072 874 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1479 876 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1134 875 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1197 876 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1 867 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 820 873 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 946 873 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1449 877 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1009 810 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1260 812 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1323 812 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1072 810 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 441 807 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 253 805 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 316 805 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1386 813 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 378 806 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 567 807 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1479 812 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 504 807 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 883 809 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1197 812 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1 803 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 819 808 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 946 809 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1449 813 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1448 750 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 628 744 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1008 747 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1259 749 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1322 749 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1071 747 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 440 744 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 252 742 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 315 742 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1385 750 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 377 743 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 566 744 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1478 749 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 503 744 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1133 748 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 882 746 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1196 749 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 0 740 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 819 746 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 945 746 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1449 688 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 630 683 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1009 685 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1260 687 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1323 687 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1072 685 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 441 682 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 253 680 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 316 680 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1386 688 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 378 681 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 567 682 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1479 687 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 504 682 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1134 686 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 883 684 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1197 687 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1 678 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 819 683 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 946 684 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 315 627 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1385 635 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 377 628 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 566 629 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 692 630 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 503 629 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1133 633 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 882 631 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1196 634 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 0 625 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 819 631 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 945 631 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1448 635 0))
+    (groundpiece
***The diff for this file has been truncated for email.***
--- /dev/null
+++ /data/levels/crowdus/crowdus005sdc.pingus   Thu Sep 11 21:56:59 2014 UTC
@@ -0,0 +1,1782 @@
+  (version 3)
+  (head
+    (license "GPLv3+")
+    (levelname "Time, Ain't on Our Side")
+ (description "The Pingus believe they have chosen the correctly, but something in this new place doesn't feel right. No one has to say anything, but they all know that there is something extremely bad about this place. They must leave, and fast. The way seems straight and true, but it just takes too long!")
+    (author "Crowdus- sdc")
+    (number-of-pingus 8)
+    (number-to-save 8)
+    (time 5000)
+    (music "")
+    (actions
+      (digger 5)
+      (jumper 1)
+      (miner 1)
+      (slider 20))
+    (levelsize 1920 1200))
+  (objects
+    (surface-background
+      (surface
+        (image "textures/stars")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position -260 -286 -1000)
+      (colori 0 0 0 0)
+      (stretch-x #f)
+      (stretch-y #f)
+      (keep-aspect #f)
+      (scroll-x 0)
+      (scroll-y 0)
+      (para-x 0.5)
+      (para-y 0.5))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/easter/grass")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1007 1054 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_left")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1075 1041 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/easter/grass")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1007 1038 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/easter/grass")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1010 1071 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/easter/grass")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1006 1021 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/easter/grass")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1180 1084 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/easter/grass")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1168 1096 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/easter/grass")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1189 1109 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/easter/grass")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1138 1049 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/easter/grass")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1162 1039 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/easter/grass")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1183 1021 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/easter/grass")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1184 1004 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/easter/grass")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1136 1068 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld6")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 925 1001 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/bigprickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 659 955 0))
+    (prefab
+      (name "prefabs/liquids/slime")
+      (position 53 1182 0)
+      (overrides
+        (repeat 15)))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/bigprickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 961 448 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/bigprickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 661 449 0))
+    (prefab
+      (name "prefabs/entrances/cloud")
+      (position 784 185 0)
+      (overrides
+        (release-rate 50)
+        (direction "right")
+        (owner-id 0)))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/forest")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1767 448 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/pipeend")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 765 276 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_left")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 950 378 0))
+    (prefab
+      (name "prefabs/liquids/slime")
+      (position 982 1200 0)
+      (overrides
+        (repeat 15)))
+    (prefab
+      (name "prefabs/liquids/slime")
+      (position 23 1199 0)
+      (overrides
+        (repeat 15)))
+    (liquid
+      (surface
+        (image "liquids/slime")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position -41 1138 0)
+      (speed 0)
+      (repeat 1))
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+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_right")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 892 419 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_right")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 949 391 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_right")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 951 357 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_right")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 954 320 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_left")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 950 338 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/greybri2")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 1064 251 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_left")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 954 260 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_right")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 958 243 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_left")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 954 303 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_right")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 955 279 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_right")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 963 98 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_left")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 955 190 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_right")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 959 172 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_left")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 955 231 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_right")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 956 210 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_right")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 960 134 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_left")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 959 115 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_left")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 959 155 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_right")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 966 32 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_right")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 965 70 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_left")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 961 88 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_left")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 965 53 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1042 77 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/steel3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1029 32 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 954 331 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 955 294 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 955 252 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 956 223 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 957 182 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 958 148 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 959 109 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 960 79 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 966 43 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld4")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 1009 384 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld4")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 1012 351 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld4")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 1015 309 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld4")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 1018 273 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld4")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 1019 234 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld4")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 1017 204 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld4")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 1021 165 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld4")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 1022 128 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld4")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 1024 93 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld4")
+        (modifier "ROT90FLIP"))
+      (position 951 373 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit6")
+        (modifier "ROT180FLIP"))
+      (position 1131 58 0))
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+      (type "bridge")
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+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/space/grid2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1208 200 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1255 148 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1153 244 0))
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+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/space/grid2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1205 287 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1138 330 0))
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+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/space/grid2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1201 359 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1122 410 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1254 201 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1252 255 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1250 310 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1247 355 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld5")
+        (modifier "ROT90FLIP"))
+      (position 1247 405 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/screw")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1121 327 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1287 294 0))
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+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_right")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1298 32 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_right")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1297 70 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld4")
+        (modifier "ROT90FLIP"))
+      (position 1283 373 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1587 148 0))
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+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_right")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1292 134 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1485 244 0))
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+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_right")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1291 172 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_right")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1281 391 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1290 148 0))
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+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/space/grid2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1537 287 0))
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+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_right")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1295 98 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_right")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1290 243 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit6")
+        (modifier "ROT180FLIP"))
+      (position 1463 58 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/screw")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1453 327 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1586 201 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1286 331 0))
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+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_right")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1288 210 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
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+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_left")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1287 190 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld4")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 1341 384 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/steel3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1361 32 0))
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+      (type "bridge")
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+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/space/grid2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1533 359 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
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+      (position 1454 410 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1374 77 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld4")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 1347 309 0))
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+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_left")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1282 338 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1582 310 0))
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+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_right")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1286 320 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld4")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 1353 165 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld4")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 1354 128 0))
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+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_left")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1291 115 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_left")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1282 378 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/greybri2")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 1396 251 0))
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+      (type "bridge")
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+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_right")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1283 357 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_right")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1287 279 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/space/grid2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1540 200 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_left")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1286 260 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_left")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1287 231 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_left")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1286 303 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1470 330 0))
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+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_left")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1293 88 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1288 223 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1289 182 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1298 43 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1579 355 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1584 255 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld4")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 1350 273 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld4")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 1349 204 0))
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+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_left")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1291 155 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld4")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 1356 93 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld4")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 1351 234 0))
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+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_left")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1297 53 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1287 252 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld4")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 1344 351 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1291 109 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1292 79 0))
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+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_left")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1275 412 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_left")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1318 434 0))
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/bigprickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1261 448 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1520 448 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld5")
+        (modifier "ROT90FLIP"))
+      (position 1579 404 0))
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+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/bigprickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 960 597 0))
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+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/bigprickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 660 598 0))
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+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/bigprickpiece")
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+      (position 1260 597 0))
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+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/bigprickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1522 597 0))
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+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/bigprickpiece")
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+      (position 1522 746 0))
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+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/bigprickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1260 746 0))
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+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/bigprickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 660 747 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/bigprickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 959 809 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/bigprickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 659 897 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/bigprickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1521 896 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/bigprickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1259 896 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/pwexit")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1061 1090 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
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+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/flat")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 985 1089 0))
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+      (name "prefabs/liquids/slime")
+      (position 1010 1180 0)
+      (overrides
+        (repeat 15)))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/flat")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 733 1130 0))
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+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_right")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 891 1094 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/flat")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 946 1130 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld4")
+        (modifier "ROT270FLIP"))
+      (position 631 1117 0))
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+      (surface
+        (image "liquids/slime")
***The diff for this file has been truncated for email.***
--- /dev/null
+++ /data/levels/crowdus/crowdus006sdc.pingus   Thu Sep 11 21:56:59 2014 UTC
@@ -0,0 +1,1727 @@
+  (version 3)
+  (head
+    (license "GPLv3+")
+    (levelname "The Stone Dragon")
+ (description "The Pingus are unable to regroup. This time they transport to a different part of the land where an enormous idol of a dragon stands. The eldest Pingu finds some markings on one of the stone walls enclosing them. They are written in the same ancient language they found earlier. Once again the eldest struggles to translate the markings in a way to make them rhyme. After several minutes pass the eldest reads aloud:--Beware the dragon made of Stone.--Stay clear of its gaze and sight.--For if any disrespect is shown,--It will surely show its might. Again, not very useful (it does rhyme though), but do take note of the vegetation. HINT: Use your minimap.")
+    (author "Crowdus -- sdc")
+    (number-of-pingus 8)
+    (number-to-save 8)
+    (time -1)
+    (music "")
+    (actions
+      (basher 11)
+      (blocker 1)
+      (bridger 13)
+      (digger 2)
+      (jumper 2)
+      (miner 2))
+    (levelsize 1920 1200))
+  (objects
+    (surface-background
+      (surface
+        (image "textures/nightjungle")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position -300 852 -1000)
+      (colori 0 0 0 0)
+      (stretch-x #f)
+      (stretch-y #f)
+      (keep-aspect #f)
+      (scroll-x 0)
+      (scroll-y 0)
+      (para-x 0.5)
+      (para-y 0.5))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/real/real14")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 950 285 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/real/real14")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 981 258 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/real/real14")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 972 278 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/real/real14")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 904 292 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/real/real14")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1039 1049 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/real/real14")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 980 1062 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/real/real14")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 908 1053 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/real/real14")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 847 1054 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/real/real14")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 811 1062 0))
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+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/piece5")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 971 327 0))
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+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_left")
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+      (type "ground")
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+      (position 1487 458 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld4")
+        (modifier "ROT90FLIP"))
+      (position 1590 474 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld4")
+        (modifier "ROT90FLIP"))
+      (position 1618 470 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld4")
+        (modifier "ROT90FLIP"))
+      (position 1104 467 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld4")
+        (modifier "ROT90FLIP"))
+      (position 1130 471 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld4")
+        (modifier "ROT90FLIP"))
+      (position 1160 476 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld4")
+        (modifier "ROT90FLIP"))
+      (position 1192 471 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld4")
+        (modifier "ROT90FLIP"))
+      (position 1224 475 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld4")
+        (modifier "ROT90FLIP"))
+      (position 1251 472 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld4")
+        (modifier "ROT90FLIP"))
+      (position 1286 471 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld4")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 1348 470 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit6")
+        (modifier "ROT180FLIP"))
+      (position 1560 233 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld6")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1790 482 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld6")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1690 485 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld6")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1591 488 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld6")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1491 487 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld6")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1395 486 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld6")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1258 486 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld6")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1163 489 0))
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+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/spike")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1441 987 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/spike")
+        (modifier "ROT180"))
+      (position 1219 1047 0))
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+      (type "remove")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/remove/misc/dia1")
+        (modifier "ROT90FLIP"))
***The diff for this file has been truncated for email.***
--- /dev/null
+++ /data/levels/crowdus/crowdus007Asdc.pingus  Thu Sep 11 21:56:59 2014 UTC
@@ -0,0 +1,11685 @@
+  (version 3)
+  (head
+    (license "GPLv3+")
+    (levelname "The Little One Stops to ...")
+ (description "The Pingus, overjoyous to leave the island, hop onto their raft. Upon finding a new island, the Pingus land warily. To their surprise, they find Pingu signs everywhere, carefully placed. They are on the right track! The big group must be nearby. Suddenly, a massive earthquake shakes the very foundation of the island, and it begins to sink. The Pingus panic and quickly flee off the island. But what about the little one? The little one has wandered off again! Can the poor little Pingu be led to safety? HINT: Two must help lead the way.")
+    (author "Crowdus - sdc        ")
+    (number-of-pingus 8)
+    (number-to-save 8)
+    (time -1)
+    (music "")
+    (actions
+      (basher 1)
+      (bridger 5)
+      (digger 5)
+      (floater 1)
+      (jumper 5)
+      (miner 2)
+      (slider 10))
+    (levelsize 1920 1200))
+  (objects
+    (surface-background
+      (surface
+        (image "textures/happyclouds")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position -4 -611 -1000)
+      (colori 0 0 0 0)
+      (stretch-x #f)
+      (stretch-y #f)
+      (keep-aspect #f)
+      (scroll-x 0)
+      (scroll-y 0)
+      (para-x 0.5)
+      (para-y 0.5))
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+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 902 596 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 470 291 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/easter/grass")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 696 797 0))
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+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/easter/grass")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 700 782 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/easter/grass")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1242 1143 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/easter/grass")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1188 1141 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_left")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1754 1014 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1811 997 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_right")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1750 1038 0))
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+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/easter/grass")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1703 1033 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_left")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1738 1007 0))
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+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/easter/grass")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1688 1018 0))
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+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/easter/grass")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1686 1000 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/easter/grass")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1364 1116 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_right")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 475 609 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld3")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 510 581 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld3")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 458 581 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1701 686 0))
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+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/jungle/stick1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1489 1121 0))
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+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/easter/grass")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1501 1125 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
+        (modifier "ROT0FLIP"))
+      (position 1449 67 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
+        (modifier "ROT0FLIP"))
+      (position 1249 159 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
+        (modifier "ROT0FLIP"))
+      (position 1119 222 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
+        (modifier "ROT0FLIP"))
+      (position 1314 128 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
+        (modifier "ROT0FLIP"))
+      (position 1379 97 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
+        (modifier "ROT0FLIP"))
+      (position 1183 191 0))
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+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_right")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1057 257 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
+        (modifier "ROT0FLIP"))
+      (position 914 321 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
+        (modifier "ROT0FLIP"))
+      (position 982 287 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
+        (modifier "ROT0FLIP"))
+      (position 843 356 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
+        (modifier "ROT0FLIP"))
+      (position 771 392 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
+        (modifier "ROT0FLIP"))
+      (position 699 426 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
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+      (position 628 460 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
+        (modifier "ROT0FLIP"))
+      (position 490 525 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
+        (modifier "ROT0FLIP"))
+      (position 557 494 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1523 67 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/middlebrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1728 216 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/joint2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1912 424 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1844 462 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/steel3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1679 461 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
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+      (position 1573 498 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/steel5")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1527 540 0))
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+      (type "bridge")
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+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_left")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 234 584 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_left")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 292 613 0))
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+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_left")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 338 635 0))
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+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_left")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 397 665 0))
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+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_right")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 368 662 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_right")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 428 632 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld5")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 470 659 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/rivet")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 459 679 0))
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+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_right")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 314 689 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_left")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 315 701 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/rivet")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 311 691 0))
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+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_right")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 33 554 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_left")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 56 532 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_left")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position -4 503 0))
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+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_right")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position -6 489 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_right")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 44 464 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/steel2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position -41 444 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 31 559 0))
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/flat")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 77 563 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/flat")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 32 584 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 255 503 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/joint1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 178 507 0))
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/block")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 587 817 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/crystal/rectsolid")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 608 815 0))
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+      (position 354 802 0))
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+      (position 428 798 0))
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/flat")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 380 817 0))
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+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/flat")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 455 366 0))
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/flat")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 666 580 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 669 588 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/steel2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 889 592 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/crystal/rectsolid")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 777 600 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/misc/metalplate_large")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1051 514 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 1090 440 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 911 745 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 916 772 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/steel4")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 927 701 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 784 818 0))
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+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_right")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 785 852 0))
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+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_right")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 843 824 0))
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+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_left")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 786 876 0))
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/bigblock-broken3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 776 983 0))
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/bigprickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 674 936 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld6")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 753 1058 0))
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+      (type "transparent")
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+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/easter/grass")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 760 1043 0))
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/bigblock-broken3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 785 820 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/steel2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1919 1075 0))
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/column")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1919 911 0))
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+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_right")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1763 1073 0))
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/jungle/stick4")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1267 1122 0))
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+      (type "transparent")
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+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/easter/grass")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1781 937 0))
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+      (type "transparent")
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+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 994 58 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
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+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1016 61 0))
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+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1034 65 0))
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+      (type "transparent")
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+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 880 217 0))
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+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 936 224 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
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+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 941 194 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
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+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 447 276 0))
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+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 549 213 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 575 196 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 667 196 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 835 217 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
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+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 771 287 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 750 287 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 174 339 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 137 340 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 418 333 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 346 334 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 264 364 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 274 334 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 278 363 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 409 608 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 325 613 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 367 610 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 285 607 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 201 612 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 243 609 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 166 605 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 82 610 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 44 604 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position -40 609 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 2 606 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 124 607 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1639 622 0))
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+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1605 623 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1570 625 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1738 621 0))
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+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1677 622 0))
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+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1425 632 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1888 624 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1900 576 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1898 609 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1863 611 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1779 616 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1705 621 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1486 630 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1528 627 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1359 633 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1821 613 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1325 634 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1290 636 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1458 632 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1397 633 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 748 608 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 786 608 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 679 611 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 595 616 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 714 609 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 862 638 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 847 607 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 814 607 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 668 686 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 669 642 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 637 613 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1045 623 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1083 623 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 892 631 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1011 624 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 976 626 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1111 622 0))
***The diff for this file has been truncated for email.***
--- /dev/null
+++ /data/levels/crowdus/crowdus012sdc.pingus   Thu Sep 11 21:56:59 2014 UTC
@@ -0,0 +1,3660 @@
+  (version 3)
+  (head
+    (license "GPLv3+")
+    (levelname "The Eight Pingus")
+ (description "The Pingus decide they must split into groups one-hundred and head out in different directions. The groups say good-bye to each other and set sail. It's not long before one group spies land. Remembering the importance of being thorough, they stop to search for clues. The Pingus find nothing of interest, and they set off once more. However, as they are boarding the raft, the little one stops to have some fun. Straying from the path was not a good idea. The little one falls down a hole and gets trapped. Several of the Pingus notice and turn around to help. In doing so, they get separated from the rest of the group. Now they must not only rescue the little one, but they must also find their own way out.");; end description
+    (author "Crowdus -- sdc")
+    (number-of-pingus 100)
+    (number-to-save 100)
+    (time -1)
+    (music "")
+    (actions
+      (miner 2))
+    (levelsize 1920 1200)
+  )
+  (intro-story "stories/tutorial_intro.story")
+    (solidcolor-background
+      (position 1933 481 -1000)
+      (colori 255 241 155 241))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/groundice")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 940 362 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/crystal/smallsolid")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 53 641 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/slopedr")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position -30 83 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/piece2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 446 404 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/snowball1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 411 361 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/block2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 959 362 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld6")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1120 331 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/space/block1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 830 628 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/space/block1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 830 688 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/space/block1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 829 808 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/space/block1")
+        (modifier "ROT0FLIP"))
+      (position 1030 747 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/space/block1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 830 747 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/space/block1")
+        (modifier "ROT0FLIP"))
+      (position 1029 808 0))
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+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/space/block1")
+        (modifier "ROT0FLIP"))
+      (position 1029 868 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/space/block1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1229 927 0))
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+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/ice1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 2 1101 0))
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+      (name "prefabs/liquids/water")
+      (position 0 1201 0)
+      (overrides
+        (repeat 15)))
+    (prefab
+      (name "prefabs/liquids/water")
+      (position 960 1201 0)
+      (overrides
+        (repeat 15)))
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+      (surface
+        (image "liquids/water2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1890 1117 0)
+      (speed 0)
+      (repeat 1))
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+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/piece1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 38 1102 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/piece3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 149 1150 0))
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+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/snowball1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 299 1131 0))
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+      (surface
+        (image "hotspots/misc/deadly_fall_height")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position -166 760 0)
+      (speed 0)
+      (parallax 0))
+    (hotspot
+      (surface
+        (image "hotspots/misc/bridge")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 133 1258 0)
+      (speed 0)
+      (parallax 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 79 837 0))
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+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/piece2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 20 877 0))
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+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/xmas/icicle1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 76 838 0))
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+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/xmas/icicle1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 80 840 0))
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+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/xmas/icicle2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 83 849 0))
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+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/xmas/icicle4")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 89 858 0))
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+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/xmas/icicle1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 92 865 0))
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+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/ice2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position -20 747 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/ice1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 75 745 0))
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+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/slopedr")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 88 694 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 642 395 0))
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+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/slopedr")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 523 434 0))
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+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/piece1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 435 356 0))
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+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/ice2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 484 416 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/ice1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 438 417 0))
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+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/snowball1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 361 390 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/snowball1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 280 415 0))
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+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/snowball1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 226 477 0))
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+      (type "transparent")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/snowball1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 85 540 0))
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+      (type "transparent")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/snowball1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position -48 594 0))
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/piece2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 378 459 0))
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+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/ice1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 360 461 0))
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+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/slopedr")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 235 515 0))
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+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/ice1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 307 489 0))
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+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/ice2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 230 560 0))
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+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/ice2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 81 615 0))
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+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/snowball1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position -26 516 0))
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+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/snowball1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 163 514 0))
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+      (type "transparent")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/slopedr")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position -28 614 0))
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+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/ice1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 237 557 0))
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+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/piece2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 155 591 0))
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+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/xmas/snowball3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 131 584 0))
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+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/ice1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 331 488 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/ice1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 330 474 0))
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+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/snowball1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 302 157 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/snowball1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 336 184 0))
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/snowball1")
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+      (position 400 189 0))
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/snowball1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 462 191 0))
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/iceblock1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 524 209 0))
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/iceblock1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 586 245 0))
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+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/iceblock1")
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/space/diagonal")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/space/diagonal")
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+      (position 381 953 0))
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/space/diagonal")
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+      (surface
+        (image "exits/crystal")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1860 1155 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/space/diagonal")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/space/diagonal")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 516 818 0))
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/space/diagonal")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 578 756 0))
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+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/space/diagonal")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 645 689 0))
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/space/diagonal")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 837 496 0))
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+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/block2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 845 578 0))
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/space/diagonal")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 775 558 0))
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/diablock2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 738 596 0))
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/space/diagonal")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 904 429 0))
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/space/diagonalr")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 863 663 0))
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+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/space/diagonalr")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 931 730 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/space/diagonalr")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 996 795 0))
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/space/block1")
+        (modifier "ROT0FLIP"))
+      (position 1029 927 0))
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/space/diagonalr")
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+      (position 1064 863 0))
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/space/block1")
+        (modifier "ROT0FLIP"))
+      (position 1029 988 0))
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/space/block1")
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+      (position 1229 988 0))
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/space/diagonalr")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/space/way")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1808 1155 0))
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/space/way")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1713 1155 0))
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/piece8")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/piece10")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1554 1156 0))
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+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/space/block1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1230 628 0))
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/space/block1")
+        (modifier "ROT0FLIP"))
+      (position 1030 628 0))
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/space/block1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1230 688 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/space/block1")
+        (modifier "ROT0FLIP"))
+      (position 1030 688 0))
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+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/space/block1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1230 747 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/space/block1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 829 927 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/space/block1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 829 868 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/space/block1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1229 808 0))
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/space/block1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1229 868 0))
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/space/block1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 829 988 0))
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+        (image "groundpieces/remove/misc/rect1")
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+      (type "remove")
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+        (image "groundpieces/remove/misc/rect1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1199 1031 0))
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/snowball1")
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+      (position 1118 1025 0))
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/piece10")
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+      (position 1127 1103 0))
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+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/xmas/icicle1")
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+      (type "transparent")
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+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/xmas/icicle4")
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+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/xmas/icicle2")
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+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/xmas/icicle1")
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+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/xmas/icicle1")
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+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/xmas/icicle4")
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+      (type "transparent")
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+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/xmas/icicle4")
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+      (type "transparent")
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+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/xmas/icicle4")
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+      (type "transparent")
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+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/xmas/icicle3")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit3")
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit3")
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit3")
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit3")
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit3")
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit3")
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld3")
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+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/xmas/icicle1")
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+      (type "transparent")
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+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/xmas/icicle4")
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+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/xmas/icicle2")
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+      (type "transparent")
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+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/xmas/icicle1")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/iceblock1")
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/iceblock1")
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/iceblock1")
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/iceblock1")
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+      (position 1331 380 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/iceblock1")
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+      (position 1070 404 0))
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/iceblock1")
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+      (position 1145 430 0))
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/iceblock1")
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/iceblock1")
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/iceblock1")
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/iceblock1")
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/iceblock1")
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/iceblock1")
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/iceblock1")
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/iceblock1")
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/iceblock1")
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+      (position 1430 460 0))
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/iceblock1")
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+      (position 1489 482 0))
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/iceblock1")
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/iceblock1")
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/iceblock1")
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/iceblock1")
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/iceblock1")
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+      (position 1595 487 0))
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+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/iceblock1")
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+      (position 1616 410 0))
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/iceblock1")
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+      (position 1830 476 0))
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+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/iceblock1")
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+      (position 1644 446 0))
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+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/iceblock1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1844 516 0))
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/iceblock1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1921 485 0))
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/iceblock1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1884 499 0))
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/iceblock1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1905 422 0))
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/iceblock1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1745 393 0))
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+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/iceblock1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1826 406 0))
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/iceblock1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1719 472 0))
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+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/iceblock1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1778 494 0))
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/iceblock1")
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+      (position 1663 377 0))
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/iceblock1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 276 799 0))
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/iceblock1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 90 769 0))
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/iceblock1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 290 839 0))
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+      (type "ground")
***The diff for this file has been truncated for email.***
--- /dev/null
+++ /data/levels/crowdus/crowdus013sdc.pingus   Thu Sep 11 21:56:59 2014 UTC
@@ -0,0 +1,1949 @@
+  (version 3)
+  (head
+    (license "GPLv3+")
+    (levelname "The End")
+ (description "Joy of all joys! The large group is in sight! The Eight Pingus rejoice as they are finally able to reunite with their friends. They quickly run to get in line and rejoin their friends at long last. Let us hope the little one has learned its lesson ...")
+    (author "Crowdus -- sdc")
+    (number-of-pingus 100)
+    (number-to-save 100)
+    (time -1)
+    (music "")
+    (actions
+      (slider 8))
+    (levelsize 1920 1200))
+  (objects
+    (surface-background
+      (surface
+        (image "textures/sortiebgred")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
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+      (keep-aspect #f)
+      (scroll-x 0)
+      (scroll-y 0)
+      (para-x 0.5)
+      (para-y 0.5))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/middlebrickpiece")
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+      (position 1547 871 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
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+      (position 1514 926 0))
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/jungle/branch1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 613 1005 0))
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/jungle/branch2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 751 637 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit6")
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit3")
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit3")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit3")
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit3")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/middlebrickpiece")
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+      (position 1224 1016 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 935 942 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
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+      (position 1127 892 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
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+      (position 1606 1128 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
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+      (position 1609 1091 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1533 1125 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
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+      (position 1675 1056 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1743 1024 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/greybri2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 937 1139 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/greybri2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1135 1138 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/greybri2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 145 1142 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/greybri2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 541 1140 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/greybri2")
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+      (position 739 1139 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/greybri2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 343 1141 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/greybri1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position -52 1143 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/middlebrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1669 1062 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/greybri1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1729 1136 0))
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+      (surface
+        (image "exits/desert_tut")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1864 989 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
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+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/pillar2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1819 1008 0))
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+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/pillar2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1881 1007 0))
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+      (type "ground")
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+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/column")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 1818 988 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
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+      (position 1744 987 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
+        (modifier "ROT0FLIP"))
+      (position 1675 1021 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
+        (modifier "ROT0FLIP"))
+      (position 1605 1055 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
+        (modifier "ROT0FLIP"))
+      (position 1533 1089 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
+        (modifier "ROT0FLIP"))
+      (position 1464 1123 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/greybri2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1531 1136 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/greybri2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1333 1137 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit3")
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit3")
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+      (position 903 721 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 906 877 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit2")
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+      (position 895 1015 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit3")
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit1")
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit6")
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit3")
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+      (position 1012 858 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit1")
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+      (type "solid")
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+      (position 1445 1045 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
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+      (position 1375 1010 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
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+      (position 1301 975 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
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+      (position 1232 942 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
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+      (position 1161 909 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
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+      (position 1369 1047 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
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+      (position 1225 978 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
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+      (position 1178 831 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
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+      (position 1252 795 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
+        (modifier "ROT0FLIP"))
+      (position 1321 761 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
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+      (position 1387 762 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
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+      (position 1393 727 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
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+      (position 1463 693 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/middlebrickpiece")
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+      (position 1459 729 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
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+      (position 1321 797 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
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+      (position 1532 659 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
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+      (position 1531 696 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
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+      (position 1394 800 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
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+      (position 1707 648 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/middlebrickpiece")
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+      (position 1770 582 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
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+      (position 1710 611 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
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+      (position 1637 607 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
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+      (position 1634 645 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
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+      (position 1845 507 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
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+      (position 1844 544 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
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+      (position 1253 833 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
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+      (position 1328 833 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
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+      (position 1393 833 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/middlebrickpiece")
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+      (position 1457 796 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
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+      (position 1607 720 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
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+      (position 1908 719 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1707 684 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
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+      (position 1606 680 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
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+      (position 1919 123 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
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+      (position 1918 -176 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
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+      (position 1506 266 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
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+      (position 1748 421 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/middlebrickpiece")
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+      (position 1605 386 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1604 352 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1754 384 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1540 283 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
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+      (position 1314 316 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1611 316 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1824 419 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1680 349 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1215 126 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
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+      (position 1457 281 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/middlebrickpiece")
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+      (position 1312 246 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1313 212 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
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+      (position 1463 244 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
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+      (position 1249 143 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1320 176 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
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+      (position 1533 279 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1389 209 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
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+      (position 1146 92 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 932 232 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
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+      (position 1001 125 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
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+      (position 872 264 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
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+      (position 831 264 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
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+      (position 932 268 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
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+      (position 935 195 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
+        (modifier "ROT0FLIP"))
+      (position 931 159 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
+        (modifier "ROT0FLIP"))
+      (position 790 227 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
+        (modifier "ROT0FLIP"))
+      (position 688 277 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
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+      (position 859 193 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
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+      (position 859 229 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
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+      (position 1071 91 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
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+      (position 1069 128 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
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+      (position 757 243 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
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+      (position 756 280 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
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+      (position 1013 176 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
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+      (position 1170 869 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
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+      (position -3 39 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
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+      (position 458 261 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
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+      (position 465 225 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
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+      (position 602 330 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
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+      (position 534 258 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/middlebrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 459 295 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 608 293 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
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+      (position 168 225 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 167 121 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
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+      (position 103 52 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/middlebrickpiece")
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+      (position 167 155 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
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+      (position 69 35 0))
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+      (type "solid")
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+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
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+      (position 311 190 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 317 153 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 174 85 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 387 188 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position -126 87 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 243 118 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 0 1 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1014 318 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/middlebrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1005 161 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/middlebrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1130 160 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1246 181 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/middlebrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1002 229 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 715 320 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/middlebrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 865 246 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 795 282 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 706 307 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 416 320 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 117 321 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
***The diff for this file has been truncated for email.***
--- /dev/null
+++ /data/levels/crowdus/crowdus014sdc.pingus   Thu Sep 11 21:56:59 2014 UTC
@@ -0,0 +1,2314 @@
+  (version 3)
+  (head
+    (license "GPLv3+")
+    (levelname "Connect Four")
+ (description "Having left through different portals (exits), the Eight Pingus find themselves separated into four groups of two. Each team approaches the middle of the island from opposite ends in hopes to reunite, and find themselves in very different environments.
+Hint: Markers (clues) are provided for when a Pingu should do something.")
+    (author "Crowdus -- sdc")
+    (number-of-pingus 8)
+    (number-to-save 8)
+    (time -1)
+    (music "")
+    (actions
+      (bridger 7)
+      (climber 5)
+      (digger 2)
+      (floater 1)
+      (jumper 10)
+      (miner 3)
+      (slider 4))
+    (levelsize 1920 1200))
+  (objects
+    (surface-background
+      (surface
+        (image "textures/stars")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1291 -481 -1000)
+      (colori 0 0 0 0)
+      (stretch-x #f)
+      (stretch-y #f)
+      (keep-aspect #f)
+      (scroll-x 0)
+      (scroll-y 0)
+      (para-x 0.5)
+      (para-y 0.5))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/foliage/smallbush2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 948 931 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/ice3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 205 234 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/piece1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 482 522 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/jungle/stone3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 282 886 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/real/real22")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 232 867 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/bpiece4")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 63 986 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/foliage/rock1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position -111 592 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/flat")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 394 755 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/piece1")
+        (modifier "ROT180FLIP"))
+      (position 160 642 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/flat")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 152 755 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/flat")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 254 755 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/piece1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 140 754 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/misc/metalplate_vert")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1167 475 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit6")
+        (modifier "ROT180"))
+      (position 1454 306 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit5")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1456 377 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/steel3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 796 101 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/steel3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 933 101 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/jungle/branch6")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1906 580 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/real/green2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1671 572 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/real/green2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1740 570 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/misc/sun")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1682 540 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/ordina/sol4")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 903 588 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/real/real7")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 497 615 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/real/real26")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 707 640 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 844 672 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/iceblock1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 844 -49 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/iceblock1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 846 22 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/iceblock1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 847 102 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/iceblock1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 846 181 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/iceblock1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 846 246 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/iceblock1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 847 321 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/iceblock1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 843 375 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/iceblock1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 856 433 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/misc/metalplate_horiz")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 997 535 0))
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+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/ordina/cable2")
+        (modifier "ROT0FLIP"))
+      (position 1105 595 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/ordina/cable2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1104 547 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/ordina/cable2")
+        (modifier "ROT0FLIP"))
+      (position 1067 544 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/ordina/cable2")
+        (modifier "ROT0FLIP"))
+      (position 1074 525 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/space/diagonal")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1357 532 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/space/diagonal")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1288 600 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/space/diagonal")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1222 668 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/space/diagonal")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1176 705 0))
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+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/jungle/carabatreemedium")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1354 844 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/green/piece3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1497 789 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/ordina/cable2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1313 878 0))
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+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/jungle/carabatree")
+        (modifier "ROT90FLIP"))
+      (position 1168 998 0))
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+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/forest/treetrunk2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1239 921 0))
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+      (type "water")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/real/real14")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1165 1092 0))
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+      (type "remove")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/remove/misc/rect1")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 1168 967 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "remove")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/remove/misc/rect1")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 1171 969 0))
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+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/forest/treetrunk2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1103 914 0))
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+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/xmas/icicle2")
+        (modifier "ROT180"))
+      (position 946 487 0))
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+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 836 794 0))
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+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_right")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 914 649 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/space/diagonal")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1286 598 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/space/diagonal")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1219 665 0))
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+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 543 793 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 653 792 0))
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+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 691 793 0))
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+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 748 870 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
+        (modifier "ROT0FLIP"))
+      (position 774 877 0))
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+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/forest/green2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 894 819 0))
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+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/forest/treetrunk2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1715 923 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/forest/treetrunk2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1526 899 0))
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+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/forest/treetrunk1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1449 891 0))
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+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/forest/treetrunk1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1347 873 0))
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+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/forest/treetrunk2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1229 909 0))
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+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/forest/green2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 973 843 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/forest/treetrunk1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1046 911 0))
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+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/forest/green2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1030 831 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/forest/green2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1001 803 0))
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+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/green/piece3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1161 820 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/green/piece3")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 1259 768 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/green/piece3")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 1327 778 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/green/piece3")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 1359 810 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/green/piece3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1426 732 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/green/piece3")
+        (modifier "ROT180"))
+      (position 1575 810 0))
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+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/forest/treetrunk1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1695 905 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/green/piece3")
+        (modifier "ROT180"))
+      (position 1651 804 0))
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+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1857 764 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1823 829 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1859 826 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1790 798 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1869 804 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1809 759 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1723 811 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1759 762 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1762 738 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1827 734 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1897 744 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1859 716 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/forest/green1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1776 703 0))
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+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/forest/treetrunk1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1503 904 0))
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+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/forest/treetrunk1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1410 911 0))
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+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/real/real6")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1258 903 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/real/real10")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1290 991 0))
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+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/jungle/carabatreemedium")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1418 863 0))
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+      (name "prefabs/liquids/water")
+      (position 982 1220 0)
+      (overrides
+        (repeat 15)))
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+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/halloween/tree1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1717 905 0))
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+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/real/green2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1418 653 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/real/green2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1303 681 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/real/green2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1142 682 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/real/green2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1013 695 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/wood2")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 1024 775 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/real/green2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 907 702 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/real/real13")
+        (modifier "ROT0FLIP"))
+      (position 882 814 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/greybri1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1170 534 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/greybri3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1532 532 0))
+    (hotspot
+      (surface
+        (image "hotspots/misc/tree")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 934 602 0)
+      (speed 0)
+      (parallax 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
+        (modifier "ROT0FLIP"))
+      (position 373 1133 0))
+    (prefab
+      (name "prefabs/liquids/water")
+      (position 23 1220 0)
+      (overrides
+        (repeat 15)))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/real/green2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1513 638 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/real/green2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 980 557 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/real/green2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1242 575 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/real/green2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1109 572 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/block2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 958 535 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/block1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 894 535 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/block1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 831 535 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "lava")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/block1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 767 535 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/block1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 703 535 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/block1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 639 535 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/block1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 576 535 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/block1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 512 535 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/block1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 448 535 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/block1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 384 535 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/block1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 320 535 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/block1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 256 535 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/block1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 192 535 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/block1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 129 535 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/block1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 65 535 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/block1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1 535 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/forest")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 905 535 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/desert_tut")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1028 535 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/misc/metalplate_large")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1024 535 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/misc/metalplate_large")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1088 534 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/misc/metalplate_large")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1152 534 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/misc/metalplate_large")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1217 534 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/misc/metalplate_large")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1282 533 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/misc/metalplate_large")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1474 533 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/misc/metalplate_large")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1537 532 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/misc/metalplate_large")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1600 532 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/misc/metalplate_large")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1665 531 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/misc/metalplate_large")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1729 531 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/misc/metalplate_large")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1793 531 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/misc/metalplate_large")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1857 531 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/middlebrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 661 599 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/middlebrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 511 599 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/middlebrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 361 599 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/middlebrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 211 599 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/middlebrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 62 599 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/middlebrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position -87 599 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/industrial")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 882 794 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 878 794 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 801 794 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/misc/metalplate_large")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 960 535 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/industrial/pipe3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 960 536 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/industrial/pipe3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1089 534 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/industrial/pipe3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1220 533 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/industrial/pipe3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1475 533 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/industrial/pipe3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1602 531 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
***The diff for this file has been truncated for email.***
--- /dev/null
+++ /data/levels/crowdus/crowdus015sdc.pingus   Thu Sep 11 21:56:59 2014 UTC
@@ -0,0 +1,1449 @@
+  (version 3)
+  (head
+    (license "GPLv3+")
+    (levelname "Jump Around")
+ (description "The Eight Pingus's reunion is short-lived as they must once again split up in order to make it through this final part of the island. The Pingus can smell the ocean waters nearby, and can't wait to leave this place behind. But they must not be too hasty or they will end up imprisoned ... or worse.")
+    (author "Crowdus -- sdc")
+    (number-of-pingus 8)
+    (number-to-save 8)
+    (time -1)
+    (music "")
+    (actions
+      (bridger 1)
+      (climber 1)
+      (jumper 4)
+      (slider 4))
+    (levelsize 1920 1200))
+  (objects
+    (surface-background
+      (surface
+        (image "textures/crystal")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 896 1203 -1000)
+      (colori 0 0 0 0)
+      (stretch-x #f)
+      (stretch-y #f)
+      (keep-aspect #f)
+      (scroll-x 0)
+      (scroll-y 0)
+      (para-x 0.5)
+      (para-y 0.5))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1456 1030 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/flat")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1406 1050 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/piece3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 246 421 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/piece2")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 244 368 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/piece2")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 557 367 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/piece3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 399 420 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/piece3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 515 555 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/piece2")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 506 506 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/piece2")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 825 509 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/piece3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 668 554 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/piece2")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 1080 335 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/piece3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 918 387 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/piece3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 765 388 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/piece2")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 760 335 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/sortie/tentacle1")
+        (modifier "ROT0FLIP"))
+      (position 1170 393 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/misc/metalplate_horiz")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 898 276 0))
+    (hotspot
+      (surface
+        (image "hotspots/desert/mediumdimwall")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 856 210 0)
+      (speed 0)
+      (parallax 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/misc/metalplate_horiz")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 958 257 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit6")
+        (modifier "ROT0FLIP"))
+      (position 937 144 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit6")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 829 147 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit1")
+        (modifier "ROT0FLIP"))
+      (position 917 255 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/misc/moos7")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 1494 635 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/misc/moos7")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 1630 639 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_right")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1428 790 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_right")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1371 672 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/column_vert")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 366 855 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/misc/metalplate_horiz")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 378 312 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/bigblock-broken3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 897 1050 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/bigblock-broken3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 598 1050 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/bigblock-broken3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 0 1050 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/bigblock-broken3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 299 1050 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/bigblock-broken3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1795 1050 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/bigblock-broken3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1497 1049 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/bigblock-broken3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1196 1050 0))
+    (switchdoor-switch
+      (position 205 208 0)
+      (target-id "id577721120"))
+    (switchdoor-door
+      (position 189 101 0)
+      (id "id577721120")
+      (height 311))
+    (teleporter
+      (position 206 346 0)
+      (target-id "id1510080967"))
+    (teleporter
+      (position 316 889 0)
+      (target-id "idA"))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/desert")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1743 972 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (prefab
+      (name "prefabs/entrances/desert")
+      (position 117 865 0)
+      (overrides
+        (release-rate 555)
+        (direction "right")
+        (owner-id 0)))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/flat")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1637 972 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/flat")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1639 895 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/desert")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1745 895 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/flat")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1637 819 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/flat")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1639 742 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/desert")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1743 819 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/desert")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1745 742 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/desert")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1742 589 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/flat")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1636 589 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/flat")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1638 665 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/flat")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1638 512 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/desert")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1744 665 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/desert")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1744 512 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 1670 512 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/desert")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1744 1050 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/forest/treetrunk2")
+        (modifier "ROT180FLIP"))
+      (position 1616 0 0))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 1728 589 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1848 614 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld5")
+        (modifier "ROT180"))
+      (position 1846 593 0))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 1476 520 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 1451 520 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 1426 520 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 1401 520 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 1376 520 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (switchdoor-door
+      (position 1363 458 0)
+      (id "id1")
+      (height 15))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 1351 520 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 1326 520 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (switchdoor-switch
+      (position 1695 549 0)
+      (target-id "id1"))
+    (snow-generator
+      (position 1923 414 0))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 1734 665 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 1736 742 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 1647 512 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 1693 512 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/sortie/tentacle1")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 1188 488 0))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 1707 589 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/sortie/column")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1185 526 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/sortie/tentacle1")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 1101 805 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/sortie/column3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1263 548 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/sortie/tentacle1")
+        (modifier "ROT0FLIP"))
+      (position 1166 565 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/sortie/column2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1069 263 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/sortie/column")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 795 768 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/sortie/tentacle1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1062 800 0))
+    (liquid
+      (surface
+        (image "liquids/slime")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1325 528 0)
+      (speed 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (liquid
+      (surface
+        (image "liquids/slime")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1389 528 0)
+      (speed 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (liquid
+      (surface
+        (image "liquids/slime")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1453 528 0)
+      (speed 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/sortie/tentacle1")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 1390 585 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/sortie/tentacle1")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 1322 584 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/sortie/tentacle1")
+        (modifier "ROT0FLIP"))
+      (position 1480 542 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/sortie/tentacle1")
+        (modifier "ROT180"))
+      (position 1287 524 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/wood2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 784 795 0))
+    (switchdoor-door
+      (position 0 6 0)
+      (id "id1733814980")
+      (height 343))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld5")
+        (modifier "ROT90FLIP"))
+      (position 0 -1 0))
+    (hotspot
+      (surface
+        (image "hotspots/desert/mediumdimwall")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 336 246 0)
+      (speed 0)
+      (parallax 0))
+    (teleporter-target
+      (position 407 281 0)
+      (id "id1510080967"))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit6")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 309 183 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit6")
+        (modifier "ROT0FLIP"))
+      (position 417 180 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 247 290 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit1")
+        (modifier "ROT0FLIP"))
+      (position 397 291 0))
+    (liquid
+      (surface
+        (image "liquids/lava")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 250 358 0)
+      (speed 0)
+      (repeat 5))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 486 938 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (switchdoor-door
+      (position 593 558 0)
+      (id "id2")
+      (height 159))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 395 312 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 395 319 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 395 328 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 395 337 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 372 875 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 347 875 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 324 875 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 303 875 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/misc/metalplate_horiz")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 644 446 0))
+    (hotspot
+      (surface
+        (image "hotspots/desert/mediumdimwall")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 602 380 0)
+      (speed 0)
+      (parallax 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit6")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 575 317 0))
+    (teleporter-target
+      (position 673 415 0)
+      (id "idA"))
+    (liquid
+      (surface
+        (image "liquids/lava")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 516 494 0)
+      (speed 0)
+      (repeat 5))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit6")
+        (modifier "ROT0FLIP"))
+      (position 683 314 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 513 424 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit1")
+        (modifier "ROT0FLIP"))
+      (position 663 425 0))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 661 462 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 661 446 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 661 453 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 661 471 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (switchdoor-switch
+      (position 473 699 0)
+      (target-id "id577721120"))
+    (switchdoor-switch
+      (position 357 835 0)
+      (target-id "id2"))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld5")
+        (modifier "ROT180"))
+      (position 480 1021 0))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 497 738 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 474 738 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 308 748 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 283 748 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 260 748 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 236 748 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 450 748 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 427 748 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 355 748 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 331 748 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 403 748 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 378 748 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/easter/flower1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 203 719 0))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 400 757 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 376 757 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 305 757 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 448 757 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 281 757 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 353 757 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 423 757 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 328 757 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 517 757 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 565 757 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 494 757 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 470 757 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 542 757 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 258 757 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 235 757 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 212 748 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/snow/slopedr")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 703 781 0))
+    (hotspot
+      (surface
+        (image "hotspots/halloween/sign-right")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 77 904 0)
+      (speed 0)
+      (parallax 0))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 113 940 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (teleporter
+      (position 139 964 0)
+      (target-id "idB"))
+    (teleporter-target
+      (position 1658 475 0)
+      (id "idB"))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 158 911 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 158 883 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld5")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 133 961 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld5")
+        (modifier "ROT180FLIP"))
+      (position 130 944 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld7")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 121 892 0))
+    (hotspot
+      (surface
+        (image "hotspots/halloween/sign-right")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1615 473 0)
+      (speed 0)
+      (parallax 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/pipeend")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 865 1010 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/pipeend")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 905 1010 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/pipeend")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 945 1010 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/pipeend")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 886 976 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/pipeend")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 925 977 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/pipeend")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 907 943 0))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 948 961 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 973 961 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 997 961 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_right")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 792 752 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_left")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 789 730 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_right")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 793 704 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_left")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 790 680 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_right")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 793 655 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_left")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 793 631 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_right")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 794 606 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 859 740 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 859 686 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 859 635 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 789 680 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 789 628 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld5")
+        (modifier "ROT180"))
+      (position 857 605 0))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 1017 961 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 1042 961 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 1066 961 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/spike")
+        (modifier "ROT180"))
+      (position 1060 872 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/spike")
+        (modifier "ROT180"))
+      (position 1261 823 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/spike")
+        (modifier "ROT180"))
+      (position 1316 761 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/spike")
+        (modifier "ROT180FLIP"))
+      (position 1358 716 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/ordina/cable1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1550 744 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_right")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1392 661 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_right")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1453 631 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_left")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1386 682 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
***The diff for this file has been truncated for email.***
--- /dev/null
+++ /data/levels/crowdus/crowdus018sdc.pingus   Thu Sep 11 21:56:59 2014 UTC
@@ -0,0 +1,497 @@
+  (version 3)
+  (head
+    (license "GPLv3+")
+    (levelname "Rabbit Hole")
+ (description "Finally, the Eight Pingus are together again. However, here, they are in danger of falling forever if they are not careful.
+Hints: 1) Don't leave gaps when bridging. 3) Really take care and keep careful track of the first two Pingus (labelling is useful).")
+    (author "Crowdus -- sdc")
+    (number-of-pingus 8)
+    (number-to-save 8)
+    (time -1)
+    (music "")
+    (actions
+      (bridger 3)
+      (climber 1)
+      (floater 1)
+      (jumper 2))
+    (levelsize 1920 1200))
+  (objects
+    (surface-background
+      (surface
+        (image "textures/sortiebgred")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 454 -606 -1000)
+      (colori 0 0 0 0)
+      (stretch-x #f)
+      (stretch-y #f)
+      (keep-aspect #f)
+      (scroll-x 0)
+      (scroll-y 0)
+      (para-x 0.5)
+      (para-y 0.5))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/flat")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 1948 812 0))
+    (teleporter-target
+      (position 1323 34 0)
+      (id "idG"))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 979 545 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 931 551 0))
+    (teleporter-target
+      (position 395 613 0)
+      (id "idD"))
+    (teleporter
+      (position 1724 443 0)
+      (target-id "idD"))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/halloween/candle1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 389 635 0))
+    (teleporter
+      (position 998 774 0)
+      (target-id "id1"))
+    (teleporter-target
+      (position 134 973 0)
+      (id "id1"))
+    (switchdoor-switch
+      (position 1479 70 0)
+      (target-id "id306096271"))
+    (switchdoor-door
+      (position 172 99 0)
+      (id "id306096271")
+      (height 15))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/halloween/candle1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 675 135 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 115 111 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 116 160 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld6")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 73 95 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld7")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 115 68 0))
+    (teleporter
+      (position 138 161 0)
+      (target-id "id1875969377"))
+    (teleporter-target
+      (position 968 554 0)
+      (id "id1875969377"))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/stone")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 957 600 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 920 600 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld7")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 931 548 0))
+    (prefab
+      (name "prefabs/entrances/desert")
+      (position 959 415 0)
+      (overrides
+        (release-rate 200)
+        (direction "right")
+        (owner-id 0)))
+    (teleporter
+      (position 1266 738 0)
+      (target-id "idA"))
+    (teleporter-target
+      (position 1207 491 0)
+      (id "idA"))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/halloween/candle1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1215 505 0))
+    (teleporter
+      (position 1213 600 0)
+      (target-id "idB"))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/halloween/candle1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1514 907 0))
+    (teleporter-target
+      (position 1523 863 0)
+      (id "idB"))
+    (teleporter-target
+      (position 1720 335 0)
+      (id "idC"))
+    (teleporter
+      (position 1523 1201 0)
+      (target-id "idC"))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/halloween/candle1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1716 350 0))
+    (teleporter-target
+      (position 510 419 0)
+      (id "idE"))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/halloween/candle1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 505 462 0))
+    (teleporter
+      (position 399 831 0)
+      (target-id "idE"))
+    (teleporter
+      (position 513 622 0)
+      (target-id "idF"))
+    (teleporter-target
+      (position 1344 598 0)
+      (id "idF"))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/halloween/candle1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1340 650 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/halloween/candle1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1319 97 0))
+    (teleporter
+      (position 1351 875 0)
+      (target-id "idG"))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 1313 126 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (teleporter
+      (position 1605 275 0)
+      (target-id "id8"))
+    (teleporter-target
+      (position 964 530 0)
+      (id "id8"))
+    (teleporter
+      (position 134 1098 0)
+      (target-id "id2"))
+    (teleporter-target
+      (position 1340 247 0)
+      (id "id2"))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/halloween/candle1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1334 272 0))
+    (teleporter
+      (position 1346 418 0)
+      (target-id "id3"))
+    (teleporter-target
+      (position 675 51 0)
+      (id "id3"))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 246 189 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/halloween/candle1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 255 159 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/halloween/candle1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 258 977 0))
+    (teleporter-target
+      (position 266 831 0)
+      (id "id4"))
+    (teleporter
+      (position 675 222 0)
+      (target-id "id4"))
+    (teleporter
+      (position 268 1186 0)
+      (target-id "id5"))
+    (teleporter-target
+      (position 1301 978 0)
+      (id "id5"))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/halloween/candle1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1297 1011 0))
+    (teleporter
+      (position 1305 1213 0)
+      (target-id "id6"))
+    (teleporter-target
+      (position 891 173 0)
+      (id "id6"))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/halloween/candle1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 888 193 0))
+    (teleporter
+      (position 898 312 0)
+      (target-id "id7"))
+    (teleporter-target
+      (position 1870 499 0)
+      (id "id7"))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 1860 579 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/halloween/candle1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1866 552 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/middlebrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT180"))
+      (position 1921 563 0))
+    (teleporter
+      (position 1874 690 0)
+      (target-id "id8"))
+    (teleporter
+      (position 1886 690 0)
+      (target-id "id8"))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/middlebrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 1919 621 0))
+    (teleporter
+      (position 1918 576 0)
+      (target-id "id9"))
+    (teleporter
+      (position 1910 771 0)
+      (target-id "id14"))
+    (teleporter-target
+      (position 253 142 0)
+      (id "id14"))
+    (teleporter-target
+      (position 550 224 0)
+      (id "id9"))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld7")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 546 263 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld5")
+        (modifier "ROT180FLIP"))
+      (position 536 250 0))
+    (teleporter
+      (position 243 381 0)
+      (target-id "id8"))
+    (switchdoor-switch
+      (position 155 120 0)
+      (target-id "idZ"))
+    (switchdoor-door
+      (position 585 205 0)
+      (id "idZ")
+      (height 15))
+    (teleporter
+      (position 544 387 0)
+      (target-id "id10"))
+    (teleporter-target
+      (position 1439 722 0)
+      (id "id10"))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/halloween/candle1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1433 741 0))
+    (teleporter
+      (position 1431 997 0)
+      (target-id "id11"))
+    (teleporter-target
+      (position 1689 687 0)
+      (id "id11"))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/halloween/candle1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1684 707 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/halloween/candle1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 430 538 0))
+    (teleporter-target
+      (position 439 520 0)
+      (id "id12"))
+    (teleporter
+      (position 1684 864 0)
+      (target-id "id12"))
+    (teleporter
+      (position 440 728 0)
+      (target-id "id13"))
+    (teleporter-target
+      (position 1113 272 0)
+      (id "id13"))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/halloween/candle1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1106 355 0))
+    (teleporter
+      (position 1116 445 0)
+      (target-id "id8"))
+    (teleporter
+      (position 597 467 0)
+      (target-id "id14"))
+    (teleporter
+      (position 254 381 0)
+      (target-id "id8"))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/halloween/candle1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 695 766 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/halloween/candle1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 544 874 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/halloween/candle1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 909 905 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/halloween/candle1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 685 583 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/halloween/candle1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1733 1018 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/halloween/candle1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1833 851 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/halloween/candle1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1157 806 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/halloween/candle1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 671 954 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/halloween/candle1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 185 567 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/halloween/candle1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 376 250 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/halloween/candle1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 147 330 0))
+    (teleporter
+      (position 1904 771 0)
+      (target-id "id14"))
+    (teleporter
+      (position 1899 772 0)
+      (target-id "id14"))
+    (teleporter
+      (position 1893 774 0)
+      (target-id "id14"))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 940 526 0))
+    (teleporter
+      (position 601 323 0)
+      (target-id "id10"))
+    (teleporter
+      (position 1441 997 0)
+      (target-id "id11"))
+    (teleporter
+      (position 1693 863 0)
+      (target-id "id12"))))
+;; EOF ;;
--- /dev/null
+++ /data/levels/crowdus/crowdus021sdc.pingus   Thu Sep 11 21:56:59 2014 UTC
@@ -0,0 +1,1822 @@
+  (version 3)
+  (head
+    (license "GPLv3+")
+    (levelname "Digging a Hole")
+ (description "Off in the distance, the Eight Pingus can hear the noise and clamour of their large group! The eight, all together again, set about finding a way to catch up to the others (while keeping a close eye onthe little one). They might have to split up to make it to the portal, but they have decided they will never leave through different portals ever again.")
+    (author "Crowdus -- sdc")
+    (number-of-pingus 8)
+    (number-to-save 8)
+    (time -1)
+    (music "")
+    (actions
+      (basher 4)
+      (bridger 2)
+      (climber 6)
+      (digger 2)
+      (floater 1)
+      (miner 4))
+    (levelsize 1920 1200))
+  (objects
+    (surface-background
+      (surface
+        (image "textures/easter_sky")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position -801 465 -1000)
+      (colori 0 0 0 0)
+      (stretch-x #f)
+      (stretch-y #f)
+      (keep-aspect #f)
+      (scroll-x 0)
+      (scroll-y 0)
+      (para-x 0.5)
+      (para-y 0.5))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/transparent/easter/grass")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 124 1104 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/misc/metalplate_horiz")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 279 1045 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit4")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 241 1024 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/rock/blackrock2")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 345 870 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/real/real19")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 335 594 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "water")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/rock/blackrock1")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 193 780 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "water")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/rock/blackrock2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 313 855 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/well")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 384 722 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/piece5")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 1456 980 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/space/smalltower")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1916 724 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/piece1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1432 922 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/real/real21")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 1819 978 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/real/real28")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1722 1006 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/real/real30")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1555 1040 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/real/real10")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1844 952 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/real/real6")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1467 997 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/real/real23")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1638 1002 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/real/real3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1497 906 0))
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+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/spike")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1435 67 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/spike")
+        (modifier "ROT0FLIP"))
+      (position 1275 85 0))
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+      (type "lava")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/spike")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 1434 165 0))
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+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/mediumsand")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 910 884 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/rightsmallsand")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 715 824 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/real/real28")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 368 548 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/spike")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1489 33 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/mediumsand")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 921 146 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/mediumsand")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 923 590 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/mediumsand")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 926 955 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/mediumsand")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 925 887 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/mediumsand")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 925 739 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/mediumsand")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 921 294 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/mediumsand")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 923 442 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick2")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 937 570 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick2")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 953 617 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick2")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 921 523 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick2")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 921 585 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick2")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 937 665 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick2")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 921 648 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick2")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 953 523 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick1")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 986 665 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick1")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 986 697 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick1")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 921 697 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick1")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 985 571 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick1")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 985 601 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick1")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 921 570 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick1")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 921 633 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick2")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 937 380 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick1")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 985 381 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick1")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 985 411 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick1")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 919 379 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick1")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 921 443 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick2")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 920 333 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick2")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 921 458 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick1")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 986 475 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick2")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 953 427 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick2")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 920 395 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick2")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 937 475 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick2")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 953 333 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick1")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 986 507 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick1")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 921 507 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick2")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 951 145 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick1")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 984 319 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick1")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 918 319 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick2")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 935 192 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick1")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 983 193 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick1")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 983 223 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick1")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 919 192 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick1")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 919 255 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick2")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 919 145 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick2")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 919 269 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick1")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 984 287 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick2")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 951 239 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick2")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 919 207 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick2")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 935 287 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick2")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 954 711 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick1")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 987 885 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick1")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 922 885 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick2")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 938 758 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick1")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 986 759 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick1")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 986 789 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick1")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 922 758 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick1")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 922 821 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick2")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 922 711 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick2")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 922 836 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick1")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 987 853 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick2")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 954 805 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick2")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 922 773 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick2")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 938 853 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick2")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 955 900 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick1")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 988 1074 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick1")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 923 1074 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick2")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 939 947 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick1")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 987 948 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick1")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 987 978 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick1")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 923 947 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick1")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 923 1010 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick2")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 923 900 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick2")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 923 1025 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick1")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 988 1042 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick2")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 955 994 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick2")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 923 962 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick2")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 939 1042 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 952 145 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 920 145 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 984 145 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 972 1090 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 939 1090 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "water")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit6")
+        (modifier "ROT180FLIP"))
+      (position 1158 76 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "water")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit6")
+        (modifier "ROT180FLIP"))
+      (position 1134 -2 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "lava")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit6")
+        (modifier "ROT0FLIP"))
+      (position 1189 129 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "water")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit6")
+        (modifier "ROT180FLIP"))
+      (position 1221 254 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit6")
+        (modifier "ROT0FLIP"))
+      (position 1278 386 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "water")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit6")
+        (modifier "ROT180FLIP"))
+      (position 1306 510 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "water")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit6")
+        (modifier "ROT0FLIP"))
+      (position 1362 642 0))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 895 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (prefab
+      (name "prefabs/entrances/cloud")
+      (position 962 85 0)
+      (overrides
+        (release-rate 40)
+        (direction "left")
+        (owner-id 0)))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 871 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 821 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 846 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 722 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 772 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 797 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 747 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 624 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 674 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 698 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 550 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 649 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 525 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 575 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 600 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 427 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 477 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 181 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 206 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 501 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 353 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 230 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 280 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 304 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 156 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 255 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 131 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 452 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 328 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 378 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 403 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 58 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position -16 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 9 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 33 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 83 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 107 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 1518 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 1394 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 1715 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 1591 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 1641 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 1666 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 1690 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 1740 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 1444 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 1469 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 1764 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 1616 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 1493 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 1543 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 1567 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 1419 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 1839 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 1864 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 1888 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 1814 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 1913 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 1789 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 1274 252 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 1299 252 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 1323 252 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "remove")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/remove/misc/rect1")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 366 990 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/industrial")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 206 1061 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (teleporter
+      (position 18 146 0)
+      (target-id "id1"))
+    (teleporter-target
+      (position 1906 128 0)
+      (id "id1"))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 1370 146 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "lava")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/spike")
+        (modifier "ROT180FLIP"))
+      (position 1460 149 0))
+    (spike
+      (position 905 158 0))
+    (spike
+      (position 900 180 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/real/real2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 558 599 0))
+    (spike
+      (position 902 149 0))
+    (spike
+      (position 891 186 0))
+    (spike
+      (position 887 156 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/real/real17")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 674 538 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/real/real8")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 371 589 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/crystal/smallsolid")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 787 486 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_right")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 745 511 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/real/real3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 605 421 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/misc/metalplate_large")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 843 884 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/misc/metalplate_vert")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 896 884 0))
***The diff for this file has been truncated for email.***
--- /dev/null
+++ /data/levels/crowdus/crowdus022sdc.pingus   Thu Sep 11 21:56:59 2014 UTC
@@ -0,0 +1,2024 @@
+  (version 3)
+  (head
+    (license "GPLv3+")
+    (levelname "Sliding into Home")
+ (description "In their haste, not only did the Pingus leave through different portals (instead of on their raft), they have stumbled into a trap. Now they are all imprisoned. Can they find their way out of this one?")
+    (author "Crowdus -- sdc")
+    (number-of-pingus 8)
+    (number-to-save 8)
+    (time -1)
+    (music "")
+    (actions
+      (slider 13))
+    (levelsize 1920 1200))
+  (objects
+    (surface-background
+      (surface
+        (image "textures/fond1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 2 -400 -1000)
+      (colori 0 0 0 0)
+      (stretch-x #f)
+      (stretch-y #f)
+      (keep-aspect #f)
+      (scroll-x 0)
+      (scroll-y 0)
+      (para-x 0.5)
+      (para-y 0.5))
+    (surface-background
+      (surface
+        (image "textures/clouds3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position -27 -503 -1000)
+      (colori 0 0 0 0)
+      (stretch-x #f)
+      (stretch-y #f)
+      (keep-aspect #f)
+      (scroll-x 0)
+      (scroll-y 0)
+      (para-x 0.5)
+      (para-y 0.5))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld4")
+        (modifier "ROT0FLIP"))
+      (position 991 540 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/bridge/misc/bridge_left")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 998 541 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit6")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1123 413 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit5")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1068 517 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit6")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 991 525 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit6")
+        (modifier "ROT0FLIP"))
+      (position 1116 577 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit6")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1168 580 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld5")
+        (modifier "ROT90FLIP"))
+      (position 1446 879 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/misc/metalplate_small")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1237 814 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/misc/metalplate_small")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 962 587 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/misc/metalplate_small")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1658 666 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/misc/metalplate_small")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1627 666 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 301 618 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 320 516 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/misc/metalplate_small")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 536 592 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 530 499 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
+        (modifier "ROT0FLIP"))
+      (position 349 464 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
+        (modifier "ROT0FLIP"))
+      (position 323 651 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "bridge")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/leftsmallbrick")
+        (modifier "ROT0FLIP"))
+      (position 419 697 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1698 440 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1016 465 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit4")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 674 867 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld6")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1296 1148 0))
+    (liquid
+      (surface
+        (image "liquids/water2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1307 1119 0)
+      (speed 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1456 1090 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1038 805 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit4")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1078 837 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1033 812 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/smallbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 675 401 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit6")
+        (modifier "ROT270FLIP"))
+      (position 58 599 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit6")
+        (modifier "ROT270FLIP"))
+      (position 105 605 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position -12 771 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 20 803 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 52 835 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position -14 769 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 146 929 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 114 897 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 82 865 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 50 833 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 18 801 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (prefab
+      (name "prefabs/entrances/sortie")
+      (position 1238 223 0)
+      (overrides
+        (release-rate 200)
+        (direction "misc")
+        (owner-id 0)))
+    (prefab
+      (name "prefabs/entrances/sortie")
+      (position 966 223 0)
+      (overrides
+        (release-rate 200)
+        (direction "misc")
+        (owner-id 0)))
+    (prefab
+      (name "prefabs/entrances/sortie")
+      (position 1511 223 0)
+      (overrides
+        (release-rate 200)
+        (direction "misc")
+        (owner-id 0)))
+    (prefab
+      (name "prefabs/entrances/sortie")
+      (position 419 224 0)
+      (overrides
+        (release-rate 200)
+        (direction "misc")
+        (owner-id 0)))
+    (prefab
+      (name "prefabs/entrances/sortie")
+      (position 147 224 0)
+      (overrides
+        (release-rate 200)
+        (direction "misc")
+        (owner-id 0)))
+    (prefab
+      (name "prefabs/entrances/sortie")
+      (position 692 222 0)
+      (overrides
+        (release-rate 60)
+        (direction "right")
+        (owner-id 0)))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 915 357 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld6")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 913 404 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 50 832 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 82 864 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 114 896 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 146 928 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 178 960 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 210 992 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 242 1024 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 274 1056 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 306 1088 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 338 1120 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 370 1152 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 402 1184 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 434 1216 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 466 1248 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 498 1280 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 82 867 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 114 899 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 146 931 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 178 963 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 210 995 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 242 1027 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 274 1059 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 306 1091 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 338 1123 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 370 1155 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 402 1187 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 434 1219 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 466 1251 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 498 1283 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position -3 866 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 29 898 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 61 930 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 93 962 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 125 994 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 157 1026 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 189 1058 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 221 1090 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 253 1122 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 285 1154 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 317 1186 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 349 1218 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 381 1250 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 413 1282 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position -25 931 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 7 963 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 39 995 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 71 1027 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 103 1059 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 135 1091 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 167 1123 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 199 1155 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 231 1187 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 263 1219 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 295 1251 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 327 1283 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position -12 1035 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 20 1067 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 52 1099 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 84 1131 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 116 1163 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 148 1195 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 180 1227 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 212 1259 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 244 1291 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position -31 1102 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1 1134 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 33 1166 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 65 1198 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 97 1230 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 129 1262 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 161 1294 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position -21 1202 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 11 1234 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 43 1266 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 75 1298 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position -44 1267 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position -12 1299 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/space")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 530 1315 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit6")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 45 642 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit6")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 77 674 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit6")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 109 706 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit6")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 141 738 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit6")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 173 770 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit6")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 205 802 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit6")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 237 834 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit6")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 269 866 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit6")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 301 898 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit6")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 333 930 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit6")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 365 962 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit6")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 397 994 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit6")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 429 1026 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit6")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 461 1058 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit6")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 493 1090 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit6")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 525 1122 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit6")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 557 1154 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit6")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 589 1186 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit6")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 621 1218 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit3")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position -100 538 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/rock/granit3")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 49 534 0))
+    (switchdoor-door
+      (position 997 349 0)
+      (id "id5")
+      (height 15))
+    (switchdoor-door
+      (position 733 344 0)
+      (id "")
+      (height 13))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 651 352 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld6")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 649 399 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld6")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 378 397 0))
+    (switchdoor-door
+      (position 462 342 0)
+      (id "id6")
+      (height 15))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 380 350 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 106 353 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld6")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 104 400 0))
+    (switchdoor-door
+      (position 188 345 0)
+      (id "id9")
+      (height 15))
+    (switchdoor-door
+      (position 1274 349 0)
+      (id "id11")
+      (height 15))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld3")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1192 357 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/weld6")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1190 404 0))
***The diff for this file has been truncated for email.***
--- /dev/null
+++ /data/levels/crowdus/crowdus024sdc.pingus   Thu Sep 11 21:56:59 2014 UTC
@@ -0,0 +1,1551 @@
+  (version 3)
+  (head
+    (license "GPLv3+")
+    (levelname "Slipping Through the Cracks")
+ (description "The Eight Pingus are relieved to have found the exit hidden below. After weeks of monotonous sailing the Pingus' lookout shouts, 'Land ho!'. Excited to walk on land again, they happily drag their raft onto the island. On the face of a mountain, the Pingus see some ancient markings. The eldest having studied some ancient languages, finds some of it translatable: --Forward equal to back. -- Keep careful track, --Or slip through the crack. Now, a more literal translation would be more helpful, but the eldest had always felt that ancient languages should rhyme and sound like a riddle. It made the reader sound smarter.")
+    (author "Crowdus -- sdc")
+    (number-of-pingus 8)
+    (number-to-save 8)
+    (time -1)
+    (music "")
+    (actions
+      (jumper 12))
+    (levelsize 1920 1200))
+  (objects
+    (surface-background
+      (surface
+        (image "textures/stone")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position -101 -251 -1000)
+      (colori 0 0 0 0)
+      (stretch-x #f)
+      (stretch-y #f)
+      (keep-aspect #f)
+      (scroll-x 0)
+      (scroll-y 0)
+      (para-x 0.5)
+      (para-y 0.5))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/real/real14")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 538 753 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1205 571 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/real/real14")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1141 569 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "remove")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/remove/misc/rect1")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1458 689 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1206 571 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/real/real14")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 838 570 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/real/real14")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1210 878 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/real/real14")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1742 751 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/real/real14")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1743 1115 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/real/real14")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1437 933 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/real/real14")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1390 1056 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 603 754 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "remove")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/remove/misc/rect2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 756 880 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "remove")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/remove/misc/rect2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 749 881 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "remove")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/remove/misc/rect2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 727 872 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "remove")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/remove/misc/rect2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 736 872 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "remove")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/remove/misc/rect2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 736 882 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "remove")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/remove/misc/rect2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 727 883 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 604 754 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 904 936 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "remove")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/remove/misc/rect2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1006 1077 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "remove")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/remove/misc/rect2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1006 1057 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "remove")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/remove/misc/rect2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1015 1058 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "remove")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/remove/misc/rect2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1006 1071 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "remove")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/remove/misc/rect2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1015 1071 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "remove")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/remove/misc/rect2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1017 1077 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 904 936 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/tesselate")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 303 348 0))
+    (hotspot
+      (surface
+        (image "hotspots/signposts/danger")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 660 900 0)
+      (speed 0)
+      (parallax 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "remove")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/remove/misc/column1")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 993 981 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/brick2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 992 985 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/misc/metalplate_small")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 288 208 0))
+    (hotspot
+      (surface
+        (image "hotspots/signposts/danger")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1767 352 0)
+      (speed 0)
+      (parallax 0))
+    (hotspot
+      (surface
+        (image "hotspots/signposts/danger")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 485 351 0)
+      (speed 0)
+      (parallax 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/real/real14")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 788 512 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 605 1119 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 301 1120 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1 1120 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1810 1118 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1508 1118 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1207 1118 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 906 1119 0))
+    (prefab
+      (name "prefabs/entrances/snow")
+      (position 376 176 0)
+      (overrides
+        (release-rate 150)
+        (direction "right")
+        (owner-id 0)))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/pwexit")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 301 1120 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/pwexit")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1245 1118 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/pwexit")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 824 1119 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (exit
+      (surface
+        (image "exits/pwexit")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1728 1118 0)
+      (owner-id 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/real/real14")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 100 143 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 0 208 0))
+    (switchdoor-door
+      (position 283 342 0)
+      (id "id6")
+      (height 11))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "remove")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/remove/misc/column1")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 121 260 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/block")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 203 284 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 903 206 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 602 207 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 301 208 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1204 206 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1505 206 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1807 206 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1808 388 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1 390 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 302 389 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 603 389 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 904 389 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1205 388 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1506 388 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1808 571 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1 573 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 302 572 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 603 572 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 904 572 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1506 571 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1808 753 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1 755 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 302 754 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 904 754 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1205 753 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1506 753 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 303 936 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 603 936 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1205 936 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1504 935 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1806 935 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1 937 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/steel2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position -41 134 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/steel2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position -42 284 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/steel2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position -41 459 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/steel2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position -41 653 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/steel2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position -41 842 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/steel2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position -41 1041 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/steel2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1918 130 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/steel2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1917 1042 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/steel2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1916 285 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/steel2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1917 460 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/steel2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1917 843 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "solid")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/industrial/steel2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1917 654 0))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 589 390 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 587 209 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 891 389 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/mushroom/toadstool2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1441 572 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/misc/well")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 621 123 0))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 64 389 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 64 399 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "ground")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/real/real14")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position -44 319 0))
+    (spike
+      (position 61 402 0))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 589 413 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 588 658 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (spike
+      (position 450 358 0))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 1190 935 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (switchdoor-door
+      (position 1139 523 0)
+      (id "id1")
+      (height 11))
+    (switchdoor-door
+      (position 839 888 0)
+      (id "id11")
+      (height 11))
+    (switchdoor-switch
+      (position 753 167 0)
+      (target-id "id2"))
+    (switchdoor-switch
+      (position 833 349 0)
+      (target-id "id3"))
+    (switchdoor-door
+      (position 764 342 0)
+      (id "id2")
+      (height 11))
+    (switchdoor-door
+      (position 1445 522 0)
+      (id "id4")
+      (height 11))
+    (switchdoor-switch
+      (position 60 168 0)
+      (target-id "id8"))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "remove")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/desert/flat")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 4 152 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "remove")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/block")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 12 338 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "remove")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/block")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 12 369 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "remove")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/pipe")
+        (modifier "ROT270"))
+      (position 14 398 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "remove")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/pipe")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 14 466 0))
+    (teleporter-target
+      (position 322 559 0)
+      (id "idA"))
+    (teleporter
+      (position 283 589 0)
+      (target-id "idA"))
+    (switchdoor-switch
+      (position 1785 166 0)
+      (target-id "id5"))
+    (switchdoor-switch
+      (position 1449 714 0)
+      (target-id "id10"))
+    (teleporter
+      (position 1188 771 0)
+      (target-id "idB"))
+    (teleporter-target
+      (position 1226 740 0)
+      (id "idB"))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 682 589 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 682 581 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 682 571 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 682 667 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 682 606 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 682 622 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 682 659 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 682 649 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 682 632 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 682 614 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 682 598 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 682 640 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 682 694 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 682 686 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 682 676 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 682 712 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 682 703 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (teleporter
+      (position 583 586 0)
+      (target-id "idC"))
+    (teleporter-target
+      (position 625 558 0)
+      (id "idC"))
+    (switchdoor-door
+      (position 1065 339 0)
+      (id "id3")
+      (height 11))
+    (switchdoor-switch
+      (position 1181 349 0)
+      (target-id "id1"))
+    (switchdoor-switch
+      (position 1112 532 0)
+      (target-id "id4"))
+    (switchdoor-door
+      (position 1822 1067 0)
+      (id "id5")
+      (height 11))
+    (switchdoor-door
+      (position 659 705 0)
+      (id "id2142310010")
+      (height 11))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/real/real14")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position -44 315 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/solid/desert/bigbrickpiece")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1 390 0))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 0 389 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 75 207 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 75 233 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 75 225 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 75 215 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 75 250 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "remove")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/remove/misc/column1")
+        (modifier "ROT90"))
+      (position 74 260 0))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 75 260 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 75 242 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/block")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 203 263 0))
+    (switchdoor-switch
+      (position 216 277 0)
+      (target-id "id7"))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 140 331 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 140 321 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 140 313 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 143 340 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 147 349 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/block")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 74 283 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/block")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 74 262 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/block")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 104 283 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/block")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 104 262 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/block")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 136 284 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/block")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 166 284 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/block")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 173 263 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/block")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 173 284 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/block")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 166 263 0))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/crystal/block")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 136 263 0))
+    (switchdoor-switch
+      (position 296 792 0)
+      (target-id "id6"))
+    (switchdoor-door
+      (position 303 706 0)
+      (id "id7")
+      (height 11))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 1794 389 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (switchdoor-door
+      (position 1832 339 0)
+      (id "id8")
+      (height 11))
+    (spike
+      (position 1737 356 0))
+    (spike
+      (position -7 541 0))
+    (hotspot
+      (surface
+        (image "hotspots/signposts/danger")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 8 530 0)
+      (speed 0)
+      (parallax 0))
+    (switchdoor-door
+      (position 53 525 0)
+      (id "id9")
+      (height 11))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 1795 571 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 14 495 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 14 505 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/mushroom/toadstool2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1140 206 0))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 21 495 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 21 505 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (groundpiece
+      (type "transparent")
+      (surface
+        (image "groundpieces/ground/mushroom/toadstool2")
+        (modifier "ROT0"))
+      (position 1441 206 0))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 19 389 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 14 485 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 21 485 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 1795 743 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (switchdoor-door
+      (position 1933 672 0)
+      (id "id1557328020")
+      (height 15))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 1771 743 0)
+      (repeat 1))
+    (iceblock
+      (position 1747 743 0)
+      (repeat 1))
***The diff for this file has been truncated for email.***
--- /dev/null
+++ /data/levelsets/crowdus.levelset    Thu Sep 11 21:56:59 2014 UTC
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+;; -*- scheme -*-
+ (title "The Eight Pingus")
+ (description "Eight Pingus get separated from the others.")
+ (image  "levelsets/mysteryisland")
+ (levels
+  (level (filename "crowdus/crowdus012sdc"))  ;; The Eight Pingus
+  (level (filename "crowdus/crowdus001sdc"))  ;; Which Exit?
+  (level (filename "crowdus/crowdus005sdc"))  ;; Time, Ain't on Our Side
+ (level (filename "crowdus/crowdus024sdc")) ;; Slipping Through the Cracks
+  (level (filename "crowdus/crowdus014sdc"))  ;; Connect Four
+  (level (filename "crowdus/crowdus006sdc"))  ;; The Stone Dragon
+  (level (filename "crowdus/crowdus018sdc"))  ;; Rabbit Hole
+  (level (filename "crowdus/crowdus015sdc"))  ;; Jump Around
+ (level (filename "crowdus/crowdus007Asdc")) ;; The Little One Stops to ...
+  (level (filename "crowdus/crowdus022sdc"))  ;; Sliding into Home
+  (level (filename "crowdus/crowdus003Asdc")) ;; So Happy Together
+  (level (filename "crowdus/crowdus021sdc"))  ;; Digging a Hole
+  (level (filename "crowdus/crowdus013sdc"))  ;; The End
+  ))
+;; EOF ;;

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