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Re: Character encoding again.

From: Ben Pfaff
Subject: Re: Character encoding again.
Date: Sat, 30 Oct 2010 22:01:37 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.2 (gnu/linux)

John Darrington <address@hidden> writes:

> Based in information received it seems that we're going to have to 
> start setting and acting upon the "character_code" value in pspp sys files,
> if we want them to remain compatible with those from SPSS in an 
> internationalised environment.
> Currently, we always set this value to 2 on writing, and ignore it on
> reading.  However, apparently this causes problems reading utf8 encoded
> files on SPSS.  Conceivably, it could also mean that PSPP wont properly
> read certain SPSS generated files.
> Although there is another part of the file pertaining to character encoding,
> (record 7 subtype 20) from what I can make out, that affects only the
> encoding of the data records, and not the headers (labels etc.).
> The character_code is currently documented as:
>   Character code.  1 indicates EBCDIC, 2 indicates 7-bit ASCII, 3
>   indicates 8-bit ASCII, 4 indicates DEC Kanji.  Windows code page
>   numbers are also valid.
> The problem is, that we will need a mapping between this integer and 
> the strings which are recognised by iconv.  According to wikipedia, no such 
> mapping that is universally accepted exists - every vendor has their
> own one!  Evidence suggests however that SPSS uses Microsoft's
> mapping, even when running on non-Microsoft platforms.  Sothe best source of 
> information
> seems to be
> However, as you will see, this table has only 153 entries
> whilst "iconv -l" on my machine generates 1153 encoding names.
> So the question remains what do we do with the 1000 character
> sets not in Microsoft's table?  Many of the iconv names I
> suspect are synonyms and we can make educated guesses as to
> their meaning.  

Character set names and their aliases are listed by IANA:

There are also the system-dependent charset aliases generated by
lib/config.charset in gnulib.

> Similarly, a lot of the iconv names are of the form CP%d which
> suggests a mapping to the codepage.  However there are still
> gaps.
> Moreover, there are a lot of SPSS data files which I have seen
> which have this "character_code" set to 2, yet contain data
> which are clearly not 7 bit ascii.

It was only a few SPSS versions back that SPSS appeared to start
putting values other than 2 into that field, and there are still
many older SPSS system files on the web.  I guess that we will
have to either guess the encoding or depend on the user to tell
us the encoding for these files.

> Has anyone got any sensible suggestions on how to implement the
> two functions:
>  int get_codepage_from_encoding_name (const char*);  and
>  const char *get_encoding_from_codepage (int);

I found a few more sources of mappings on the web: (first of 3 


OK, I wrote a script that starts from this page here:

and converts it into a list of code page numbers and the
equivalent encoding names.  It needs some refinement; I hope that
I can work on it tomorrow.  But here's the script as it is now:

#! /usr/bin/perl

use strict;
use warnings;

open (CONVERTERS, '<', 'convrtrs.txt')
  or die "convrtrs.txt: open failed ($!)\n";

my $converter = "";
while (<CONVERTERS>) {
    if (s/^\s+//) {
        $converter .= " $_";
    } else {
        process_converter ($converter);
        $converter = $_;
process_converter ($converter);

sub process_converter {
    my $windows = 0;
    my $cp = 0;
    my $ibm = 0;
    my @iana;
    my @other;

    my ($converter) = @_;
    return if $converter =~ /^\s*$/;
    return if $converter =~ /^\s*\{/;

    my @fields = split (' ', $converter);
    while (@fields) {
        my $name = shift (@fields);
        if (@fields && $fields[0] eq '{') {
            shift (@fields);

            my (%standards);
            for (;;) {
                my $standard = shift (@fields);
                last if $standard eq '}';
                $standards{$standard} = 1;
            if (exists $standards{'IANA*'}) {
                unshift (@iana, $name);
            } elsif (exists $standards{'IANA'}) {
                push (@iana, $name);
            } elsif (grep (/\*$/, keys %standards)) {
                unshift (@other, $name);
            } else {
                push (@other, $name);
        } else {
            push (@other, $name);
        if ($name =~ /^cp([0-9]+)$/) {
            $cp = $1;
        } elsif ($name =~ /^windows-([0-9]+)$/) {
            $windows = $1;
        } elsif ($name =~ /^ibm-([0-9]+)$/) {
            $ibm = $1;

    printf "%5d", ($windows || $cp || $ibm);
    print " $_" foreach @iana, @other;
    print "\n";

and here's the current output:

65001 UTF-8 windows-65001 ibm-1208 ibm-1209 ibm-5304 ibm-5305 ibm-13496 
ibm-13497 ibm-17592 ibm-17593
 1205 UTF-16 ISO-10646-UCS-2 ibm-1204 ibm-1205
 1201 UTF-16BE windows-1201 ibm-1200 x-utf-16be UnicodeBigUnmarked ibm-1201 
ibm-13488 ibm-13489 ibm-17584 ibm-17585 ibm-21680 ibm-21681 ibm-25776 ibm-25777 
ibm-29872 ibm-29873 ibm-61955 ibm-61956
 1200 UTF-16LE windows-1200 ibm-1202 x-utf-16le UnicodeLittleUnmarked ibm-1203 
ibm-13490 ibm-13491 ibm-17586 ibm-17587 ibm-21682 ibm-21683 ibm-25778 ibm-25779 
ibm-29874 ibm-29875
 1237 UTF-32 ISO-10646-UCS-4 ibm-1236 ibm-1237
 9424 UTF-32BE ibm-1232 ibm-1233 ibm-9424
 1235 UTF-32LE ibm-1234 ibm-1235
    0 UnicodeBig
    0 UnicodeLittle x-UTF-16LE-BOM
65000 UTF-7 windows-65000
 1213 SCSU ibm-1213 ibm-1212
 1215 BOCU-1 csBOCU-1 ibm-1215 ibm-1214
 9400 CESU-8 ibm-9400
  819 ISO_8859-1:1987 ISO-8859-1 IBM819 cp819 latin1 csISOLatin1 iso-ir-100 l1 
ibm-819 8859_1 819
20127 ANSI_X3.4-1968 US-ASCII ASCII ANSI_X3.4-1986 ISO_646.irv:1991 ISO646-US 
us csASCII iso-ir-6 cp367 IBM367 ibm-367 windows-20127 iso_646.irv:1983 ascii7 
54936 gb18030 GB18030 windows-54936 ibm-1392
28592 ISO_8859-2:1987 ISO-8859-2 latin2 csISOLatin2 iso-ir-101 l2 windows-28592 
ibm-912 ibm-912_P100-1995 8859_2 cp912 912
28593 ISO_8859-3:1988 ISO-8859-3 latin3 csISOLatin3 iso-ir-109 l3 windows-28593 
ibm-913 ibm-913_P100-2000 8859_3 cp913 913
28594 ISO_8859-4:1988 ISO-8859-4 latin4 csISOLatin4 iso-ir-110 l4 windows-28594 
ibm-914 ibm-914_P100-1995 8859_4 cp914 914
28595 ISO_8859-5:1988 ISO-8859-5 cyrillic csISOLatinCyrillic iso-ir-144 
windows-28595 ibm-915 ibm-915_P100-1995 8859_5 cp915 915
    0 PTCP154 glibc-PT154-2.3.3
28596 ISO_8859-6:1987 ISO-8859-6 arabic csISOLatinArabic iso-ir-127 ECMA-114 
ASMO-708 ISO-8859-6-I ISO-8859-6-E windows-28596 ibm-1089 ibm-1089_P100-1995 
8859_6 cp1089 1089 x-ISO-8859-6S
28597 ISO_8859-7:1987 ISO-8859-7 greek greek8 ELOT_928 ECMA-118 csISOLatinGreek 
iso-ir-126 windows-28597 ibm-9005 ibm-9005_X110-2007
  813 ISO-8859-7 ibm-813 ibm-813_P100-1995 greek greek8 ELOT_928 ECMA-118 
csISOLatinGreek iso-ir-126 ISO_8859-7:1987 8859_7 cp813 813
28598 ISO_8859-8:1988 ISO-8859-8 hebrew csISOLatinHebrew iso-ir-138 
ISO-8859-8-I ISO-8859-8-E windows-28598 ibm-5012 ibm-5012_P100-1999 8859_8
  916 ibm-916 ibm-916_P100-1995 cp916 916
28599 ISO_8859-9:1989 ISO-8859-9 latin5 csISOLatin5 iso-ir-148 l5 windows-28599 
ibm-920 ibm-920_P100-1995 8859_9 cp920 920
    0 ISO-8859-10 iso-ir-157 l6 ISO_8859-10:1992 csISOLatin6 latin6 
    0 iso-8859_11-2001 x-iso-8859-11
28603 ISO-8859-13 windows-28603 ibm-921 ibm-921_P100-1995 8859_13 x-IBM921
    0 ISO-8859-14 iso-ir-199 ISO_8859-14:1998 latin8 iso-celtic l8 
28605 ISO-8859-15 Latin-9 windows-28605 ibm-923 ibm-923_P100-1998 l9 8859_15 
latin0 csisolatin0 csisolatin9 iso8859_15_fdis cp923 923
  932 ibm-942 ibm-942_P12A-1999 ibm-932 x-IBM942 x-IBM942C
  932 Shift_JIS MS_Kanji csShiftJIS windows-31j csWindows31J cp943c windows-932 
ibm-943_P15A-2003 x-sjis x-ms-cp932 cp932 x-MS932_0213 x-JISAutoDetect
  943 cp943 ibm-943 ibm-943_P130-1999 943 x-IBM943
51932 Extended_UNIX_Code_Packed_Format_for_Japanese EUC-JP csEUCPkdFmtJapanese 
windows-51932 ibm-33722_P12A_P12A-2004_U2 X-EUC-JP
33722 cp33722 ibm-33722 ibm-33722_P120-1999 ibm-5050 33722 x-IBM33722 
x-IBM33722A x-IBM33722C
  954 EUC-JP ibm-954 ibm-954_P101-2007 
Extended_UNIX_Code_Packed_Format_for_Japanese csEUCPkdFmtJapanese X-EUC-JP 
eucjis x-IBM954 x-IBM954C
    0 aix-IBM_udcJP-4.3.6 x-IBM-udcJP
    0 java-euc_jp_linux-1.6_P x-EUC_JP_LINUX
    0 java-sjis_0213-1.6_P x-SJIS_0213
 1373 ibm-1373 ibm-1373_P100-2002
  950 Big5 csBig5 windows-950 windows-950-2000 x-windows-950
  950 cp950 ibm-950 ibm-950_P110-1999 950 x-IBM950
 1375 Big5-HKSCS ibm-1375 ibm-1375_P100-2007 big5hk
 5471 MS950_HKSCS ibm-5471 ibm-5471_P100-2006 x-MS950-HKSCS
    0 solaris-zh_TW_big5-2.7 Big5_Solaris x-Big5-Solaris
 1386 ibm-1386 ibm-1386_P100-2001
  936 GBK CP936 MS936 windows-936 windows-936-2000
 1383 GB2312 csGB2312 cp1383 ibm-1383 ibm-1383_P110-1999 1383
 5478 GB_2312-80 chinese iso-ir-58 csISO58GB231280 ibm-5478 ibm-5478_P100-1995
  964 cp964 ibm-964 ibm-964_P110-1999 964 x-IBM964
  949 cp949 ibm-949 ibm-949_P110-1999 949 x-IBM949
    0 cp949c ibm-949_P11A-1999 x-IBM949C IBM-949C
51949 EUC-KR csEUCKR cp970 windows-51949 ibm-970 ibm-970_P110_P110-2006_U2 
KS_C_5601-1987 ibm-eucKR KSC_5601 5601 970 x-IBM970
  971 ibm-971 x-IBM971
 1363 KS_C_5601-1987 KS_C_5601-1989 KSC_5601 csKSC56011987 korean iso-ir-149 
cp1363 ibm-1363_P11B-1998 x-IBM1363C
 1363 ibm-1363 ibm-1363_P110-1997 x-IBM1363
  949 windows-949 windows-949-2000 KS_C_5601-1987 KS_C_5601-1989 KSC_5601 
csKSC56011987 korean iso-ir-149 ms949 x-KSC5601
    0 windows-1361-2000 x-Johab
  874 windows-874 windows-874-2000 TIS-620 MS874 x-windows-874
  874 TIS-620 cp874 ibm-874 ibm-874_P100-1995 ibm-9066 tis620.2533 x-IBM874
 1162 ibm-1162 ibm-1162_P100-1999
    0 windows-864-2000 x-IBM864S
  437 IBM437 cp437 437 csPC8CodePage437 windows-437 ibm-437 ibm-437_P100-1995
  720 windows-720 ibm-720 ibm-720_P100-1997 DOS-720 x-IBM720
  737 windows-737 cp737 ibm-737 ibm-737_P100-1997 IBM737 737 x-IBM737
  775 IBM775 cp775 csPC775Baltic windows-775 ibm-775 ibm-775_P100-1996 775
  850 IBM850 cp850 850 csPC850Multilingual windows-850 ibm-850 ibm-850_P100-1995
  851 IBM851 cp851 851 csPC851 ibm-851 ibm-851_P100-1995
  852 IBM852 cp852 852 csPCp852 windows-852 ibm-852 ibm-852_P100-1995
  855 IBM855 cp855 855 csIBM855 windows-855 ibm-855 ibm-855_P100-1995 csPCp855
  856 cp856 ibm-856 ibm-856_P100-1995 IBM856 856 x-IBM856
  857 IBM857 cp857 857 csIBM857 windows-857 ibm-857 ibm-857_P100-1995
  858 IBM00858 CCSID00858 CP00858 PC-Multilingual-850+euro windows-858 cp858 
ibm-858 ibm-858_P100-1997
  860 IBM860 cp860 860 csIBM860 ibm-860 ibm-860_P100-1995
  861 IBM861 cp861 861 cp-is csIBM861 windows-861 ibm-861 ibm-861_P100-1995
  862 IBM862 cp862 862 csPC862LatinHebrew windows-862 ibm-862 ibm-862_P100-1995 
  863 IBM863 cp863 863 csIBM863 ibm-863 ibm-863_P100-1995
  864 IBM864 cp864 csIBM864 ibm-864 ibm-864_X110-1999
  865 IBM865 cp865 865 csIBM865 ibm-865 ibm-865_P100-1995
  866 IBM866 cp866 866 csIBM866 windows-866 ibm-866 ibm-866_P100-1995
  867 ibm-867 ibm-867_P100-1998 x-IBM867
  868 IBM868 CP868 csIBM868 cp-ar ibm-868 ibm-868_P100-1995 868
  869 IBM869 cp869 869 cp-gr csIBM869 windows-869 ibm-869 ibm-869_P100-1995
20866 KOI8-R csKOI8R windows-20866 ibm-878 ibm-878_P100-1996 koi8
  901 ibm-901 ibm-901_P100-1999
  902 ibm-902 ibm-902_P100-1999
  922 cp922 ibm-922 ibm-922_P100-1999 IBM922 922 x-IBM922
21866 KOI8-U windows-21866 ibm-1168 ibm-1168_P100-2002
 4909 ibm-4909 ibm-4909_P100-1999
 1250 windows-1250 ibm-5346 ibm-5346_P100-1998 cp1250
 1251 windows-1251 ibm-5347 ibm-5347_P100-1998 cp1251
 1252 windows-1252 ibm-5348 ibm-5348_P100-1997 cp1252
 1253 windows-1253 ibm-5349 ibm-5349_P100-1998 cp1253
 1254 windows-1254 ibm-5350 ibm-5350_P100-1998 cp1254
 1255 windows-1255 ibm-9447 ibm-9447_P100-2002 cp1255
 1256 windows-1256 ibm-9448 ibm-9448_X100-2005 cp1256 x-windows-1256S
 1257 windows-1257 ibm-9449 ibm-9449_P100-2002 cp1257
 1258 windows-1258 ibm-5354 ibm-5354_P100-1998 cp1258
 1250 ibm-1250 ibm-1250_P100-1995
 1251 ibm-1251 ibm-1251_P100-1995
 1252 ibm-1252 ibm-1252_P100-2000
 1253 ibm-1253 ibm-1253_P100-1995
 1254 ibm-1254 ibm-1254_P100-1995
 1255 ibm-1255 ibm-1255_P100-1995
 5351 ibm-5351 ibm-5351_P100-1998
 1256 ibm-1256 ibm-1256_P110-1997
 5352 ibm-5352 ibm-5352_P100-1998
 1257 ibm-1257 ibm-1257_P100-1995
 5353 ibm-5353 ibm-5353_P100-1998
 1258 ibm-1258 ibm-1258_P100-1997
10000 macintosh mac csMacintosh x-macroman windows-10000 macos-0_2-10.2 macroman
10006 windows-10006 x-mac-greek macos-6_2-10.4 x-MacGreek
10007 windows-10007 x-mac-cyrillic macos-7_3-10.2 x-MacCyrillic x-MacUkraine
    0 x-mac-thai macos-21-10.5 x-MacThai MacThai
10029 windows-10029 x-mac-centraleurroman macos-29-10.2 x-mac-ce 
    0 x-mac-symbol macos-33-10.5 x-MacSymbol MacSymbol
    0 x-mac-dingbat macos-34-10.2 x-MacDingbat MacDingbat
10081 windows-10081 x-mac-turkish macos-35-10.2 x-MacTurkish
    0 x-mac-croatian macos-36_2-10.2 x-MacCroatian MacCroatian
    0 x-mac-iceland macos-37_5-10.2 x-MacIceland MacIceland
    0 x-mac-romania macos-38_2-10.2 x-MacRomania MacRomania
    0 x-mac-arabic macos-518-10.2 x-MacArabic MacArabic
    0 x-mac-hebrew macos-1285-10.2 x-MacHebrew MacHebrew
 1051 hp-roman8 roman8 r8 csHPRoman8 ibm-1051 ibm-1051_P100-1995
 1276 Adobe-Standard-Encoding csAdobeStandardEncoding ibm-1276 
 1006 cp1006 ibm-1006 ibm-1006_P100-1995 IBM1006 1006 x-IBM1006
 1098 cp1098 ibm-1098 ibm-1098_P100-1995 IBM1098 1098 x-IBM1098
 1124 cp1124 ibm-1124 ibm-1124_P100-1996 1124 x-IBM1124
 1125 ibm-1125 ibm-1125_P100-1997
 1129 ibm-1129 ibm-1129_P100-1997
 1131 ibm-1131 ibm-1131_P100-1997
 1133 ibm-1133 ibm-1133_P100-1997
    0 ISO-2022-JP csISO2022JP x-windows-iso2022jp x-windows-50220
 5054 JIS_Encoding csJISEncoding ibm-5054 ISO-2022-JP-1 x-windows-50221
    0 ISO-2022-JP-2 csISO2022JP2
    0 ISO-2022-KR csISO2022KR
25546 ibm-25546
    0 ISO-2022-CN csISO2022CN x-ISO-2022-CN-GB
    0 ISO-2022-CN-EXT
    0 x-ISO-2022-CN-CNS
    0 HZ-GB-2312
    0 x-compound-text
57002 ibm-4902 windows-57002 x-ISCII91 x-iscii-de
57006 windows-57003 x-iscii-be windows-57006 x-iscii-as
57011 windows-57011 x-iscii-pa
57010 windows-57010 x-iscii-gu
57007 windows-57007 x-iscii-or
57004 windows-57004 x-iscii-ta
57005 windows-57005 x-iscii-te
57008 windows-57008 x-iscii-ka
57009 windows-57009 x-iscii-ma
65025 ibm-65025
   37 IBM037 ebcdic-cp-us ebcdic-cp-ca ebcdic-cp-wt ebcdic-cp-nl csIBM037 cp037 
ibm-37 ibm-37_P100-1995 037 cpibm37
  273 IBM273 CP273 csIBM273 ibm-273 ibm-273_P100-1995 273
  277 IBM277 EBCDIC-CP-DK EBCDIC-CP-NO csIBM277 cp277 ibm-277 ibm-277_P100-1995 
  278 IBM278 ebcdic-cp-fi ebcdic-cp-se csIBM278 cp278 ibm-278 ibm-278_P100-1995 
ebcdic-sv 278
  280 IBM280 CP280 ebcdic-cp-it csIBM280 ibm-280 ibm-280_P100-1995 280
  284 IBM284 CP284 ebcdic-cp-es csIBM284 ibm-284 ibm-284_P100-1995 cpibm284 284
  285 IBM285 CP285 ebcdic-cp-gb csIBM285 ibm-285 ibm-285_P100-1995 cpibm285 
ebcdic-gb 285
  290 IBM290 cp290 EBCDIC-JP-kana csIBM290 ibm-290 ibm-290_P100-1995
  297 IBM297 cp297 ebcdic-cp-fr csIBM297 ibm-297 ibm-297_P100-1995 cpibm297 297
  420 IBM420 cp420 ebcdic-cp-ar1 csIBM420 ibm-420 ibm-420_X120-1999 420
  424 IBM424 cp424 ebcdic-cp-he csIBM424 ibm-424 ibm-424_P100-1995 424
  500 IBM500 CP500 ebcdic-cp-be csIBM500 ebcdic-cp-ch ibm-500 ibm-500_P100-1995
  803 ibm-803 ibm-803_P100-1999
  838 IBM-Thai csIBMThai cp838 ibm-838 ibm-838_P100-1995 IBM838 838 ibm-9030
  870 IBM870 CP870 ebcdic-cp-roece ebcdic-cp-yu csIBM870 ibm-870 
  871 IBM871 ebcdic-cp-is csIBM871 CP871 ibm-871 ibm-871_P100-1995 ebcdic-is 871
  875 cp875 ibm-875 ibm-875_P100-1995 IBM875 875 x-IBM875
  918 IBM918 CP918 ebcdic-cp-ar2 csIBM918 ibm-918 ibm-918_P100-1995
  930 cp930 ibm-930 ibm-930_P120-1999 ibm-5026 IBM930 930 x-IBM930 x-IBM930A
  933 cp933 ibm-933 ibm-933_P110-1995 933 x-IBM933
  935 cp935 ibm-935 ibm-935_P110-1999 935 x-IBM935
  937 cp937 ibm-937 ibm-937_P110-1999 937 x-IBM937
  939 cp939 ibm-939 ibm-939_P120-1999 ibm-931 ibm-5035 IBM939 939 x-IBM939 
 1025 cp1025 ibm-1025 ibm-1025_P100-1995 1025 x-IBM1025
 1026 IBM1026 CP1026 csIBM1026 ibm-1026 ibm-1026_P100-1995 1026
 1047 IBM1047 cp1047 ibm-1047 ibm-1047_P100-1995 1047
 1097 cp1097 ibm-1097 ibm-1097_P100-1995 1097 x-IBM1097
 1112 cp1112 ibm-1112 ibm-1112_P100-1995 1112 x-IBM1112
 1114 ibm-1114 ibm-1114_P100-2001 x-IBM1114
 1115 ibm-1115 ibm-1115_P100-1995 x-IBM1115
 1122 cp1122 ibm-1122 ibm-1122_P100-1999 1122 x-IBM1122
 1123 cp1123 ibm-1123 ibm-1123_P100-1995 1123 x-IBM1123
 1130 ibm-1130 ibm-1130_P100-1997
 1132 ibm-1132 ibm-1132_P100-1998
 1137 ibm-1137 ibm-1137_P100-1999
 4517 ibm-4517 ibm-4517_P100-2005
 1140 IBM01140 CCSID01140 CP01140 ebcdic-us-37+euro cp1140 ibm-1140 
 1141 IBM01141 CCSID01141 CP01141 ebcdic-de-273+euro cp1141 ibm-1141 
 1142 IBM01142 CCSID01142 CP01142 ebcdic-dk-277+euro ebcdic-no-277+euro cp1142 
ibm-1142 ibm-1142_P100-1997
 1143 IBM01143 CCSID01143 CP01143 ebcdic-fi-278+euro ebcdic-se-278+euro cp1143 
ibm-1143 ibm-1143_P100-1997
 1144 IBM01144 CCSID01144 CP01144 ebcdic-it-280+euro cp1144 ibm-1144 
 1145 IBM01145 CCSID01145 CP01145 ebcdic-es-284+euro cp1145 ibm-1145 
 1146 IBM01146 CCSID01146 CP01146 ebcdic-gb-285+euro cp1146 ibm-1146 
 1147 IBM01147 CCSID01147 CP01147 ebcdic-fr-297+euro cp1147 ibm-1147 
 1148 IBM01148 CCSID01148 CP01148 ebcdic-international-500+euro cp1148 ibm-1148 
 1149 IBM01149 CCSID01149 CP01149 ebcdic-is-871+euro cp1149 ibm-1149 
 1153 ibm-1153 ibm-1153_P100-1999 IBM1153 x-IBM1153
 1154 ibm-1154 ibm-1154_P100-1999
 1155 ibm-1155 ibm-1155_P100-1999
 1156 ibm-1156 ibm-1156_P100-1999
 1157 ibm-1157 ibm-1157_P100-1999
 1158 ibm-1158 ibm-1158_P100-1999
 1160 ibm-1160 ibm-1160_P100-1999
 1164 ibm-1164 ibm-1164_P100-1999
 1364 ibm-1364 ibm-1364_P110-2007 x-IBM1364
 1370 ibm-1370 ibm-1370_P100-1999 x-IBM1370
 1371 ibm-1371 ibm-1371_P100-1999 x-IBM1371
 9580 ibm-1388 ibm-1388_P103-2001 ibm-9580 x-IBM1388
 1390 ibm-1390 ibm-1390_P110-2003 x-IBM1390
 1399 ibm-1399 ibm-1399_P110-2003 x-IBM1399
 5123 ibm-5123 ibm-5123_P100-1999
 8482 ibm-8482 ibm-8482_P100-1999
20780 ibm-16684 ibm-16684_P110-2003 ibm-20780
 4899 ibm-4899 ibm-4899_P100-1998
 4971 ibm-4971 ibm-4971_P100-1999
 9067 ibm-9067 ibm-9067_X100-2005
12712 ibm-12712 ibm-12712_P100-1998
16804 ibm-16804 ibm-16804_X110-1999
    0 java-Cp1399A-1.6_P x-IBM1399A
    0 java-Cp420s-1.6_P x-IBM420S
    0 java-Cp1390A-1.6_P x-IBM1390A
    0 IBM924_LF
    0 IBM1047_LF
    0 IBM1141_LF
    0 gsm-03.38-2000
 1004 ibm-1004 ibm-1004_P100-1995
 1008 ibm-1008 ibm-1008_P100-1995
 1009 ibm-1009 ibm-1009_P100-1995
 1010 NF_Z_62-010 iso-ir-69 ISO646-FR fr csISO69French ibm-1010 
 1011 DIN_66003 iso-ir-21 de ISO646-DE csISO21German ibm-1011 ibm-1011_P100-1995
 1012 IT iso-ir-15 ISO646-IT csISO15Italian ibm-1012 ibm-1012_P100-1995
 1013 BS_4730 iso-ir-4 ISO646-GB gb uk csISO4UnitedKingdom ibm-1013 
 1014 ES2 iso-ir-85 ISO646-ES2 csISO85Spanish2 ibm-1014 ibm-1014_P100-1995
 1015 PT2 iso-ir-84 ISO646-PT2 csISO84Portuguese2 ibm-1015 ibm-1015_P100-1995
 1016 NS_4551-1 iso-ir-60 ISO646-NO no csISO60DanishNorwegian csISO60Norwegian1 
ibm-1016 ibm-1016_P100-1995
 1017 ibm-1017 ibm-1017_P100-1995
 1018 SEN_850200_B iso-ir-10 FI ISO646-FI ISO646-SE se csISO10Swedish ibm-1018 
 1019 ibm-1019 ibm-1019_P100-1995
 1020 CSA_Z243.4-1985-1 iso-ir-121 ISO646-CA csa7-1 ca csISO121Canadian1 
ibm-1020 ibm-1020_P100-2003
 1021 ibm-1021 ibm-1021_P100-2003
 1023 ES iso-ir-17 ISO646-ES csISO17Spanish ibm-1023 ibm-1023_P100-2003
 1027 ibm-1027 ibm-1027_P100-1995 x-IBM1027
 1041 ibm-1041 ibm-1041_P100-1995 x-IBM1041
 1043 ibm-1043 ibm-1043_P100-1995 x-IBM1043
 1046 ibm-1046 ibm-1046_X110-1999 x-IBM1046 x-IBM1046S
 1088 ibm-1088 ibm-1088_P100-1995 x-IBM1088
 1100 DEC-MCS dec csDECMCS ibm-1100 ibm-1100_P100-2003
 1101 ibm-1101 ibm-1101_P100-2003
 1102 ibm-1102 ibm-1102_P100-2003
 1103 ibm-1103 ibm-1103_P100-2003
 1104 iso-ir-25 ISO646-FR1 csISO25French ibm-1104 ibm-1104_P100-2003
 1105 ibm-1105 ibm-1105_P100-2003
 1106 ibm-1106 ibm-1106_P100-2003
 1107 DS_2089 ISO646-DK dk csISO646Danish ibm-1107 ibm-1107_P100-2003
 1127 ibm-1127 ibm-1127_P100-2004
 1161 ibm-1161 ibm-1161_P100-1999
 1163 ibm-1163 ibm-1163_P100-1999
 1165 ibm-1165 ibm-1165_P101-2000
 1166 ibm-1166 ibm-1166_P100-2002
 1167 ibm-1167 ibm-1167_P100-2002 x-KOI8_RU
 1174 KZ-1048 STRK1048-2002 RK1048 csKZ1048 ibm-1174 ibm-1174_X100-2007
 1277 ibm-1277 ibm-1277_P100-1995
13125 ibm-13125 ibm-13125_P100-1997
13140 ibm-13140 ibm-13140_P101-2000
13218 ibm-13218 ibm-13218_P100-1996
 1350 ibm-1350 ibm-1350_P110-1997 x-eucJP-Open eucJP-Open
 1351 ibm-1351 ibm-1351_P110-1997 x-IBM1351
 1362 ibm-1362 ibm-1362_P110-1999 x-IBM1362
13676 ibm-13676 ibm-13676_P102-2001
 1380 ibm-1380 ibm-1380_P100-1995 x-IBM1380
 1381 cp1381 ibm-1381 ibm-1381_P110-1999 1381 x-IBM1381
 1382 ibm-1382 ibm-1382_P100-1995 x-IBM1382
17221 ibm-17221 ibm-17221_P100-2001
17248 ibm-17248 ibm-17248_X110-1999
21344 ibm-21344 ibm-21344_P101-2000
21427 ibm-21427 ibm-21427_P100-1999
  256 ibm-256 ibm-256_P100-1995
  259 IBM-Symbols csIBMSymbols ibm-259 ibm-259_P100-1995
  274 IBM274 EBCDIC-BE CP274 csIBM274 ibm-274 ibm-274_P100-2000
  275 IBM275 EBCDIC-BR cp275 csIBM275 ibm-275 ibm-275_P100-1995
  286 EBCDIC-AT-DE-A csEBCDICATDEA ibm-286 ibm-286_P100-2003
  293 ibm-293 ibm-293_P100-1995
  300 ibm-300 ibm-300_P120-2006 x-IBM300
  301 ibm-301 ibm-301_P110-1997 x-IBM301
33058 ibm-33058 ibm-33058_P100-2000
  425 ibm-425 ibm-425_P101-2000
 4930 ibm-4930 ibm-4930_P110-1999
 4933 ibm-4933 ibm-4933_P100-2002
 4948 ibm-4948 ibm-4948_P100-1995
 4951 ibm-4951 ibm-4951_P100-1995
 4952 ibm-4952 ibm-4952_P100-1995
 4960 ibm-4960 ibm-4960_P100-1995
 5039 ibm-5039 ibm-5039_P11A-1998
 5048 ibm-5048 ibm-5048_P100-1995
 5049 ibm-5049 ibm-5049_P100-1995
 5067 ibm-5067 ibm-5067_P100-1995
 5104 ibm-5104 ibm-5104_X110-1999
  806 ibm-806 ibm-806_P100-1998
  808 ibm-808 ibm-808_P100-1999 x-IBM808
  833 ibm-833 ibm-833_P100-1995 x-IBM833
  834 ibm-834 ibm-834_P100-1995 x-IBM834
  835 ibm-835 ibm-835_P100-1995 x-IBM835
  836 ibm-836 ibm-836_P100-1995 x-IBM836
  837 ibm-837 ibm-837_P100-1995 x-IBM837
  848 ibm-848 ibm-848_P100-1999
  849 ibm-849 ibm-849_P100-1999
  859 ibm-859 ibm-859_P100-1999 x-IBM859
 8612 ibm-8612 ibm-8612_P100-1995
  872 ibm-872 ibm-872_P100-1999
20880 IBM880 cp880 EBCDIC-Cyrillic csIBM880 windows-20880 ibm-880 
  896 ibm-896 ibm-896_P100-1995
  897 JIS_X0201 X0201 csHalfWidthKatakana ibm-897 ibm-897_P100-1995 x-IBM897
 9027 ibm-9027 ibm-9027_P100-1999
 9048 ibm-9048 ibm-9048_P100-1998
20905 IBM905 CP905 ebcdic-cp-tr csIBM905 windows-20905 ibm-905 ibm-905_P100-1995
 9056 ibm-9056 ibm-9056_P100-1995
 9061 ibm-9061 ibm-9061_P100-1999
 9145 ibm-9145 ibm-9145_P110-1997
 9238 ibm-9238 ibm-9238_X110-1999
  924 IBM00924 CCSID00924 CP00924 ebcdic-Latin9--euro ibm-924 ibm-924_P100-1998
  926 ibm-926 ibm-926_P100-2000
  927 ibm-927 ibm-927_P100-1995 x-IBM927
  928 ibm-928 ibm-928_P100-1995
  941 ibm-941 ibm-941_P13A-2001
  944 ibm-944 ibm-944_P100-1995
  946 ibm-946 ibm-946_P100-1995
  947 ibm-947 ibm-947_P100-1995 x-IBM947
  948 ibm-948 ibm-948_P110-1999 x-IBM948
  951 ibm-951 ibm-951_P100-1995 x-IBM951
  952 ibm-952 ibm-952_P110-1997
  953 JIS_X0212-1990 ibm-953 ibm-953_P100-2000
  955 ibm-955 ibm-955_P110-1997
 1385 ibm-9577 ibm-9577_P100-2001 ibm-1385 x-IBM1385
    0 ISO-8859-16 iso-ir-226 ISO_8859-16:2001 latin10 l10 iso-8859_16-2001

Ben Pfaff

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