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Re: [Qemu-block] [Qemu-devel] [PATCH 04/13] qapi: Formalize qcow2 encryp

From: Eric Blake
Subject: Re: [Qemu-block] [Qemu-devel] [PATCH 04/13] qapi: Formalize qcow2 encryption probing
Date: Thu, 10 May 2018 09:22:09 -0500
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/52.7.0

On 05/10/2018 02:58 AM, Daniel P. Berrangé wrote:
On Wed, May 09, 2018 at 06:55:21PM +0200, Max Reitz wrote:
Currently, you can give no encryption format for a qcow2 file while
still passing a key-secret.  That does not conform to the schema, so
this patch changes the schema to allow it.

Signed-off-by: Max Reitz <address@hidden>
  qapi/block-core.json | 44 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
  1 file changed, 40 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

  { 'union': 'BlockdevQcow2Encryption',
-  'base': { 'format': 'BlockdevQcow2EncryptionFormat' },
+  'base': { '*format': 'BlockdevQcow2EncryptionFormat' },
    'discriminator': 'format',
+  'default-variant': 'from-image',
    'data': { 'aes': 'QCryptoBlockOptionsQCow',
-            'luks': 'QCryptoBlockOptionsLUKS'} }
+            'luks': 'QCryptoBlockOptionsLUKS',
+            'from-image': 'BlockdevQcow2EncryptionSecret' } }

Bike-shedding on name, how about "auto" or "probe" ?

Either of those sounds nicer to me; 'auto' might be better in the context of creation (that way, we can state that creating a NEW image with x-blockdev-create maps 'auto' to 'luks'; while connecting to an EXISTING image maps 'auto' to either 'aes' or 'luks' as appropriate).

IIUC, this schema addition means the QAPI parser now allows

    encrypt.format=from-image,encrypt.key-secret=sec0,...other opts...

Yes. You could, perhaps, add a special case on the command line parsing code to reject an explicit use of format=from-image, but the QMP should not reject an explicit discriminator.

Hmm, it plays in with my comment on 1/13 - should the QMP parser automatically set has_discriminator to true when it supplies the default? If it does, you lose the ability to see whether the user supplied an explicit encrypt.format=from-image (or the equivalent when using QMP instead of the command line), if you wanted to enforce that the user MUST omit format when relying on the from-image variant.

I don't see a problem in allowing the user to explicitly specify the name of the default branch, but I _do_ think the patch is incomplete for not handling the new QCOW_CRYPT_FROM_IMAGE case and converting it as soon as possible back into one of the other two preferred enum values.

Eric Blake, Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc.           +1-919-301-3266
Virtualization:  qemu.org | libvirt.org

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