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[Qemu-devel] clfs arm problem

From: Rodrigo Vivi
Subject: [Qemu-devel] clfs arm problem
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2007 10:42:14 -0300

Hi all,

I have a system arm from scratch and I'm running a chroot all over
qemu user mode emulation and getting the following problem:

"Function not implemented" message error when try something recursive...

# creating files
bash-3.2# mkdir /tmp/dir
bash-3.2# touch /tmp/dir/file1
bash-3.2# touch /tmp/dir/file2
bash-3.2# touch /tmp/dir/file3

# chown and rm command works fine on a simple file
bash-3.2# chown root:root /tmp/dir/file1
bash-3.2# rm -rf /tmp/dir/file1

# chown failing in recursive mode:
bash-3.2# chown -R root:root /tmp/dir/
/bin/chown: changing ownership of `/tmp/dir/file3': Function not implemented
/bin/chown: changing ownership of `/tmp/dir/file2': Function not implemented

# rm failing in recursive mode:
bash-3.2# rm -r /tmp/dir/
/bin/rm: cannot remove `/tmp/dir//file3': Function not implemented
/bin/rm: cannot remove `/tmp/dir//file2': Function not implemented

#but when dir are empty rmdir works fine...
bash-3.2# rm -r /tmp/dir/file*
bash-3.2# rm -r /tmp/dir/

I could not strace because strace got the same problem:
bash-3.2# strace rm -r /tmp/dir/
qemu: Unsupported syscall: 26
strace: ptrace(PTRACE_TRACEME, ...): Function not implemented
qemu: Unsupported syscall: 26
detach: ptrace(PTRACE_DETACH, ...): Function not implemented
Process 26635 detached

I could recompile rm adding some debug messages and finally discovered
that the error (at least for rm command) occurs when it call for
unlinkat syscall...

Does any body has any idea about what can be happening here?

Rodrigo Vivi.

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