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Re: [Qemu-devel] Sparc32 network problems

From: Andreas Färber
Subject: Re: [Qemu-devel] Sparc32 network problems
Date: Sat, 9 Jun 2007 14:13:17 +0200

Am 07.06.2007 um 13:47 schrieb Andreas Färber:

> Using Q 0.9.0d88 on a Mac OS X i386 host I was able to boot into
> debian-40r0-sparc-netinst.iso with qemu-system-sparc, have the NIC > configured through DHCP and install to about 73% where I repeatedly
> got a kernel panic "Aiee".

I should add that when I tried the interrupt checking patch proposed
on this list (http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/qemu-devel/2007-03/
msg00153.html) then instead of the kernel panic I got a qemu crash.

Would this happen to be the same bug as in this report:

Yes, a similar one, except that the kernel panic did somehow mention the code I quoted above.

When using debian-40r0-sparc-DVD-1.iso on PPC, configuring network manually and selecting the desktop option it crashed at 69%

Okay, I got it installed now through the following procedure:

use same DVD as above
configure network manually
do not select desktop option

then after a reboot I was able to install additional packages from the DVD using apt-get, aptitude and - after similar crashes as before - dpkg --configure -a

Is Debian correct is saying that TCX supports 8-bit only? Don't we have 15, 16 and 32 bit there, too? I modified xorg.conf to use suntcx instead of sunffb; depths of 24, 16 and 15 did not work, with 8 bit I got the Blue Swirl. ;-) Looks a little ugly at 8bpp, and without Lance working I can't use XDMCP or VNC instead.


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