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[Qemu-devel] u-boot on 'qemu-system-mips64 -M mips'

From: KAWAKATSU Noritaka
Subject: [Qemu-devel] u-boot on 'qemu-system-mips64 -M mips'
Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2010 08:26:47 +0900
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; ja; rv: Gecko/20100512 Thunderbird/3.0.5 ThunderBrowse/


I have built u-boot binary for 'qemu-system-mips -M mips'.
It is fine to run ths u-boot binary.
But the same u-boot binary does not run on 'qemu-system-mips64 -M mips'.

I do not understand what happends on the qemu-mips64 execution.
Is this a bug for qemu-system-mips64 ?
Or should I build u-boot binary by another configuration?

* u-boot building steps
(1) build the gcc 4.5 cross-compiler for mips from the source.
(2) build u-boot(2010.03) by the (1)compiler.
(3) copy the u-boot.bin to /usr/share/qemu/mips_bios.bin
* qemu(mips) execution command
$ qemu-system-mips -L /usr/share/qemu -d in_asm -nographic
* get /tmp/qemu.log
the execution seems fine.

* qemu(mips64) execution command
$ qemu-system-mips64 -L /usr/share/qemu -d in_asm -nographic
* get /tmp/qemu.log
the execution seems not fine. Something is wrong?

----- /tmp/qemu.log (last 10-20 lines) [qemu-system-mips64]
0xffffffffbfc0ee8c:  xori       v0,v0,0x3d
0xffffffffbfc0ee90:  li v1,-1
0xffffffffbfc0ee94:  movn       s1,v1,v0
0xffffffffbfc0ee98:  lw ra,52(sp)
0xffffffffbfc0ee9c:  move       v0,s1
0xffffffffbfc0eea0:  lw s3,48(sp)
0xffffffffbfc0eea4:  lw s2,44(sp)
0xffffffffbfc0eea8:  lw s1,40(sp)
0xffffffffbfc0eeac:  lw s0,36(sp)
0xffffffffbfc0eeb0:  jr ra
0xffffffffbfc0eeb4:  addiu      sp,sp,56

helper_raise_exception_err: 20 0
do_interrupt enter: PC ffffffffbfc0ee94 EPC 0000000000000000 reserved 
instruction exception
do_interrupt: PC ffffffffbfc00380 EPC ffffffffbfc0ee94 cause 10
    S 00400002 C 00808428 A 0000000000000000 D 0000000000000000
0xffffffffbfc00380:  b  0xffffffffbfc00584
0xffffffffbfc00384:  li k0,896

0xffffffffbfc00584:  b  0xffffffffbfc00584
0xffffffffbfc00588:  nop

----- /tmp/qemu.log (last 10-20 lines) [qemu-system-mips](coresponding part)
0xbfc0ee8c:  xori       v0,v0,0x3d
0xbfc0ee90:  li v1,-1
0xbfc0ee94:  movn       s1,v1,v0
0xbfc0ee98:  lw ra,52(sp)
0xbfc0ee9c:  move       v0,s1
0xbfc0eea0:  lw s3,48(sp)
0xbfc0eea4:  lw s2,44(sp)
0xbfc0eea8:  lw s1,40(sp)
0xbfc0eeac:  lw s0,36(sp)
0xbfc0eeb0:  jr ra
0xbfc0eeb4:  addiu      sp,sp,56


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