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[Qemu-devel] [PATCH 08/40] xenner: kernel: 64-bit files

From: Alexander Graf
Subject: [Qemu-devel] [PATCH 08/40] xenner: kernel: 64-bit files
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2010 16:01:21 +0100

This patch adds various header files required for the xenner kernel on 64 bit

Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <address@hidden>
 pc-bios/xenner/xenner64.S   |  400 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 pc-bios/xenner/xenner64.h   |  117 +++++++++++++
 pc-bios/xenner/xenner64.lds |   38 ++++
 3 files changed, 555 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 pc-bios/xenner/xenner64.S
 create mode 100644 pc-bios/xenner/xenner64.h
 create mode 100644 pc-bios/xenner/xenner64.lds

diff --git a/pc-bios/xenner/xenner64.S b/pc-bios/xenner/xenner64.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b140214
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pc-bios/xenner/xenner64.S
@@ -0,0 +1,400 @@
+#define        ENTRY(name) \
+       .globl name; \
+       .align 16; \
+       name:
+       .macro PUSH_ERROR
+       sub $8, %rsp            /* space for error code */
+       .endm
+       .macro PUSH_TRAP_RBP trapno
+       sub $8, %rsp            /* space for trap number */
+       push %rbp
+       mov $\trapno, %rbp
+       mov %rbp, 8(%rsp)       /* save trap number on stack */
+       .endm
+       .macro PUSH_REGS
+       push %rdi
+       push %rsi
+       push %r15
+       push %r14
+       push %r13
+       push %r12
+       push %r11
+       push %r10
+       push %r9
+       push %r8
+       push %rdx
+       push %rcx
+       push %rbx
+       push %rax
+       mov  %rsp,%rdi          /* struct regs pointer */
+       .endm
+       .macro POP_REGS
+       pop %rax
+       pop %rbx
+       pop %rcx
+       pop %rdx
+       pop %r8
+       pop %r9
+       pop %r10
+       pop %r11
+       pop %r12
+       pop %r13
+       pop %r14
+       pop %r15
+       pop %rsi
+       pop %rdi
+       pop %rbp
+       .endm
+       .macro RETURN
+       add $16, %rsp           /* remove error code & trap number */
+       iretq                   /* jump back */
+       .endm
+       .macro DO_TRAP trapno func
+       PUSH_TRAP_RBP \trapno
+       PUSH_REGS
+       call \func
+       POP_REGS
+       RETURN
+       .endm
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+       .code64
+       .text
+/* --- 16-bit boot entry point --- */
+       .code16
+       cli
+       /* load the GDT */
+       lgdt    (gdt_desc - boot)
+       /* turn on long mode and paging */
+       mov     $0x1, %eax
+       mov     %eax, %cr0
+       /* enable pagetables */
+       mov     $(boot_pgd - boot), %eax
+       mov     %eax, %cr3
+       /* set PSE,  PAE */
+       mov     $0x30, %eax
+       mov     %eax, %cr4
+       /* long mode */
+       mov     $0xc0000080, %ecx
+       rdmsr
+       or      $0x101, %eax
+       wrmsr
+       /* turn on long mode and paging */
+       mov     $0x80010001, %eax
+       mov     %eax, %cr0
+       ljmp    $0x8, $(boot64 - boot)
+.align 4, 0
+.byte   0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 /* dummy */
+.byte   0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x9b, 0xaf, 0x00 /* code64 */
+.byte   0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x93, 0xaf, 0x00 /* data64 */
+.short  (3 * 8) - 1
+.long   (gdt - boot)
+/* --- 64-bit entry point --- */
+       .code64
+       mov $0x10, %ax
+       mov %ax, %ds
+       mov %ax, %es
+       mov %ax, %fs
+       mov %ax, %gs
+       mov %ax, %ss
+       jmpq    *(boot64_ind - boot)
+       .quad boot64_real
+       /* switch to real pagetables */
+       mov     $(emu_pgd - boot), %rax
+       mov     %rax, %cr3
+       lea boot_stack_high(%rip), %rsp /* setup stack */
+       sub $176, %rsp                  /* sizeof(struct regs_64) */
+       mov  %rsp,%rdi                  /* struct regs pointer */
+       cmp $0, %rbx
+       jne secondary
+       call do_boot
+       POP_REGS
+       RETURN
+       mov  %rdi,%rsi
+       mov  %rbx,%rdi
+       call do_boot_secondary
+       POP_REGS
+       RETURN
+/* --- traps/faults handled by emu --- */
+       PUSH_ERROR
+       DO_TRAP 1 do_int1
+       PUSH_ERROR
+       DO_TRAP 3 do_int3
+       PUSH_ERROR
+       DO_TRAP 6 do_illegal_instruction
+       PUSH_ERROR
+       DO_TRAP 7 do_lazy_fpu
+       DO_TRAP 8 do_double_fault
+       DO_TRAP 13 do_general_protection
+       DO_TRAP 14 do_page_fault
+/* --- traps/faults forwarded to guest --- */
+       PUSH_ERROR
+       PUSH_TRAP_RBP 0
+       jmp guest_forward
+       PUSH_ERROR
+       PUSH_TRAP_RBP 2
+       jmp guest_forward
+       PUSH_ERROR
+       PUSH_TRAP_RBP 4
+       jmp guest_forward
+       PUSH_ERROR
+       PUSH_TRAP_RBP 5
+       jmp guest_forward
+       PUSH_ERROR
+       PUSH_TRAP_RBP 9
+       jmp guest_forward
+       PUSH_TRAP_RBP 10
+       jmp guest_forward
+       PUSH_TRAP_RBP 11
+       jmp guest_forward
+       PUSH_TRAP_RBP 12
+       jmp guest_forward
+       PUSH_ERROR
+       PUSH_TRAP_RBP 16
+       jmp guest_forward
+       PUSH_TRAP_RBP 17
+       jmp guest_forward
+       PUSH_ERROR
+       PUSH_TRAP_RBP 18
+       jmp guest_forward
+       PUSH_ERROR
+       PUSH_TRAP_RBP 19
+       jmp guest_forward
+       PUSH_REGS
+       call do_guest_forward
+       POP_REGS
+       RETURN
+/* --- interrupts 32 ... 255 --- */
+       PUSH_ERROR
+       DO_TRAP -1 do_smp_flush_tlb
+       PUSH_ERROR
+       DO_TRAP -1 do_int_80
+.rept 256
+       .align 16
+       PUSH_ERROR
+       PUSH_TRAP_RBP vector
+       jmp irq_common
+       PUSH_REGS
+       call do_irq
+       POP_REGS
+       RETURN
+/* --- syscall --- */
+       /* we arrive here via per-cpu trampoline
+        * which sets up the stack for us */
+       PUSH_ERROR
+       PUSH_TRAP_RBP -1
+       PUSH_REGS
+       call do_syscall
+       POP_REGS
+       add $16, %rsp                   /* remove error code + trapno */
+       cmp $-1, -8(%rsp)
+       je syscall_vmexit
+       cmp $-2, -8(%rsp)
+       je syscall_iretq
+       /* default sysret path */
+       popq %rcx                       /* rip    */
+       popq %r11                       /* cs     */
+       popq %r11                       /* rflags */
+       popq %rsp                       /* rsp    */
+       sysretq
+       /* bounce hypercall to userspace */
+       popq %rcx                       /* rip    */
+       popq %r11                       /* cs     */
+       popq %r11                       /* rflags */
+       popq %rsp                       /* rsp    */
+       out %al, $0xe0                  /* let userspace handle it */
+       sysretq
+       /* return from syscall via iretq */
+       iretq
+/* helpers */
+       mov %rdx,%rcx
+       cld
+1:     rep movsb
+       xor %rax,%rax
+8:     ret
+       .section .exfix, "ax"
+9:     mov $-1, %rax
+       jmp 8b
+       .previous
+       .section .extab, "a"
+       .align 8
+       .quad 1b,9b
+       .previous
+/* some 16 bit code for smp boot */
+       .code16
+       .align 4096
+       mov $0x00060000, %eax  /* EMUDEV_CMD_INIT_SECONDARY_VCPU */
+       outl %eax, $0xe8       /* EMUDEV_REG_COMMAND */
+       hlt
+       .code64
+/* emu boot stack, including syscall trampoline template */
+       .data
+       .globl boot_stack_low, boot_stack_high
+       .globl cpu_ptr
+       .globl trampoline_start, trampoline_patch, trampoline_stop
+       .align 4096
+       .quad 0
+       movq %rsp, boot_stack_high-16(%rip)
+       leaq boot_stack_high-16(%rip), %rsp
+       push %r11                               /* rflags        */
+       mov  $0xdeadbeef, %r11                  /* C code must fix cs & ss */
+       movq %r11, boot_stack_high-8(%rip)      /* ss        */
+       push %r11                               /* cs        */
+       push %rcx                               /* rip      */
+       .byte 0x49, 0xbb                        /* mov data, %r11 ...    */
+       .quad 0                                 /* ... data, for jump to ...  */
+       jmpq *%r11                              /* ... trampoline_syscall     */
+       .align 4096
+/* boot page tables */
+#define pageflags 0x063 /* preset, rw, accessed, dirty */
+#define largepage 0x080 /* pse */
+       .section .pt, "aw"
+       .globl emu_pgd
+       .align 4096
+       .quad emu_pud - 0xffff830000000000 + pageflags
+       .fill 261,8,0
+       .quad emu_pud - 0xffff830000000000 + pageflags
+       .fill 249,8,0
+       .align 4096
+       .fill 262,8,0
+       .quad emu_pud - 0xffff830000000000 + pageflags
+       .fill 249,8,0
+       .align 4096
+       .quad emu_pmd - 0xffff830000000000 + pageflags
+       .fill 511,8,0
+       .align 4096
+i = 0
+       .rept 512
+       .quad pageflags + largepage | (i << 21)
+       i = i + 1
+       .endr
+       .align 4096
diff --git a/pc-bios/xenner/xenner64.h b/pc-bios/xenner/xenner64.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92d956e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pc-bios/xenner/xenner64.h
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+#include <xen/foreign/x86_64.h>
+struct regs_64 {
+    /* pushed onto stack before calling into C code */
+    uint64_t rax;
+    uint64_t rbx;
+    uint64_t rcx;
+    uint64_t rdx;
+    uint64_t r8;
+    uint64_t r9;
+    uint64_t r10;
+    uint64_t r11;
+    uint64_t r12;
+    uint64_t r13;
+    uint64_t r14;
+    uint64_t r15;
+    uint64_t rsi;
+    uint64_t rdi;
+    uint64_t rbp;
+    uint64_t trapno;
+    /* trap / fault / int created */
+    uint64_t error;
+    uint64_t rip;
+    uint64_t cs;
+    uint64_t rflags;
+    uint64_t rsp;
+    uint64_t ss;
+/* 64bit defines */
+#define EMUNAME   "xenner64"
+#define regs      regs_64
+#define fix_sel   fix_sel64
+#define fix_desc  fix_desc64
+#define ureg_t    uint64_t
+#define sreg_t    int64_t
+#define PRIxREG   PRIx64
+#define tss(_v)   ((0xe000 >> 3) +  8 + (((_v)->id) << 2))
+#define ldt(_v)   ((0xe000 >> 3) + 10 + (((_v)->id) << 2))
+/* xenner-data.c */
+extern struct idt_64 page_aligned xen_idt[256];
+/* xenner-main.c */
+asmlinkage void do_int_80(struct regs_64 *regs);
+/* xenner-hcall.c */
+void switch_mode(struct xen_cpu *cpu);
+int is_kernel(struct xen_cpu *cpu);
+asmlinkage void do_syscall(struct regs_64 *regs);
+/* xenner-mm.c */
+void pgtable_walk(int level, uint64_t va, uint64_t root_mfn);
+int pgtable_fixup_flag(struct xen_cpu *cpu, uint64_t va, uint32_t flag);
+int pgtable_is_present(uint64_t va, uint64_t root_mfn);
+void *map_page(uint64_t maddr);
+void *fixmap_page(struct xen_cpu *cpu, uint64_t maddr);
+static inline void free_page(void *ptr) {}
+uint64_t *find_pte_64(uint64_t va);
+/* macros */
+#define context_is_emu(_r)       (((_r)->cs & 0x03) == 0x00)
+#define context_is_kernel(_v,_r) (((_r)->cs & 0x03) == 0x03 && is_kernel(_v))
+#define context_is_user(_v,_r)   (((_r)->cs & 0x03) == 0x03 && !is_kernel(_v))
+#define addr_is_emu(va)     (((va) >= XEN_M2P_64) && ((va) < XEN_DOM_64))
+#define addr_is_kernel(va)  ((va) >= XEN_DOM_64)
+#define addr_is_user(va)    ((va) < XEN_M2P_64)
+/* inline asm bits */
+static inline int wrmsr_safe(uint32_t msr, uint32_t ax, uint32_t dx)
+    int ret;
+    asm volatile("1:  wrmsr                \n"
+                 "    xorl %0,%0           \n"
+                 "2:  nop                  \n"
+                 ".section .exfix, \"ax\"  \n"
+                 "3:  mov $-1,%0           \n"
+                 "    jmp 2b               \n"
+                 ".previous                \n"
+                 ".section .extab, \"a\"   \n"
+                 "    .align 8             \n"
+                 "    .quad 1b,3b          \n"
+                 ".previous                \n"
+                 : "=r" (ret)
+                 : "c" (msr), "a" (ax), "d" (dx));
+    return ret;
+static inline int memcpy_pf(void *dest, const void *src, size_t bytes)
+    int ret;
+    asm volatile("    cld                  \n"
+                 "91: rep movsb            \n"
+                 "    xor %[ret],%[ret]    \n"
+                 "98:                      \n"
+                 ".section .exfix, \"ax\"  \n"
+                 "99: mov $-1, %[ret]      \n"
+                 "    jmp 98b              \n"
+                 ".previous                \n"
+                 ".section .extab, \"a\"   \n"
+                 "    .align 8             \n"
+                 "    .quad 91b,99b        \n"
+                 ".previous                \n"
+                 : [ ret ] "=a" (ret),
+                   [ rsi ] "+S" (src),
+                   [ rdi ] "+D" (dest),
+                   [ rcx ] "+c" (bytes)
+                 :
+                 : "memory" );
+    return ret;
diff --git a/pc-bios/xenner/xenner64.lds b/pc-bios/xenner/xenner64.lds
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b580a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pc-bios/xenner/xenner64.lds
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+    . = 0xffff830000000000;
+    _vstart = .;
+    phys_startup_64 = 0x0;
+    /* code */
+    .text : AT(ADDR(.text) - 0xffff830000000000) { *(.text) }
+    . = ALIGN(4k);
+    .exfix  : { *(.exfix)  }
+    /* data, ro */
+    . = ALIGN(4k);
+    .note.gnu.build-id : { *(.note.gnu.build-id) }
+    . = ALIGN(4k);
+    _estart = .;
+    .extab  : { *(.extab)  }
+    _estop  = .;
+    . = ALIGN(4k);
+    .rodata : { *(.rodata) }
+    /* data, rw */
+    . = ALIGN(4k);
+    .pt     : { *(.pt) }
+    . = ALIGN(4k);
+    .pgdata : { *(.pgdata) }
+    . = ALIGN(4k);
+    .data   : { *(.data)   }
+    /* bss */
+    . = ALIGN(4k);
+    .bss    : { *(.bss)    }
+    . = ALIGN(4k);
+    _vstop  = .;

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