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[Qemu-devel] [PATCH] Initial support for loading bootrom for OMAP3 from

From: Антон Кочков
Subject: [Qemu-devel] [PATCH] Initial support for loading bootrom for OMAP3 from file (with "-bios" option)
Date: Mon, 6 Jun 2011 16:13:36 +0400

Initial support for loading bootrom for OMAP3 from file (with "-bios" option)

Signed-off-by: Anton Kochkov <address@hidden>

This patch adds support of loading bootrom for OMAP3 platform from
file, for booting.
Here is example, how-to use qemu with it:

qemu-system-arm -M n900 -m 256 -L . -bios bootrom.bin -mtdblock
bootloader.raw -d in_asm,cpu,exec -nographic

Right now it only placed in GPMC memory region. But need to be
implemented with independend OCM (On-Chip Memory) controller.
Because, when bootrom call GPMC init function (there is place, where
it filling by zeroes, so rewrite bootrom, in memory). This need to be
fixed. Right now it can be easy skipped with gdb.

Here is use case https://www.droid-developers.org/wiki/QEMU

Best regards,
Anton Kochkov.

Attachment: 0001-Initial-support-for-loading-bootrom-for-OMAP3-from-f.patch
Description: Binary data

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