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Re: [Qemu-devel] unix domain socket communication with guests

From: Amit Shah
Subject: Re: [Qemu-devel] unix domain socket communication with guests
Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2011 14:17:20 +0530
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)

On (Mon) 20 Jun 2011 [18:24:38], Joel Uckelman wrote:
> I'm trying to set up a unix domain socket with a guest on one end and
> the host on the other, where the server is running on and bound to the
> socket on the guest. I've been able to get the reverse, where the
> server is running on the host, this way:
> qemu-kvm -kernel kernel -initrd initrd -hda root -device virtio-serial
> -serial stdio -chardev
> socket,path=/home/uckelman/projects/lightbox/supermin/foo,id=channel0,name=org.libguestfs.channel.0

With this, you have a virtio-serial connection between the host and
the guest.  The unix socket exists between a client program and the
qemu invocation on the host, with the qemu end being wired to the host
end of the virtio-serial connection.

You cannot have a unix socket between a host and a guest, they run
different kernels.


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