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[Qemu-devel] Accessing input information

From: Muhammed Aydin
Subject: [Qemu-devel] Accessing input information
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2012 20:30:19 +0100

Dear QEMU list,

I actually emailed this to the KVM list, forgetting that my question
mostly concerns QEMU (1.1-rc4). I was wondering where I might be able
to access the inputs to KVM-QEMU
within the code. For example, we can change the amount of memory with
the -m flag, and we can specify a different image as an input, such as:

sudo /usr/local/kvm/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 ubuntu.img -m 1024 (just 2
inputs, but I would like to access all of those used in any VM).

I have been able to identify and implement within in the code the
places where I need KVM-QEMU to stop and perform some other actions for me
if I need it to, but I would also like to send this information (the
inputs I mentioned)  to another process to complete my changes.
However I have been unable to locate where this information is within
the code which might be easily accessed. I thought it would be easy
but having spent quite some time on this, I haven't been able to find
what I am looking for. I am hoping the list might be an easier option
in this case.

All the best,


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