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[Qemu-devel] [ANNOUNCE] QEMU 2.6.0-rc3 is now available

From: Michael Roth
Subject: [Qemu-devel] [ANNOUNCE] QEMU 2.6.0-rc3 is now available
Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2016 15:33:42 -0500
User-agent: alot/0.3.6


On behalf of the QEMU Team, I'd like to announce the availability of the
fourth release candidate for the QEMU 2.6 release.  This release is meant
for testing purposes and should not be used in a production environment.


A note from the maintainer regarding this RC:

  We still have two known bugs in this rc, so there will be an
  rc4 next week; if testers can focus on looking for any
  remaining showstopper bugs we should be able to do an rc4
  next week with a very few patches in it and then a full
  release shortly after that.

You can help improve the quality of the QEMU 2.6 release by testing this
release and reporting bugs on Launchpad:


The release plan, as well a documented known issues for release
candidates, are available at:


Please add entries to the ChangeLog for the 2.6 release below:


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