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Re: [Qemu-devel] qemu_chr_open_pipe

From: Tim Sander
Subject: Re: [Qemu-devel] qemu_chr_open_pipe
Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2016 10:57:07 +0200
User-agent: KMail/4.14.3 (Linux/4.5.0; KDE/4.14.13; x86_64; ; )


> I would like to try to connect some serial hardware simulation to a standard
> serial port within qemu. Everything should run within qemu.
I found the answer and just to make the people happy using search engines
here is the answer:

There are backends which already implement serial hardware. They can be found 
under backends/. Especially msmouse.c and baum.c realize serial hardware which
give a nice example how to connect to a qemu system. 

qapi-schema.json needs to be adaped similar to msmouse. And i guess the 
function qemu_chr_parse_compat in qemu-char.c needs also a new strcmp matching 
the new device name. qemu-options.hx also seems to need some changes.

Currently unclear is to me is how the argument parsing callback works and how 
serial_hds should be replaced by properties? Any pointers are welcome.

Best regards

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