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Re: [Qemu-devel] [PATCH] memory: make ram device read/write endian sensi

From: Paolo Bonzini
Subject: Re: [Qemu-devel] [PATCH] memory: make ram device read/write endian sensitive
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2017 12:43:37 +0100
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On 23/02/2017 12:34, Peter Maydell wrote:
> On 23 February 2017 at 10:33, Paolo Bonzini <address@hidden> wrote:
>> On 23/02/2017 11:23, Peter Maydell wrote:
>>> On 23 February 2017 at 10:10, Paolo Bonzini <address@hidden> wrote:
>>>> On 23/02/2017 11:02, Peter Maydell wrote:
>>>>> I'm really not convinced we need DEVICE_HOST_ENDIAN. RAM
>>>>> areas should be target-endian (you can probably define
>>>>> "target endianness" as "the endianness that RAM areas have".)
>>>> This is not RAM.  This is MMIO, backed by a MMIO area in the host.
>>> Hmm, I see...the naming is a bit unfortunate if it's not RAM.
>> Yeah, it's called like that because it is backed by a RAMBlock but it
>> returns false for memory_access_is_direct.
> We should probably update the doc comment to note that the
> pointer is to host-endianness memory (and that this is not
> like normal RAM which is target-endian)...

I wouldn't call it host-endianness memory, and I disagree that normal
RAM is target-endian---in both cases it's just a bunch of bytes.

However, the access done by the MemoryRegionOps callbacks needs to match
the endianness declared by the MemoryRegionOps themselves.


>>>> The
>>>> MemoryRegionOps read from the MMIO area (so the data has host
>>>> endianness) and do not do any further swap:
>>>>         data = *(uint16_t *)(mr->ram_block->host + addr);
>>>> Here, the dereference is basically the same as ldl_he_p.
>>>> If you wanted to make the MemoryRegion use DEVICE_NATIVE_ENDIAN, you'd
>>>> need to tswap around the access.  Or you can use ldl_le_p and
>>>> DEVICE_LITTLE_ENDIAN (this is what Yongji's patch open codes), or
>>>> ldl_be_p and DEVICE_BIG_ENDIAN.  They are all the same in the end.
>>> Using stl_p &c in a DEVICE_NATIVE_ENDIAN MR would work too, right?
>>> (This is how all the NATIVE_ENDIAN MRs in exec.c work.)
>> Yes, it should, as long as the memcpy(...) of {ld,st}*_he_p is compiled
>> to a single access, which should be the case.
> ...and whichever of these approaches we take, we should have
> a comment which notes that we are converting from the host
> endianness memory to the endianness specified by the MemoryRegion
> endianness attribute.
> thanks
> -- PMM

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