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[Qemu-devel] errors which can't backing storage for guest RAM with -mem-

From: heavybird
Subject: [Qemu-devel] errors which can't backing storage for guest RAM with -mem-path
Date: Fri, 12 May 2017 16:09:52 +0800

Hi all

I found it can't backup the guest RAM when i run simple ram test code with 

errors which can't backing storage for guest RAM with integratorcp, the 
commander is:

qemu-system-arm -M integratorcp -m 1 -semihosting -nographic -mem-path mem.txt 
-kernel build/emu_ram_test.elf

i wrote the patter "0x55" to all of the rest of RAM in my test, after run my 
test code, it just generate the 1048576 Bytes file, i split these file into 
2kB, most of split file is black, some of them just display \00 after open with 

i don't know whether my commander is incorrect, anyone can confirm it for me? i 
just want to write the guest RAM and read it from host during the guest code is 
running. but my guest just has simple os without file system and network. so i 
want to try with this backend RAM ways.


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