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Re: [Qemu-devel] [RFC] RFC on Backup tool

From: Stefan Hajnoczi
Subject: Re: [Qemu-devel] [RFC] RFC on Backup tool
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2017 15:32:58 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.8.0 (2017-02-23)

On Sun, Jul 16, 2017 at 02:13:21AM +0530, Ishani Chugh wrote:
> +    def write_config(self):
> +        """
> +        Writes configuration to ini file.
> +        """
> +        with open(self.config_file, 'w') as config_file:
> +            self.config.write(config_file)

Please update the config file atomically.  That means the file must be
consistent at all points in time.  Things to consider:

1. open(self.config_file, 'w') truncates the destination file.  If the
   program crashes or is paused before self.config.write() then the
   config file will appear empty (its contents are lost)!

2. Data is written to the file at the end of the 'with' statement
   (because that flushes the buffer and closes the file), but there is
   no guarantee that data is safely stored on disk.  Please use
   https://docs.python.org/3/library/os.html#os.fsync to prevent data
   loss in case of power failure.

The usual pattern is:
1. Create a temporary file next to the file you wish to modify.  "Next
   to" is important because if you create it on another file system
   (like tmpfs) it may not be possible to atomically replace the old
2. Write data
3. file.flush() + os.fsync() to safely store data in the new file
4. os.rename() to atomically replace the old file

For an example, see:

> +
> +    def get_socket_path(self, socket_path, tcp):
> +        """
> +        Return Socket address in form of string or tuple

Please rename this function get_socket_address().  The return value is
an 'address', not a 'path'.

> +        """
> +        if tcp is False:

PEP8 says:

  Don't compare boolean values to True or False using == .

  Yes:   if greeting:
  No:    if greeting == True:
  Worse: if greeting is True:

So this should be:

  if not tcp:

> +            return os.path.abspath(socket_path)
> +        return (socket_path.split(':')[0], int(socket_path.split(':')[1]))

The str.split(delim, maxsplit) argument can be used but feel free to
keep your version if you prefer:

  return tuple(socket_path.split(':', 1))

> +
> +    def __full_backup(self, guest_name):
> +        """
> +        Performs full backup of guest
> +        """
> +        if guest_name not in self.config.sections():
> +            print ("Cannot find specified guest")
> +            return
> +        if self.is_guest_running(guest_name, self.config[guest_name]['qmp'],
> +                                 self.config[guest_name]['tcp']) is False:

This is clearer if self.is_guest_running() looks up the necessary
information in self.config[] itself:

  if not self.is_guest_running(guest_name):

Since is_guest_running() is a method it has access to self.config[] and
there's no need for every caller to fetch 'qmp'/'tcp'.

> +            return
> +        connection = QEMUMonitorProtocol(
> +                                         self.get_socket_path(
> +                                             self.config[guest_name]['qmp'],
> +                                             self.config[guest_name]['tcp']))
> +        connection.connect()
> +        cmd = {"execute": "transaction", "arguments": {"actions": []}}
> +        for key in self.config[guest_name]:
> +            if key.startswith("drive_"):
> +                drive = key[key.index('_')+1:]

len('drive_') is a little clearer than key.index('_')+1.

> +                target = self.config[guest_name][key]
> +                sub_cmd = {"type": "drive-backup", "data": {"device": drive,
> +                                                            "target": target,
> +                                                            "sync": "full"}}
> +                cmd['arguments']['actions'].append(sub_cmd)
> +        print (connection.cmd_obj(cmd))

The non-RFC version of this patch should not print raw qmp.py objects.
That's useful for debugging but not user-friendly.  Either there could
be no output and a 0 exit code (indicating success), or there could be a
message like:

  Starting full backup of drives:
   * drive0
   * drive1
  Backup complete!

> +
> +    def __drive_add(self, drive_id, guest_name, target=None):
> +        """
> +        Adds drive for backup
> +        """
> +        if target is None:
> +            target = os.path.abspath(drive_id) + ".img"

Not sure if this is really useful.  Many image files have a non-.img
file extension like .qcow2.  Guessing the target filename is probably
just confusing because the user experience will be inconsistent
(sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, depending on the file
extension and the current working directory).

> +
> +        if guest_name not in self.config.sections():
> +            print ("Cannot find specified guest")
> +            return
> +
> +        if "drive_"+drive_id in self.config[guest_name]:
> +            print ("Drive already marked for backup")
> +            return
> +
> +        if self.is_guest_running(guest_name, self.config[guest_name]['qmp'],
> +                                 self.config[guest_name]['tcp']) is False:
> +            return

Silently exiting is confusing behavior.  There should be an error
message and the process should terminate with a failure exit code (1).

By the way, it may be best to avoid repetition by writing methods for
these checks:

  def verify_guest_exists(self, guest_name):
      if guest_name not in self.config.sections():
          print('Cannot find specified guest', file=sys.stderr)

  def verify_guest_running(self, guest_name):
      if not self.is_guest_running(guest_name):
          print('Unable to connect to guest (is the guest running?)', 

  def a_command(self, guest_name):

> +
> +        connection = QEMUMonitorProtocol(
> +                                         self.get_socket_path(
> +                                             self.config[guest_name]['qmp'],
> +                                             self.config[guest_name]['tcp']))
> +        connection.connect()
> +        cmd = {'execute': 'query-block'}
> +        returned_json = connection.cmd_obj(cmd)
> +        device_present = False
> +        for device in returned_json['return']:
> +            if device['device'] == drive_id:
> +                device_present = True
> +                break
> +
> +        if device_present is False:
> +            print ("No such drive in guest")
> +            return
> +
> +        drive_id = "drive_" + drive_id
> +        for id in self.config[guest_name]:
> +            if self.config[guest_name][id] == target:
> +                print ("Please choose different target")
> +                return

Please make it clear from the error message that this is a duplicate
target.  "Please choose different target" doesn't explain why there is a
problem and users would be confused.

> +        self.config.set(guest_name, drive_id, target)
> +        self.write_config()
> +        print("Successfully Added Drive")
> +
> +    def is_guest_running(self, guest_name, socket_path, tcp):

It is not necessary to distinguish between UNIX domain socket paths and
TCP <host, port> pairs here or in the config file:

  >>> c.add_section('a')
  >>> c.set('a', 'b', ('hello', 'world'))
  >>> c.get('a', 'b')
  ('hello', 'world')
  >>> c.set('a', 'b', '/hello/world')
  >>> c.get('a', 'b')

If you treat the value as an opaque address type it doesn't matter
whether it's a TCP <host, port> pair or a UNIX domain socket path.  You
can pass the return value of c.get() directly to the QEMUMonitorProtocol

  QEMUMonitorProtocol(self.config.get(guest_name, 'qmp'))

You still need to parse the address in 'qemu-backup guest add' though.

> +        """
> +        Checks whether specified guest is running or not
> +        """
> +        try:
> +            connection = QEMUMonitorProtocol(
> +                                             self.get_socket_path(
> +                                                  socket_path, tcp))
> +            connection.connect()
> +        except socket_error:
> +            if socket_error.errno != errno.ECONNREFUSED:
> +                print ("Connection to guest refused")

What is the purpose of this if statement?

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