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Re: [Qemu-stable] [PATCH 1/5] multiboot: Reject kernels exceeding the ad

From: Jack Schwartz
Subject: Re: [Qemu-stable] [PATCH 1/5] multiboot: Reject kernels exceeding the address space
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2018 09:55:49 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/52.6.0

On 03/15/18 08:54, Kevin Wolf wrote:
Am 15.03.2018 um 06:19 hat Jack Schwartz geschrieben:
Hi Kevin.

My comments are inline...

On 2018-03-14 10:32, Kevin Wolf wrote:
The code path with a manually set mh_load_addr in the Multiboot header
checks that load_end_addr <= load_addr, but the path where load_end_addr
is automatically detected if 0 is given in the header misses the
corresponding check.
1) The code checks that load_end_addr >= load_addr (before letting it

2) load_end_addr is used only when it is read in as non-zero, so no check is
needed if zero.  (It gets debug-printed even when zero, but is used only to
calculate mb_load_size and only when non-zero.)
Oops, good point. I'll change the start of the commit message as follows:

     The code path with a manually set mh_load_end_addr in the Multiboot
     header checks that mh_load_end_addr >= mh_load_addr, but the path where
     mh_load_end_addr is 0 in the header and therefore automatically
     calculated from the file size misses the corresponding check.

Does this look better?

mb_load_size is calculated from the file size, not mh_load_end_addr, so
I think you mean mb_load_size rather than mh_load_end_addr.  Do you intend to say:

  The code path where mh_load_end_addr is non-zero in the Multiboot
  header checks that mh_load_end_addr >= mh_load_addr and so
  mb_load_size ischecked.  However, mb_load_size is not checked when
  calculated from thefile size, when mh_load_end_addr is 0.

Also, if this is what you intend to say, would the following code change be more ofwhat you want:

Remove this:

            mb_load_size = kernel_file_size - mb_kernel_text_offset;
-       if (mb_load_size > UINT32_MAX - mh_load_addr) {
-           error_report("kernel does not fit in address space");
-           exit(1);
-       }
        if (mh_bss_end_addr) {

and instead do this a few lines further down:

           mb_kernel_size = mh_bss_end_addr - mh_load_addr;
        } else {
            mb_kernel_size = mb_load_size;

+       if (mb_kernel_size > UINT32_MAX - mh_load_addr) {
+           error_report("kernel does not fit in address space");
+           exit(1);
+       }

        mb_debug("multiboot: header_addr = %#x", mh_header_addr);
        mb_debug("multiboot: load_addr = %#x", mh_load_addr);

The reason would be to include the bss area in the calculation, when
mh_bss_end_addr is non-zero.


If the kernel binary size is larger than can fit in
the address space after load_addr, we ended up with a kernel_size that
is smaller than load_size, which means that we read the file into a too
small buffer.

Add a check to reject kernel files with such Multiboot headers.
Code itself looks fine.

Modulo above comments:
     Reviewed-by: Jack Schwartz <address@hidden>
Thanks for your review of the series!


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