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[Qexo-general] Multiple instances of gnu.xquery.lang.Xquery error

From: Yana Dimitrova Kadiyska
Subject: [Qexo-general] Multiple instances of gnu.xquery.lang.Xquery error
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2003 16:42:26 -0700

Hi all, 

I am hoping that someone more experienced with Qexo can help me:

I am trying the following code (Java):

String query="declare namespace ev = \"class:MyFOO\" for $s in ...
return ...{ev.EVAL(query1) }"; 
(new gnu.xquery.lang.Xquery()).eval(query);

The idea is that upon evaluation of query, Qexo will call the EVAL
function, which among other things will create another
gnu.xquery.lang.Xquery instance and evaluate query1, which is a string
containing another(independent) query. All works well except EVAL does
not work correctly--there seems to be a major state mix-up of query and

I know this is a weird way to use Xquery, but if you have an idea of why
bad things are happening, please let me know.

Thanks to all, Yana

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