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[Qexo-general] Updated Kawa/Qexo news pages

From: Per Bothner
Subject: [Qexo-general] Updated Kawa/Qexo news pages
Date: Sat, 09 Apr 2005 00:00:18 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2-1.3.2 (X11/20050324)

I replaced the Kawa NEWS file in text format with two html pages:
http://www.gnu.org/software/kawa/news.html (General)
http://www.gnu.org/software/qexo/news.html (Qexo/XQuery-specific)
(Maybe in the future we'll have a JEmacs-specific pages, and
split out the Scheme-specific stuff in a separate page.)

I did a very quick conversion from text to HTML, and I probably
made some mistakes and failed to update something that needed updating.
I concentrated on the most recent changes.  Certainly, there are lot
of places where I didn't put things in <code> like they should be.

I also tweaked the Kawa hope page to apologize for its age, and to
link to the new news page.  (This may take a few minutes to an hour
before gnu.org gets updated.)

Hopefully this will cut down a little bit on the inquires I get "is
Kawa still alive?" - or worse, people who discount Kawa because it
looks abandoned :-(.  The idea is I'll update this file, rather than
the NEWS file in the source tree, so people will see changes more
quickly, without having to get the cvs source code.

If you see any outright errors please let me know.  Formatting fixed are
also welcome.  These are a hand-edited html files, so a simple diff of
the web page will be easiest to apply, but if you don't know html,
feel free to point out mistakes using plain English
        --Per Bothner
address@hidden   http://per.bothner.com/

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