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[QSOS-general] QSOS template and two evaluations for a Configuration Man

From: bruce kissinger
Subject: [QSOS-general] QSOS template and two evaluations for a Configuration Management Database
Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2012 11:34:06 -0500


I recently wanted to use the QSOS methodology for selection of an open-source Configuration Management Database.  I attempted to follow the directions on the web site for creating a new template and new evaluations, but many of the links on the web site did not work, so I was not able to do this properly.

However, in case this might be useful to anyone else, I have attached the evaluations that I made using the QSOS format. 

Bruce Kissinger

Attachment: CMDBuild.qsos
Description: Binary data

Attachment: iTop.qsos
Description: Binary data

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