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[Radiusplugin-users] Freeradius Reply-Message

From: Dequan Randolph
Subject: [Radiusplugin-users] Freeradius Reply-Message
Date: Wed, 03 Feb 2010 19:35:46 +0000
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20090812)

Im not sure if this relates directly to this plugin, but is it possible for the plugin to forward a radgroupreply "Reply-Message" created by Freeradius following a radgroupcheck?

Ideally i'd like to create a more accurate return of information during a failed login process. For example, if the user has been disabled by an administrator, a reply-message could be forwarded to OpenVPN (specifically the log file) indicating a more detailed explanation of why he/she is rejected, i.e. "Your account has been disabled".

As it stands OpenVPN can output to a log, but the only information concerning a failed login attempt is indicated by:

AUTH: Received AUTH_FAILED control message
Would it be possible to return more detailed information via a Reply-Message packet?



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