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[RP] [Neil Jerram <address@hidden>] guile-xlib 0.2 available

From: Ryan Yeske
Subject: [RP] [Neil Jerram <address@hidden>] guile-xlib 0.2 available
Date: 17 Feb 2001 15:41:09 -0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.0.97

This is off topic, but may be of interest to some on this list.


--- Begin Message --- Subject: guile-xlib 0.2 available Date: 17 Feb 2001 22:55:14 +0000
Hi there!

I got around to packaging guile-xlib properly, i.e. with configure,
make, make install etc.

Tarball is at

The README file, which describes what guile-xlib does, is attached

Best regards,


This is release 0.2 of guile-xlib.              -*- text -*-

It should be treated as of ALPHA quality - i.e. very carefully!

guile-xlib is a compiled Guile module that provides Scheme level
access to Xlib, the C library that implements the client side of the
X11 protocol.

Please send bug reports to address@hidden

Getting Started ======================================================

1. Make sure that you have a recent (January 2001 or later) CVS
   version of Guile installed on your system.  (You can type

     guile -c '(write-line (version))'

   in your terminal window to check which version of Guile you have:
   the output should be `1.4.1'.)  If not, see under "Obtaining
   guile-xlib and Guile" how to get it.

2. Make sure that you stand in the `guile-xlib' directory and type


   This will configure guile-xlib for your system.

3. Type

     make install

   to build and install guile-xlib.

   If everything went well we're ready to enter the interpreter...

4. Type


   You should now be at the Guile prompt ("guile> ").

5. Type

     (use-modules (xlib core) (xlib xlib))

   to load guile-xlib.  (If your system supports dynamic loading, you
   should be able to do this not only from `guile-xlib' but from an
   arbitrary Guile interpreter.)

6. We're now ready to try some basic guile-xlib functionality.

   Bring up an X window:
     (define d (x-open-display!))
     (define w (x-create-window! d))
     (x-map-window! w)
     (x-flush! d)
   Draw a line and a rectangle in it:
     (define gc (x-default-gc d))
     (x-draw-line! w gc 100 100 200 200)
     (x-flush! d)
     (x-draw-rectangle! w gc 200 200 50 50)
     (x-flush! d)
   Create a second window and experiment with guile-xlib's event
     (test-event-loop d)

   There isn't any documentation yet, but further details on how this
   works, and the functionality available, may be gleaned from the
   Scheme file installed at <prefix>/share/guile/xlib/xlib.scm.

What Is Included =====================================================

Display and screen management:
    x-open-display!, x-close-display!, x-no-op!, x-flush!,
    x-connection-number, x-screen-count, x-default-screen,
    x-server-vendor, x-protocol-version, x-protocol-revision,
    x-vendor-release, x-display-string, x-bitmap-unit,
    x-bitmap-bit-order, x-bitmap-pad, x-image-byte-order,
    x-next-request, x-last-known-request-processed, x-display-of,
    x-all-planes, x-root-window, x-black-pixel, x-white-pixel,
    x-display-width, x-display-height, x-display-width-mm,
    x-display-height-mm, x-display-planes, x-display-cells,
    x-screen-of-display, x-screen-number-of-screen, x-min-colormaps,
    x-max-colormaps, x-default-depth, x-width-of-screen,
    x-height-of-screen, x-width-mm-of-screen, x-height-mm-of-screen,
    x-planes-of-screen, x-cells-of-screen, x-min-cmaps-of-screen,

    None, LSBFirst, MSBFirst
Window management:
    x-create-window!, x-map-window!, x-unmap-window!,
    x-default-gc, x-free-gc!, x-create-gc!, x-change-gc!,
    x-set-dashes!, x-set-clip-rectangles!, x-copy-gc!,
    x-set-function!, x-set-plane-mask!, x-set-foreground!,
    x-set-background!, x-set-line-width!, x-set-line-style!,
    x-set-cap-style!, x-set-join-style!, x-set-fill-style!,
    x-set-fill-rule!, x-set-tile!, x-set-stipple!, x-set-ts-x-origin!,
    x-set-ts-y-origin!, x-set-font!, x-set-subwindow-mode!,
    x-set-graphics-exposures!, x-set-clip-x-origin!,
    x-set-clip-y-origin!, x-set-clip-mask!, x-set-dash-offset!,
    x-set-dash-list!, x-set-arc-mode!, x-set-clip-origin!,
    x-set-line-attributes!, x-set-ts-origin!, x-set-state!

    GCFunction, GCPlaneMask, GCForeground, GCBackground, GCLineWidth,
    GCLineStyle, GCCapStyle, GCJoinStyle, GCFillStyle, GCFillRule,
    GCTile, GCStipple, GCTileStipXOrigin, GCTileStipYOrigin, GCFont,
    GCSubwindowMode, GCGraphicsExposures, GCClipXOrigin,
    GCClipYOrigin, GCClipMask, GCDashOffset, GCDashList, GCArcMode,
    GXclear, GXand, GXandReverse, GXcopy, GXandInverted, GXnoop,
    GXxor, GXor, GXnor, GXequiv, GXinvert, GXorReverse,
    GXcopyInverted, GXorInverted, GXnand, GXset, LineSolid,
    LineOnOffDash, LineDoubleDash, CapNotLast, CapButt, CapRound,
    CapProjecting, JoinMiter, JoinRound, JoinBevel, FillSolid,
    FillTiled, FillStippled, FillOpaqueStippled, EvenOddRule,
    WindingRule, ClipByChildren, IncludeInferiors, ArcChord,
    ArcPieSlice, Unsorted, YSorted, YXSorted, YXBanded
    x-draw-arcs!, x-draw-lines!, x-draw-points!, x-draw-segments!,
    x-draw-rectangles!, x-draw-arc!, x-draw-line!, x-draw-point!,
    x-draw-segment!, x-draw-rectangle!
Event handling:
    x-q-length, x-check-mask-event!, x-check-typed-event!,
    x-check-typed-window-event!, x-check-window-event!,
    x-events-queued!, x-pending!, x-mask-event!, x-next-event!,
    x-peek-event!, x-select-input!, x-window-event!, x-event:type,
    x-event:serial, x-event:send-event, x-event:display,
    x-event:window, x-event:root, x-event:subwindow, x-event:time,
    x-event:x, x-event:y, x-event:x-root, x-event:y-root,
    x-event:state, x-event:keycode, x-event:same-screen,
    x-event:detail, x-event:focus, x-event:button, x-event:is-hint,
    x-event:mode, x-event:key-vector, x-event:width, x-event:height,
    x-event:count, x-event:major-code, x-event:minor-code,
    x-event:drawable, x-event:parent, x-event:border-width,
    x-event:override-redirect, x-event:event, x-event:from-configure,
    x-event:above, x-event:value-mask, x-event:place, x-event:atom,
    x-event:selection, x-event:owner, x-event:requestor,
    x-event:target, x-event:property, x-event:colormap, x-event:new,
    x-event:message-type, x-event:data, x-event:format,
    x-event:request, x-event:first-keycode, x-event:resourceid,
    x-event:error-code, x-event:request-code

    QueuedAlready, QueuedAfterReading, QueuedAfterFlush, NoEventMask,
    KeyPressMask, KeyReleaseMask, ButtonPressMask, ButtonReleaseMask,
    EnterWindowMask, LeaveWindowMask, PointerMotionMask,
    PointerMotionHintMask, Button1MotionMask, Button2MotionMask,
    Button3MotionMask, Button4MotionMask, Button5MotionMask,
    ButtonMotionMask, KeymapStateMask, ExposureMask,
    VisibilityChangeMask, StructureNotifyMask, ResizeRedirectMask,
    SubstructureNotifyMask, SubstructureRedirectMask, FocusChangeMask,
    PropertyChangeMask, ColormapChangeMask, OwnerGrabButtonMask,
    KeyPress, KeyRelease, ButtonPress, ButtonRelease, MotionNotify,
    EnterNotify, LeaveNotify, FocusIn, FocusOut, KeymapNotify, Expose,
    GraphicsExpose, NoExpose, VisibilityNotify, CreateNotify,
    DestroyNotify, UnmapNotify, MapNotify, MapRequest, ReparentNotify,
    ConfigureNotify, ConfigureRequest, GravityNotify, ResizeRequest,
    CirculateNotify, CirculateRequest, PropertyNotify, SelectionClear,
    SelectionRequest, SelectionNotify, ColormapNotify, ClientMessage,
    MappingNotify, LASTEvent

Event handling utilities and example handlers:

    x-event-loop!, x-event-loop-quit!, x-print-event!, x-button-quit!,

What Is Not Included =================================================

- Colour and colormap management.

- Text drawing and font handling.

- Keymap and keysym management.

- Image functions.

- Resource management.

- Cursors.

- Pixmaps.

- Visual management.

- And lots of other little things.

I hope to add most of these in the future, probably as driven by my
own and other users' requirements.  Contributions are, of course, very

About This Distribution ==============================================

Building and installing this distribution gives you:

- a compiled library, libguilexlib.so, which is installed in
  <prefix>/lib and linked symbolically from

- a Scheme file, xlib.scm, which is installed at

- an executable, guile-xlib, which has libguilexlib.so already linked
  in (which is useful for systems that do not support dynamic
  linking), and is installed at <prefix>/bin/guile-xlib.

Other interesting files include:

- INSTALL, which contains (generic) instructions on building and
  installing guile-xlib.

- NEWS, which describes user-visible changes since the last release of

- COPYING, which describes the terms under which you may redistribute
  guile-xlib, and explains that there is no warranty.

Obtaining guile-xlib and Guile 

The latest guile-xlib release is always available from my Guile page
at http://www.ossau.uklinux.net/guile.  This release is at

If you don't already have a recent (January 2001 or later) CVS Guile
installed on your system, you also need to download and install this
by following the instructions at http://www.gnu.org/software/guile.

The mailing list address@hidden' carries discussions, questions,
and often answers, about Guile.  To subscribe, send mail to

Guile-sources mailing list

--- End Message ---

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