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Re: [RP] new release of ratmenu

From: Björn Lindström
Subject: Re: [RP] new release of ratmenu
Date: Sun Jun 2 14:35:02 2002
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.28i

Jonathan Walther <address@hidden> [020602 23:21]:
> I've just uploaded version 1.9 of ratmenu.  It now has a -back option
> that lets you go "back" to a previous menu.  What the back option really
> does is bind the following command to the h key and left arrow key.
> With this feature in place, I think ratmenu is pretty much complete.
> Unless anyone has any other non-wanky ideas, or bug reports, I'll
> consider developement on this program "finished".

Can you possibly tell us the URI to the tarball?

Björn Lindström <address@hidden>  hem.fyristorg.com/bkhl/
Ramsta Svista                           Phone: +46 (0)18  398248
SE-755 91  Uppsala         -><-        Mobile: +46 (0)73 6171268

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