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[RP] window list patches

From: Emilio Lopes
Subject: [RP] window list patches
Date: Tue Aug 6 00:53:03 2002
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.1


Here are my window list patches to ratpoison version 1.1.1. I've been
using them for some time and they work just fine.

The first one was already posted here for version 1.1.0. It makes
possible to have the window titles truncated to a certain number of
characters specified by an argument to the escape sequence %t.

Apply this patch, recompile and reinstall. Now use the command

        defwinfmt %n%s%-20t

to truncate the window titles to the last 20 chars, e.g.

Indeed you can now pass an argument to any of the escape sequences (it
was simpler to do so), but currently only %t uses it. It would be
straightforward to also have things like %a or %c truncated, but it
doesn't seem really necessary.

The second patch takes care that the entry for the current window in
the window list is always visible, like `screen' does. The default is
to try to center the entry for the current window as much as possible.
If you comment out the definition of WINDOW_LIST_CENTER_CURRENT in
src/conf.h then the bar with the window list gets displaced just
enough to make the entry for the current window visible (on the edge).
Note that this code just applies to the case that the window list is
wider than the X display, so it is `bargravity-independent'.

Please let me know if you have some kind of problem using this code.



Attachment: trunc.patch
Description: trunc patch

Attachment: wincenter.patch
Description: wincenter patch

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