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[RP] Re: is it a debug of Ratpoison

From: Shawn Betts
Subject: [RP] Re: is it a debug of Ratpoison
Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2009 19:02:06 +0300

On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 11:45 AM, asd fgh
<address@hidden> wrote:
> maybe i like jump or exec.
> so i use python to do that .
> but when i use tmpwm ,and exit tmpwm,the jump or exec don't work.
>  is it a debug of Ratpoison?

Hello asd fgh,

I'm afraid your english is very poor and I'm having trouble
understanding you. It sounds like you are having trouble running
stumpwm commands after you return from a call to tmpwm. Note that jump
is not a ratpoison command.

What version of ratpoison are you running? Can you reproduce this
problem in the latest version? How about from the git repository?

You've attached your rc file. Do you have the problem when you run
ratpoison without an rc file? If you think it's something in your rc
file, please don't send me the whole thing hoping that I will dig
through it! Instead, comment out sections of it until you've isolated
the parts that are required to reproduce the problem. You've also
attached a python program called ratexec. If you think it is causing
the problem please don't send me the whole program hoping that I will
debug it for you! Instead, come up with a minimal program that
reproduces the problem.

I hope that helps.


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