9d8 < # Modified by thims (root DOT packet AT gmail DOT com) 44c43 < my $fd = sfdump(); --- > my $fd = fdump(); 48c47 < sub sfdump --- > sub fdump 50c49 < return rp_call( "sfdump" ); --- > return rp_call( "fdump" ); 58c57 < my $fd = sfdump(); --- > my $fd = fdump(); 64c63 < for( my $i = 1; $i <= $num; $i++ ) --- > for( my $i = 1; $i < $num; $i++ ) 68d66 < 69a68 > # Workspace 1 uses the 'default' group. 71,75c70,72 < $fd = sfdump(); < # added to fix bug issue, rpws generated but didnt use "wspl1" properly < rp_call( "gselect wspl1" ); < rp_call( "gdelete default" ); < rp_call( "setenv fspl1 $fd" ); --- > $fd = fdump(); > rp_call( "gselect default" ); > rp_call( "setenv fspl1 $fd" ); 79c76 < rp_call( "sfrestore $fd" ); --- > rp_call( "frestore $fd" ); 90c87 < my $fd = sfdump(); --- > my $fd = fdump(); 96c93 < my $which = shift;; --- > my $which = shift; 100c97,105 < rp_call( "gselect wspl$which"); --- > if( $which == 1 ) > { > rp_call( "gselect default" ); > } > else > { > rp_call( "gselect wspl$which"); > } > 103c108 < rp_call( "sfrestore $last" ); --- > rp_call( "frestore $last" ); 158c163 < to sfdump, freestore. It was adapted from rpws which comes with --- > to fdump, freestore. It was adapted from rpws which comes with